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Remote Control Function - Sinclair AIR COMFORT User Manual

Mobile series comfort control kit for amc-15a


8. [SLEEP]
Using this key you can set the sleep function of the unit. The microprocessor integrated in the unit will raise the
pre-set temperature by 2°C per hour up to a maximum of 4°C after 2 hours and maintain this temperature until
the set time has expired..
If you use the sleep function, first set the time switch to the set hours as described in the functions Residual
time or Starting time. Then press the [TIMER] switch until the required hours appear on the display. After the
hour display, the display switches automatically to the previous set temperature display. To change the
temperature, press the switch [TEMP+] or [TEMP-]. With each press on the switch, the temperature increases or
decreases by 1°C.


Instruction for the operating keys:
When a remote control signal is transmitted, a transmission icon on the display flashes once, indicating the signal
has been transmitted.
1. Transmission window
2. Liquid crystal display

