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LG isai Beat LGV34 Manual page 2


■ Use■of■this■product■near■medical■equipment■and■inside■a■
■ The■materials■of■parts■used■on■the■product■are■as■follows.
<Main unit>
Outer case (front・top and
Outer case (rear)
Outer case (front・left and
The product's signals may affect the performance of
Infrared sensor
electronic medical equipment.
Speaker grill
Ear piece (receiver)
Volume key
Card tray
Antenna slit
Camera lens decoration
The product's signals may affect the performance of
electronic medical equipment.
Camera lens decoration
Camera lens
Wearers of implanted pacemakers or defibrillators may be
Power key decoration
nearby. The product's signals may affect the performance of
Power key
electronic medical equipment.
<LG TV antenna cable 01>
May affect the performance of electronic medical
Earphone jack (body)
Connecting plug (body)
Connecting plug (metal
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● Do not bring magnetic cards such as cash cards, credit cards,
● Do not place the product directly on sand at a beach, etc.
and prepaid cards near to the product. May result in loss of
Sand or other small particles might get inside the earpiece,
recorded information.
microphone or speaker etc., causing the volume to drop. If sand
gets inside the product's main unit, it might cause malfunction.
● When you put the product in your pocket or bag, take care so
that the display does not come in contact with metal objects
■ Touch■Panel
or other hard objects. May cause scratching or damage. Also,
● Putting stickers or sheets (e.g. commercially available protective
be careful not to scratch or damage the display by using a
films, peep prevention sheets) on the display might cause
strap whose metal or other hard part comes in contact with the
improper reaction of touch panel.
● When carrying the product in your pocket or bag, take care
● When suddenly brought into a warm place from a cold place,
not to put the touch panel close to metals or other conductive
or when in a humid location, or when used where temperature
materials, as it might cause false operation of the touch panel.
suddenly changes such as near the air discharge port of an air
conditioner, water droplets (i.e. condensation) sometimes form
● The touch panel is designed for being touched lightly with
fingers. Do not push it forcibly with a finger or press it with sharp
inside the product. Note that when used under conditions such
as this, the humidity might cause corrosion or a fault.
objects (a nail, ballpoint pen, pin, etc.).
In the following cases, the touch panel may not work even if you
● While writing/reading data to/from a microSD memory card, do
touch it. Note that it may cause malfunction.
not subject the product to vibration or impact or turn off the
• Operation with gloved hands
power. May cause loss of data or a fault.
• Operation with fingernails
● When you put a sticker, etc. on the proximity sensor, the sensor
• Operation with a foreign object placed on the touch panel
will malfunction and indications on the display will turn off at all
• Operation with a protective sheet or sticker on the touch
times while receiving or making a call. In this case, note that you
may not be able to operate the product.
• Operation with water drops left or frozen on the surface
• Operation with wet or sweaty fingers
● Do not cover the illuminance sensor with your finger or put a
• Operation under water
sticker on it. May hinder the sensor from detecting the ambient
light level and functioning correctly.
■ Internal■battery
● Use the product with the card tray, etc. closed. If the covers are
(The internal battery of the product is a lithium-ion
open, dirt or water may get inside causing malfunction.
When you purchase your product, the internal battery
● Do not allow liquids, metal objects, and other foreign matter to
is not fully charged.
get inside the microSD memory card slot or au Nano IC Card 04
slot inside the product. May cause malfunction.
Charge the battery before using the product. Also
charge the battery before using the product if you have
● Do not drop, throw, or trample the product or give a strong force
not used the product for a long time.
or vibration to it. May cause malfunction.
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● Drain water if it becomes temporarily hard to hear the sound due
● After the product gets wet
to water remaining in the microphone or earpiece.
