Active-semi ACT2861EVK1-201 User Manual page 5

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Turn On the Evaluation Board
Before applying the input voltage, please make sure the jumper (J7) is installed. Connect V_IO to INTBP or
VREG. INTBP is the typical connection.
After power source and battery are connected to the evaluation board per the required connections for either
Charge mode or OTG mode, the EVK can be powered for operation. Perform the following steps to turn on the
1. In Charge mode, ensure that the power supply connected to VIN (J1) is >4V and <29V.
2. In OTG mode, ensure that the power supply or battery connected to VBAT is >5V and <22.5V.
3. Turn on power supply.
4. Apply the load.
5. If the EVK is configured for OTG mode, the IC automatically goes into SHIP mode when power is applied to
VBAT. Push the SW1 button to exit SHIP MODE. When the IC exits SHIP MODE, it goes to HIZ MODE and
then OTG mode. Note that I
Charge Current and Current Limit Configuration
The ACT2861 features configurable input current limit, charge current, OTG input current, and OTG output
current. These four features are programmed with a combination of an external resistor and an internal I
register. Refer to the ACT2861 datasheet for programming details.
Input Current Limit – The ACT2861EVK1-201 EVK input current limit is set to 3.03A. This is a function of the
10mΩ current sense resister, R6, the 20kΩ RILIM resistor, R15, and the I
which are set to 67% by default. The input current limit is easily changed by modifying any of these three
parameters. The easiest way to change the input current limit is with the Input Current Limit field in the GUI.
Charge Current Configuration- The ACT2861EVK1-201 EVK charge current is set to 1.505A. This is a function
of the 10mΩ current sense resister, R21, the 20kΩ ROLIM resistor, R14, and the I
which are set to 50% by default. The charge current is easily changed by modifying any of these three
parameters. The easiest way to change the charge current limit is with the Fast Charge field in the GUI.
Innovative Power
is a trademark of Active-Semi.
Figure 5 – Jumper Settings for OTG Mode
C communication will not work when the IC is in SHIP MODE.
Rev 2.0, 23-Jul-2018
C Input Current Limit bits, INLIMIT,
C Fast Charge bits, IFCHG,


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