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Main Features - WA Production Sphere Delay Manual

Sphere delay a multimode delay effect plugin


Main Features

4 Delay Modes – Mono, Stereo, Ping-Pong
and Ping-Pong Separate. In each mode, delay
time can be synced to BPM.
Delay Time Modulation – In each delay
mode the delay time can be modulated with
the LFO and the envelope follower to create a
variety of special effects.
Reverse – In each delay mode the input can
be reverse. The feedback signal however is
not reversed back in order to keep its reverse
Stereo Filter – A 24db/OCT variable
stereo linked filter with saturation, LFO
and envelope follower modulation.
LFO – With variable wave shape and BPM
Envelope Follower – Following the transient
of the input signal.
Presets – Sphere Delay comes with 30 high
quality factory presets from classic Ping-
Pong tape delay to psychedelic spacey effects.
Basic Block Diagram

