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Troubleshooting - Ramsey Electronics Laser Beam Communicator Manual


Header positions: Jumper block: pins 1 and 2
LBC6K Troubleshooting Guide:
PROBLEM: I don't hear anything!
SOLUTION: Of course many different things can cause this. First check the
obvious things like parts placement and assembly. Then check to make sure
the laser of the transmitter is shining directly on the IR Transistor element
inside. It may take a little work to get it aligned. Then, of course, check the
volume and that the power is on and a speaker or headphone is plugged in.
First off grab a multi-meter so you can check the power on the circuit. With
the power on, you should have between 7-10VDC across C11. You should
also have 5V across C12. If you do not see 5V, shut off power and check for
solder bridges. Something may be shorting out the power supply!
If you do have 5V, check pin 4 of U1 to make sure you have 5V at the opamp.
If not, you have an open someplace. Also check pin 6 of U2 for 7-10VDC, if
not there is no power to the audio amplifier, there's no sound.
If everything has checked out so far, the problem may be with the transmitter,
but make sure and give the receiver a solid look first!
Oh, remember that the IR Transistor looks a lot like an LED; make sure you
haven't grabbed an LED and put it in there by accident! Go back to the
assembly steps for more information on that.
PROBLEM: I hear sounds, but they are very distorted.
SOLUTION: First make sure the laser is aligned better, then check your
battery, it may be running low.
PROBLEM: Audio is muffled, or I hear a high-pitched whine in the audio.
SOLUTION: Some components in the filter have probably been installed in the
wrong location. Please check your assembly!
Audio source: Line level input
on J1
Test tone
LBC6K • 20
Jumper block: pins 2 and 3
Audio source: microphone
Normal operation