After the product gets wet, drain water, and wipe the main unit
and the card tray with a clean dry cloth without removing the
● Avoid spraying the product with high-pressure water or
card tray.
submerging it in water for extended periods of time, as the
In cold climates, water on the main unit may turn to frost. Using
product is not designed to withstand high water pressure.
the product with frost may cause a fault. Do not leave the
● Do not wash the product in a washing machine or ultrasound
product without wiping off water.
● Rubber seals
● Do not immerse the product into a bathtub. The product is not
Rubber seal in the card tray plays an important part in
designed to withstand the hot temperatures.
waterproof/dustproof property. Do not damage or remove the
● Extreme changes in temperature cause condensation resulting
rubber seals. Take care not to get the rubber seals caught
in a malfunction. Wait until the main unit reaches room
when closing the card tray. Forcibly closing the cover with
temperature before you bring the product from a cold place into
the rubber seals caught may damage them resulting in loss
a warm bathroom etc.
of waterproof/dustproof property. Just a small particle (a hair,
● This product does not float on water.
etc.) on the seals can cause water leak. If any liquid other than
plain water (e.g. alcohol) gets on the rubber seals, it may cause
● Card tray
deterioration in durability.
Make sure that the card tray is securely attached. Just a small
Do not insert the sharp pointed object in the card tray. May
particle (a hair, etc.) on the seals can cause water leak.
damage or deform the product or damage the rubber seals,
Do not attach/remove the card tray with gloved hands. Just a
causing water leak.
small particle (a hair, etc.) on the seals can cause water leaks.
It is recommended to replace the parts for maintaining
Wipe off any minuscule droplets of water or dirt with a clean dry
waterproof/dustproof property once every two years regardless
cloth before closing the covers.
of whether any abnormality is present. For information on part
If the card tray is deteriorated or damaged, the waterproof
replacement, contact an au shop near you.
property becomes ineffective.
● Heat resistance
● If any liquid other than plain water gets on the product
Do not immerse the product into boiling water or splash boiling
If any liquid other than plain water (e.g. seawater, detergent,
water on it. The product is not designed to withstand the hot
alcohol) gets on the product, immediately rinse it with plain
You can wash the product under a mild flow (up to 6 liters per
● Shock
This product is not resistant to shock. Do not drop the product or
minute) of tap water at room temperature (5℃ to 35℃ ) at a
distance of about 10 cm from the faucet or showerhead.
subject it to shock. Also, do not jab the earpiece, microphone or
speaker with any sharp object. May damage or deform the main
If the product gets dirty, instead of using a brush, wash it with
your hands holding the card tray so that they do not open.
unit causing water leak.
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<IC card opener for LGV34 (sample)>
Surface treatment
Surface treatment
Main unit
Stainless steel
PC resin
UV coating
■ Laser■Safety■Statement
This product employs a laser system. To ensure proper use of this
product, please read this owner's manual carefully and retain for
PC resin
UV coating
future reference. Should the unit require maintenance, contact the
Customer Service Center or Keitai Guarantee Service Center.
AF coating
Use of controls, adjustments, or the performance of procedures
PC resin
UV coating
other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation
PVD coating
exposure. To prevent direct exposure to laser beam, do not try to
open the enclosure or make direct contact with the laser.
PVD coating
PC resin
UV coating
PC resin
UV coating
Transparent PC
Epoxy resin
Surface treatment
TPE resin
TPE resin
TPE resin
Gold plating
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● Use in very hot or cold environments, for example, when left in a
car with the windows closed in summer, will cause the battery
capacity to drop and shorten the available battery usage time.
This will also shorten the battery pack service life. Try to use the
internal battery as far as possible at room temperature.
● After the internal battery is charged, battery power decreases
bit by bit even if the product is not used. The internal battery
may be discharged if the product is not used for a long time. It is
recommended to charge the product before use.
● The internal battery is a consumable item. If the performance of
the internal battery does not recover (e.g. the usable time after
each charge has become extremely short), the battery is at the
end of service life, so stop use. Because the battery is a built-in
type, an au shop will accept holding over and repair for a charge.
