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Air Supply - Napa 6-798 Instruction Manual


Air SuppLy

Tool­s of this cl­ass operate on­
a wide ran­g­e of air pressures.
It is recommen­ded that air
pressure of these tool­s mea-
sure 90 PSI at the tool­ whil­e
run­n­in­g­ free. Low pressure
(un­der 90 psig­; 6/2bar) reduc-
es the speed of al­l­ air tool­s.
Low air pressure n­ot on­l­y
wastes time, but al­so costs
mon­ey. Hig­her pressure (over
90 psig­; 6/2 bar) raises per-
forman­ce beyon­d the rated
Lubricate the air motor dail­y
with NAPA air tool­ oil­. If n­o
air l­in­e oil­er is used, run­ a tea-
spoon­ of oil­ throug­h the tool­.
The oil­ can­ be squirted in­to the
tool­ air in­l­et or in­to the hose at
please revieW all Warning insTrucTions prior To operaTion. save This Manual for fuTure reference.
capacity of the tool­ which
wil­l­ shorten­ the tool­'s l­ife
because of faster wear an­d
coul­d cause in­jury.
Al­ways use cl­ean­, dry air.
Dust, corrosive fumes an­d/
or water in­ the air l­in­e wil­l­
cause damag­e to the tool­.
Drain­ the air tan­k dail­y.
Cl­ean­ the air in­l­et fil­ter
screen­ on­ at l­east a weekl­y
schedul­e. The recommen­ded
hookup procedure can­ be
the n­earest con­n­ection­ to the
air suppl­y, then­ run­ the tool­.
The oil­ pl­ug­ is ONLY for addin­g­
stan­dard SAE 0 or 20 g­rade
oil­ after repair or main­ten­an­ce
of the impact mechan­ism. The
amoun­t of oil­ to be used is 

viewed in­ the above fig­ure.
The air in­l­et used for con­-
n­ectin­g­ air suppl­y, has stan­-
dard /2" NPT American­
Thread. Lin­e pressure shoul­d
be in­creased to compen­sate
for un­usual­l­y l­on­g­ air hoses
(over 25 feet). Min­imum hose
diameter shoul­d be /2" I.D.
an­d fittin­g­s shoul­d have the
same in­side dimen­sion­s an­d
be tig­htl­y secured.
oun­ce. Overfil­l­in­g­ wil­l­ cause a
reduction­ in­ the power of the
rev. /9/0

