


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for North Kiteboarding Vegas 13

  • Page 1 VEGAS 13...
  • Page 2 13 manual Tips & Tricks Watc h o ut f or u sefu l ti ps & tr ic ks r e ga r di ng our p r od uc ts u n de r WW W.nor thk it e s .c om i n the f oll oWi ng cate gory: t V, pi cs &...
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    13 manual conTenT 1. release of liabiliTy 2. safeTy and precaUTions 2.1. kiteBoarding safety 2.2. dangers from the kite 2.3. dangers from kite lines 2.4. dangers from the kiteBoard 2.5. dangers to uninVolVed third parties 2.6. Weahter related dangers 3.
  • Page 4: Release Of Liability

    To release boards & More and all related parties from any and all liability for any loss, dama- ge, injury or expense that you or any users of your North kiteboarding product may suffer, or that your next of kin may suffer, as a result of the use of the North kiteboarding product, due to any cause whatsoever, including negligence or breach of contract on the part of boards &...
  • Page 5: Safety And Precautions

    North kiteboarding equipment. for your own safety, read the following instructions as well as product descriptions very carefully.
  • Page 6: Dangers From Kite Lines

    13 manual ›› people who get caught by the lines can suffer injuries or burns. ›› Uninvolved third parties can get injured through crashing kites. ›› fly your kite only over unobstructed water. ›› When kiting, do not fly over people or pets.
  • Page 7: Weahter Related Dangers

    13 manual 2 .6 . W eah ter r el at e d da n ge r s ›› avoid offshore wind. ›› be careful with onshore wind. ›› get information on tidal and sea current conditions at your kiting spot! ››...
  • Page 8: Rigging The Kite

    13 manual 3. rigging The kiTe 3.1. Overview Of the Kite Leading edge Front pigtaiL StrutS Canopy dump VaLVe noSeLine BaCk pigtaiL riggiNg The kiTe...
  • Page 9: Freestyle Wakestyle Setting And Turning Speed Controller

    13 manual 3 .2 . freest y le Wa k e s t yl e s et t i n g an d tu rn ing s peed c o nt r oller freestyle setting ›› huge depower ››...
  • Page 10 13 manual tuning speed adjustment ›› pigtail position – less turning speed ›› pigtail position o recommended turning speed ›› pigtail position + more turning speed riggiNg The kiTe...
  • Page 11: Inflating The Kite

    13 manual 3 .3 . i nf lat ing t he k i te 1. lay the kite out on the sand, grass or a surface free of hard or sharp objects as they could damage it.
  • Page 12 13 manual 6. inflate the complete kite until ribs and leading edge reach a pressure of 6psi. 7. close the valve and secure it with the slide to prevent accidental opening. 8. squeeze the lazy-pump-cleats together to cut off the ribs.
  • Page 13: Securing The Kite On The Beach

    13 manual 3 .4 . s ecu ri ng t h e k i t e on t h e B eac h When the kite is not in use it has to be secured so it won’t fly away.
  • Page 14: Attaching The Lines

    13 manual 4. aTTaching The lines this kite is designed to be flown with the 5th element Bar. the following demonstrations apply only for this bar model. 4 .1 . t he V ega s two different positions to tie up the frontline: one fort he freestyle set up and one for the Wakestyle set up.
  • Page 15 13 manual wakestyle Setup with 5th Line: The Tip tuning area has a smaller surface. This gives the rider a higher stability on the bar, which is needed blowing out Wakestyle Tricks. a bigger impact for the same steering reaction as with the freestyle set up is needed.
  • Page 16: Kook-Proof-System

    Therefore North kiteboarding has developed the kook proof system which prevents this mistake. The system works in conjunction with the 5th element bar.
  • Page 17: Packing Up The Kite

    13 manual 5. packing Up The kiTe 1. open the dump valve at the end of the wingtip. 2. defl ate the single ribs by open all lazy-pump-cleats. 3. roll the kite up from one wingtip to the other.
  • Page 18: Kite Care

    ›› be sure that the kite has dried completely before packing it up. otherwise changes of color or mildew could occur. such bleeding is not covered under the North kiteboarding warranty. ›› do not dry the kite in direct sun! ››...
  • Page 19: Handling Of The Lazy Pump Clip

    13 manual 7. handling of The lazy pUMp clip 7 .1 . remoVa l o f l az y p u m p c l i p 1. Use a small screwdriver to remove the lazy pump clip.
  • Page 20: Attaching The Lazy Pump Clip

    13 manual 7 .2 . at taching t he la zy pu m p c li p 1. place one half of the lazy pump clip on the valve so that the lower edge of the lazy pump clip fits into the groove of the valve.
  • Page 21: Bladder Repair

    13 manual 8. bladder repair 8 .1 . remoV i ng th e l e ad i n g ed g e B l ad der 1. lay the kite down fl at on the ground with the ribs facing upwards and defl ate all the ribs.
  • Page 22: Removing The Strut Bladders

    13 manual 5. open the zipper at the center of the leading edge. 6. push the bladder valves in the leading edge cavity. 7. remove one side of the bladder form the leading edge, leaving the kite line inside the leading edge for re-insertion.
  • Page 23 13 manual 3. Turn it sideways and have a close look at the front part of the strut. 4. disconnect the small white rope from the loop webbing. 5. pull out the white rope carefully. 5. Take one of the fl ying lines and halve it. connect the white rope to this line and secure it with two knots.
  • Page 24 13 manual 7. Turn the strut over to the other side and push the valve into the strut. 8. ensure that the valve can move inside the strut freely. 9. Now have a look at the strut end.
  • Page 25: Bladder Repair

    13 manual 12. pull out the entire bladder through the strut end. 13. remove the fl ying line from the bladder, ensuring that you keep the fl ying line inside the strut in order to be able to replace the bladder again.
  • Page 26: Re-Inserting Leading Edge Bladder

    13 manual 4. for small holes use the self-adhesive repair patches. 5. for bigger holes: cut a round patch out of the enclosed tube material. 6. spread the patch and the damaged area with a thin layer of contact glue and let both sides begin to dry.
  • Page 27 13 manual 3. pull carefully on the line coming out of the middle of the leading edge and feed the bladder back into the cavity. 4. be sure that it is inserted correctly without twisting. 5. When the bladder is completely inserted, make sure that the air valves are positioned correctly in the valve openings.
  • Page 28: Windspeed And Kite Size

    13 manual 9. Windspeed and kiTe size rebel kites are superbly easy to water re-launch and offer easy, predictable performance. only a few knots of wind speed is required to fly these kites. kiteboarding, however, generally requires more wind, depending not only on rider ability but also the size of kite, rider and board.
  • Page 29: Warranty Policy

    13 manual 10. WarranTy policy ›› North kiteboarding Warrants this product to be free of Major defects in material or workmanship to the original purchaser for a period of six months from the original date of purchase. This warranty is subject to the following limitations: The warranty is valid only when the product is used for kiteboarding on water and does not cover products used in rental or teaching operations.
  • Page 30 Cover PIC: North For further information please visit: UV varnish coating recyclable Infinity – Sri Lanka...

Table of Contents