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Servicing The Display Unit; Opening The Unit [15 Min]; Replacing The Controller Board [15 Min]; Replacing The Lcd Module [30 Min] - Polaroid Polaview HR2500 Repair Manual

Lcd panel




All maintenance of the unit shall be performed at a static-free workstation. Work in a dust free environment if possible,
and have access to a high pressure air blower to remove dust when assembling the unit.
The unit must be disconnected from the power supply and computer before opening.
Nominal time needed to perform each operation is shown in square brackets [ ].

Opening the unit [15 min]

Place the display facing down on a scratch-free surface. Remove the four mounting screws. Gently open the housing,
observing the cables that connect the elements in the top parts.

Replacing the controller board [15 min]

Disconnect the LCD flexprint (global replace) (5), the IR cable (9), the fan (13) and power cable (16) from the
controller board (14A). Unscrew the mounting screws of the board and the two screws on the bracket (15) holding the
computer connector.
Replace with a new board, reversing the above procedure.

Replacing the LCD module [30 min]

Remove the controller board (14A) as described above. Unscrew the four mounting screws. Gently lift off the module.
Beware that the top glass is held in place by the module. Disconnect the flexiprint (5) from the LCD module (4).
If the LCD module is broken, soak up any spilled liquid and dispose of in ordinary litter. Use gloves. Wrap broken
glass thoroughly and wash your hands.
Replace the LCD module. Take care to remove any dust between the LCD module and the glass before reassembling.

Replacing the LCD module harness [30 min]

Same procedure as when replacing the LCD module.
Replace with a new cable, and press connectors firmly in place.

Replacing the IR-receiver [15 min]

Remove the four screws holding the housing bottom and lift the housing bottom off. Disconnect the IR-cable (9) at the
receiver end. Remove the screw holding the IR-receiver.
Replace with a new IR-receiver, reversing the above procedure.

Replacing the keyboard [15 min]

The keyboard (11) is mounted in the housing top. A circuit board holds four separate silicone rubber keys (10) in
First remove the controller board (14A). Disconnect the keyboard cable (12) from the keyboard (11). Unscrew the
screws holding the circuit board. Carefully lift off the board. Replace the rubber keys (10) and/or the circuit board as
needed. Check key operation after reassembling for smooth operation.