You may not use the product for a certain period. Please be
forewarned. The life time of the internal battery depends on the
usage etc.
● Internal batteries sometimes swell up as they approach the end
of their service life. This is due to the properties of lithium-ion
batteries, and is not a problem in terms of safety.
■ Charging■equipment
● Do not wrap the cord of the specified charging equipment (sold
separately) around the adapter itself. Do not forcibly bend a
plug of the charging equipment or the connection between
the connector and power cord. Do not place heavy objects on
the adapter cord or USB cable, or apply unnecessary force by
strongly pulling them, etc. May cause malfunction.
● When unplugging the plug of the specified charging equipment
(sold separately) from the power outlet or cigarette lighter
socket, hold and pull the power plug. Pulling on the cable might
damage it.
■ au■Nano■IC■Card■04
● Do not forcibly remove or insert the au Nano IC Card 04. Be
careful not to exert excessive force when inserting the card into
your au cell phone.
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■ Draining■water■after■wetting■the■product
After the product gets wet, be sure to drain water from the power
key, volume key, earphone terminal, and external connection
terminal. If you use the product after it gets wet, water remaining
in those parts might wet your clothes or bag, or the sound might
become hard to hear.
Follow the steps below to drain water.
Carefully wipe the moisture off the main unit with
a dry towel, cloth, etc.
Hold the product firmly and shake it about 20
times in the direction of the arrow shown in the
figure until water drops no longer fly off.
When shaking the product, confirm the safety around you
and hold it firmly so as not to drop it.
Cover the power key and volume key with a towel,
cloth, etc. and press each key two to three times.
Wipe the moisture coming out from inside with a
dry towel, cloth, etc.
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● Occasionally clean the external connection terminal and
Handling Precautions
earphone terminal with a dry cotton bud. Dirty terminals may
result in a poor connection. Also do not forcefully clean the
terminals as this may deform them.
● Clean the product with a soft dry cloth (such as the type used
for eyeglasses). Forceful rubbing with a dry cloth may scratch
the display. The display may be stained if splash or smear is
■ Precautions■common■to■the■main■unit,■internal■battery,■
left attached to the surface. Wiping the product using alcohol,
thinner, benzene, detergent, glass cleaner, etc. might erase the
printing on the outer casing or cause malfunction.
● Do not apply excessive force to the product during use. Be
● Use as far away as possible from land-line phones, TVs, and
sure not to put the product into a tightly packed bag or place a
radios. Use nearby might affect them.
heavy object on the product in a bag. Sitting on the product in
● The product may become warm while charging etc., depending
your pocket might damage the display or internal circuit board
on the situations, but this is not abnormal.
resulting in a malfunction.
Keeping an external device connected to the external connector
● Do not place near corrosive chemicals or in places where
or earphone jack might damage the connector resulting in a
corrosive gas is generated. May cause malfunction.
malfunction. Such damage and malfunction are not covered by
● Do not use outside when you can hear thunder. May risk
the warranty, even if there is no external damage.
lightning strikes and electric shock.
● To ensure waterproof property (equivalent to IPX5 and IPX7) of
● Be sure to use only the specified peripheral devices. Use of
this product, use the product with the card tray tightly closed.
other devices might cause malfunction.
Note that the waterproof property is not guaranteed in every
usage condition. Do not allow water to get inside the product or
● Do not put the product into a heating cooking device such
splash water on the charging equipment or optional accessories.
as a microwave oven or high-pressure container. May cause
Do not attach/remove the card tray in the rain or with water
drops on the surface of the product. May cause water intrusion
● The customer is not allowed to disassemble, modify or repair the
resulting in internal corrosion.
product. May cause malfunction. Modification of the product is in
Malfunctions determined to be caused by water intrusion are not
violation of the Radio Law and Telecommunication Business Act.
covered by the warranty.
