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Pioneer TS-G1043R Manual page 8


Used wisely. your new sound equipment can provide fun and
enjoymenl. Since hearing damage from loud noise is often
undetectable until it is too late. Pioneer and the Consumer
Electronics Association recommend you avoid prolonged exposure
to excessive noise. Under constant exposure such as sustained
listening, sound levels above 85 decibels can be dangerous
without hearing protection. (For reference. a garbage disposal
or loud sbouting at 3 feet away are around 80 decibels;
a food blender or gas lawn mower at 3 feet away are around
90 decibels.) The longer your exposure and
or higher the
sound level.
greater the danger of permanent hearing damage.
Also, playing loud music or other sounds in a vehicle can
hinder your ability to hear traffic or emergency vehicles. We
recommend using low volume levels when driving so you can
still hear sounds outside your vehicle. Pioneer disclaims all
liability for hearing loss. bodily injury or property damage as
a result of use or misuse of this product.
Do not lail to read lt1e i".11'\1<:Iions on lhe flap 10 Il'!e opposite side.
• Ne manque.
de lire IN iMtn.octioM Iur Ie volet Iur Ie
oMl! oppolf.
• Aseg\ire"
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les lnsl'uceiones sob"
I. soIapa. .1 tecto
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