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Wahl ZX881 Instructions Manual page 11


Innovative products since 1919
W a h l
k i t c h e n
i n n o v a t i o n s
Green leaf vegetable such as kale or watercress
Water or apple juice to max
Sweeten with runny honey if desired
Vegetable purees are great for babies but also a great way of adding flavour to lots of meals as an accompaniment. And
can be made with just vegetables and a little milk or water or richer with the addition of seasoning's and cream etc.
Simply boil, steam or microwave your favourite vegetables, carrot, sweet potato, parsnip, swede, courgette and peas all
work well. Then add to the blender with enough liquid to blend, you can always add a little more. This liquid can be the
cooking liquor, milk or cream for a richer puree. See pea puree recipe.
You can also prepare purees using cooked meats such as chicken, beef. Ensure all bone and gristle is removed and it is
cut into small pieces. Blend with enough water, milk or cooking liquor to mix, adding in cooked vegetables if required.
Pea Puree
1 cup frozen peas cooked
Knob of butter (optional)
Table spoon flat parsley (optional)
Good dash of double cream
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