● Do not allow conductive foreign objects (metal fragments,
● Do not use the product in extremely hot, cold or humid places.
pencil leads, etc.) to come into contact with or get inside the
(Use within an ambient temperature range of 5℃ to 35℃ and
connection terminal, earphone microphone terminal, etc. to avoid
humidity range of 35% to 85%.)
the connection terminal, earphone microphone terminal, etc.
- Product unit
from short-circuit.
- au Nano IC Card 04 (when attached to the product unit)
● If the product gets wet, immediately disconnect the power plug
● Do not use in places subject to lots of dust or vibration. May
of the specified charger (sold separately).
cause malfunction.
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● You are responsible for any damage caused by inserting your au
■ Backup■content■on■the■product
Nano IC Card 04 into some other IC card reader/writer, etc.
● Please back up important content recorded or downloaded
for the product to an outside source. Content recorded to
● Do not put stickers, etc. on the au Nano IC Card 04.
memory on the product sometimes disappears or is altered by
● Do not insert au Nano IC Card 04 with a conversion adapter.
unexpected factors, such as static electricity or a fault, repair,
May cause malfunction.
mishandling, etc.
● Do not damage the card (use in a hot place, throw into fire,
■ FCC■Compliance■information
contact the metal part with foreign object, give an impact, bend,
● The product is certified by Federal Communications Commission
apply a load, moisten, etc.). May cause data loss or malfunction.
■ Camera
FCC ID of this product is ZNFKTH.
● When photographing important occasions, take a trial shot in
Or you can check as follows.
<<How to check>>
advance and check the shot image to make sure it is correctly
On the Home screen u [Basic] u [Settings] u "General" tab u
[About phone] u [Regulatory & Safety]
● Do not shoot where shooting is prohibited.
■ LG■TV■antenna■cable■01
● LG TV antenna cable 01 is not covered by the warranty.
■ IC■card■opener■for■LGV34■(sample)
● Do not force the IC card opener for LGV34 (sample). May cause
it to break or damage.
■ Copyrights■and■rights■of■portrait
● You are not allowed to copy, distribute, publish, modify or edit
the data you shot, recorded or downloaded using the product
without the consent of the copyright holder, except for personal
use, under the copyright law.
In addition, do not use or modify portraits or names of other
individuals without their consent, as it might infringe on rights of
Note that shooting and recording may be restricted at some live
performances, shows and exhibitions even for personal use.
● Be careful about the copyright and portrait right when posting
photos you shot, etc. on Internet homepages.
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Place it on a dry towel, cloth, etc. and let it dry at
ambient temperature. (Around 30 minutes)
If it is not fully dried, the sound may become hard to hear.
• The Bluetooth
this product conforms to the domestic standards of Japan, FCC
Let it fully dry before use.
standards, and EC directives, and has been certified.
■ Precautions■on■charging
• The 2.4 GHz band used by wireless LAN (Wi-Fi
The supplied and optional accessories are not waterproof/
devices is shared by various other devices. For this reason, the
dustproof. Be sure to check the following points before and after
communication speed and connectable range may be decreased,
or disconnection may occur, due to interference from other devices.
• Never charge the battery if the main unit is wet. May cause fire,
• Do not use this product in places where electromagnetic waves
burns, injuries, or electric shock.
are generated or near electric products, AV and OA equipment,
• Check that the main unit is not wet. If you are charging the battery
or other magnetized devices.
just after the product gets wet, drain water well and wipe remaining
• Subjecting this product to magnetic or electrical noise might
water off with a clean dry cloth before charging.
increase noise and prevent it from performing communications.
• Do not touch the specified charging equipment (sold separately)
(This product is particularly susceptible to noise when it used
with wet hands. May cause electric shock.
near a microwave oven.)
