Nokia RM-926 User Manual page 64

Table of Contents


also switch the Bluetooth function
off when you are not using it.
5 If the item you insert in a
multimedia message is too large for
1 The images in this guide may differ
the network, the device may
from your device screen.
automatically reduce the size.
2 Avoid touching the antenna area
6 Only compatible devices can
while the antenna is in use. Contact
receive and show multimedia
with antennas affects the
messages. Messages may look
communication quality and may
different in different devices.
reduce battery life due to higher
7 You can send text messages that
power level during operation.
are longer than the character limit
3 If the battery is completely
for a single message. Longer
discharged, it may take several
messages are sent as two or more
minutes before the charging
messages. Your service provider may
indicator is displayed or before any
charge accordingly. Characters with
calls can be made.
accents, other marks, or some
4 Operating the device in hidden
language options, take more space,
mode is a safer way to avoid
and limit the number of characters
malicious software. Do not accept
that can be sent in a single message.
Bluetooth connection requests from
8 Using services or downloading
sources you do not trust. You can
content may cause the transfer of
large amounts of data, which may
result in data costs.
9 The social networking services are
third-party services and not
provided by Nokia. Check the privacy
settings of the social networking
service you are using as you may
share info with a large group of
people. The terms of use of the social
networking service apply to sharing
info on that service. Familiarise
yourself with the terms of use and
the privacy practices of that service.
10 Nokia does not provide a warranty
for or take any responsibility for the
functionality, content, or end-user
support of third-party apps provided
with your device. By using an app, you
acknowledge that the app is provided
as is. Nokia does not make any
representations, provide a warranty,
or take any responsibility for the


Table of Contents

Table of Contents