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NJD Electronics IF32 User Manual page 6

32 channel dmx to analogue converter


185 to 200
193 to 208
201 to 216
209 to 224
217 to 232
225 to 240
233 to 248
241 to 256
The DMX address for each half of te IF32 can be set
The 0 to 10 Volt analogue control signals corresponding to
the DMX channels selected appear on the 7-pin DIN sockets.
The lowest numbered DMX address appears on IF32 output
channel 1, and the highest on IF32 output channel 16.
For example: If switches are set with Switch 128 and 8 on
and others off. This selects DMX addresses 137 to 152. DMX
address 137 will control channel 1, 138 will control channel 2,
139 will control channel 3, and so on, up to DMX address 152
which will control channel 16 on the IF32.
The IF32 cannot be used with DMX addresses above 256.
Con t r ollin g p ow e r p a c ks fr om a n
in t e llig e n t DM X c on t r olle r s u c h a s M e r lin .
For a dimming power pack
Output brightness is proportional to DMX data:
DMX data = 255
DMX data = 128
DMX data = 64
DMX data = 0
These are only examples, the IF32 and a dimming power
pack can produce all 256 levels of brightness from fully off to fully
© N.J.D. Electronics 1997
128, 32, 16, 8
128, 64
128, 64, 8
128, 64, 16
128, 64, 16, 8
128, 64, 32
128, 64, 32, 8
128, 64, 32, 16
Do not set all switches ON
output fully on
output at half brightness
output at quarter brightness
output fully off (if preheat is disabled)
User Guide
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