• Do not splash water over the specified charging equipment (sold
• Using this product near a TV, radio or similar appliance might
separately) when using them. Do not use them near water such,
cause reception interference and disrupt TV images.
as in a bathroom, shower room, kitchen or washroom. Failure
• The searching might not be successful if there are multiple
to do so might cause fire, burns, electric shock, or malfunction.
wireless LAN (Wi-Fi
Do not bring them into a bathroom, etc. even when you are not
same channel is being used.
charging with them. Failure to do so might cause fire, burns,
• Use of cell phones on board is restricted. Follow the instructions
electric shock, or malfunction.
of each airline.
• The communication speed and connectable range vary depending
on the distance between communication devices, obstacles and
the devices to connect.
- 38 -
● Do not use while driving a car or riding a motorbike or bicycle
or while walking. Use while driving a car or riding a motorbike is
prohibited by law. Use of a cell phone while riding a bicycle may
be punishable by some regulations.
● Using or charging the product inside a bag or covered with
bedding, etc. may cause malfunction.
● When using a charging equipment or external device, insert/
remove the connector straight to/from the terminal. Make sure
the orientation of the connector. Unless it's correct, it may
cause malfunction.
● Do not expose the camera lens to direct sunlight for an
extended period. May cause malfunction.
● Do not store or leave the product in places subject to direct
sunlight (e.g. in automobiles), places that get hot, places that
get extremely cold, or in humid or dusty places. May cause
● Do not leave the equipment on unstable or sloping surfaces.
Be careful especially while charging or the vibrator is set. The
product might fall causing malfunction.
● When charging the product, do not exceed the ratings for
outlets or wiring equipment.
■ Main■unit
● The product's battery is built in, and cannot be replaced by
the customer. For battery replacement, contact an au shop or
Customer Service Center.
● The product has an internal battery, which cannot be removed.
Never open the rear cover. May cause water intrusion.
● Do not forcefully press, tap, or intentionally subject the display
to strong impact. May cause scratching or damage.
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Notes on waterproof and dustproof
*1 IPX5 equivalent means that the product will maintain its operability
as a phone even if it is sprayed with water from a 6.3 mm diameter
nozzle at a distance of about 3 meters for more than 3 minutes at
a rate of about 12.5 liters per minute from any direction.
*2 IPX7 equivalent means that the product will maintain its operability
as a phone with no water getting inside the main unit even if it is
gently submerged in a tank of still tap water at room temperature
to a depth of 1 meter for about 30 minutes.
*3 IP6X equivalent means that the product will securely maintain
its function of no grit and dust getting inside the main unit even
after it has been placed in an apparatus with grit and dust of
diameters of 75 μm or less and shaken for 8 hours (ingress of
grit and dust cannot be prevented completely).
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/Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi
) Function
The frequencies used by the Bluetooth
function and the wireless LAN (Wi-Fi
) function of
) function of this product are in the 2.4 GHz band. In this
frequency band, other similar wireless stations, in-plant wireless
stations for mobile unit identification that require a license
) and Bluetooth
to use, such as factory production lines, specific small power
wireless stations that do not require licenses, amateur wireless
stations (collectively called "other wireless stations" from here
on) are operated in addition to home electrical appliances such
as microwave ovens, devices for industrial, scientific and medical
1. Before using the product, make sure that "other wireless stations"
are not in operation nearby.
2. In the event that instances of radio wave interference have occurred
between this product and "other wireless stations", immediately
either relocate this product or stop operation of the device (stop
the emission of radio waves).
3. If you are unclear on any points or are troubled by anything, contact
an au shop or Customer Service Center.
) access points near to the product or the
• The connections between this product and all other Bluetooth
wireless LAN (Wi-Fi
) devices have not been confirmed. Therefore,
connections with all Bluetooth
and wireless LAN (Wi-Fi
not been confirmed.
• This product supports security features for wireless communications
that are compliant with the Bluetooth
standard specifications, but the security may not be sufficient
depending on the usage environment and configuration. Be careful
when making data communication using Bluetooth
) function.
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● Do not forcefully press your fingernails, sharp objects, or hard
objects against keys or display surface. May cause scratching
or damage.
The touch panel is designed to be lightly touched by fingers.
Do not apply strong pressure with your fingers or sharp-pointed
objects (such as fingernails, ballpoint pens, and pins) on the
touch panel.
In the following cases, the touch panel may not work even if you
touch it. Note that it may cause malfunction.
• Operation with gloved hands
• Operation with fingernails
• Operation with a foreign object placed on the touch panel
• Operation with a protective sheet or sticker on the touch
• Operation with water drops left or frozen on the surface
• Operation with wet or sweaty fingers
• Operation under water
● Never use modified products. Use of a modified device violates
the Radio Law and Telecommunications Business Law. The
product has acquired the certification of conformity with
technical regulations for the specified radio station based on
the Radio Law, and to such regulations as technical conformity
based on the Telecommunications Business Law. And the
"Technical Conformity Mark
" is checkable on au cell phones
as a certificate.
<<How to check>>
On the Home screen u [Basic] u [Settings] u "General" tab u
[About phone] u [Regulatory & Safety]
If the product is modified, technical standard compliance
becomes invalid.
Never use the product without the valid certification. Doing so
violates the Radio Law and Telecommunications Business Law.
● Take care not to place magnetized items such as magnetic
cards, speakers and TV sets near the product, as it might cause
Putting a strong magnetism close to the product might cause
false operation.
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■ Important■items■to■remember■before■use
● Make sure that the card tray is tightly closed. Waterproofness is
only effective when the covers are securely closed.
● Do not open/close the card tray if your hands or the main unit is
● Do not splash the product with or immerse it in liquid other
than tap water (seawater, a swimming pool, hot spring, soap,
detergent or water with bath salts, alcohol, juices, seasonings,
etc.). Do not use in places subject to direct splashing with pet
urine. If any liquid falls on the product, immediately rinse it off
with tap water.
Soap/Detergent/Bath salts
Hot spring
● Do not place the product directly on the sand at a beach, etc. Sand
or other small particles might get inside the earpiece, microphone
or speaker, causing the volume to drop. If sand gets inside the
product's main unit from the hinge part, etc., it might cause
overheating or a fault.
● Do not use the product underwater.
● Do not leave the product in a humid place such as a bathroom or
kitchen for an extended period of time.
● Even after water is drained, the inner parts might be still wet.
Although you can use the product, do not place it near things
that must not get wet. Take care not to wet your clothes, bag or
contents of the bag.
- 34 -
• Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi
) has the advantage that it can be freely
connected anywhere within the radio wave range, as it uses radio
and/or wireless LAN
waves for exchanging information. At the same time, there is a
risk that a malicious third party may obtain unauthorized access if
security settings have not been configured. You are recommended
to configure security settings before using wireless LAN at your
decision and responsibility.
• The Company assumes no responsibility for leakage of data or
information that may occur during Bluetooth
/wireless LAN (Wi-Fi
• Since Bluetooth
and wireless LAN (Wi-Fi
) functions use the same
frequency band, using the both functions at the same may cause
radio wave interference resulting in decreased communication
speed or disconnection from the network. If connection fails, stop
using either of the Bluetooth
and wireless LAN (Wi-Fi
) functions.
and wireless LAN (Wi-Fi
) functions of this product use
frequencies in the 2.4 GHz band.
• Bluetooth
function: 2.4FH1/XX1
This product uses the 2.4 GHz band. FH-SS and other schemes are
) devices have
used as the modulation scheme. The interference distance is about
10 m or less.
• Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi
) function: 2.4DS4/OF4
and wireless LAN (Wi-Fi
This product uses the 2.4 GHz band. DS-SS and OFDM are used
as the modulation schemes. The interference distance is about
40 m or less.
• Bandwidth to use: Full band
or wireless LAN
This means that full band can be used, and that band of mobile
unit identification devices can be avoided.
• Available channels differ depending on the country.
• For use in an airplane, check with the airline company in advance.
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