Zennio INZENNIO Z38i Product Manual

Knx touch panel
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KNX Touch Panel 
Edition 1.1 
 Version 1.0 


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Zennio INZENNIO Z38i

  • Page 1                       INZENNIO Z38i   KNX Touch Panel  ZN1VI‐TP38i                     Edition 1.1   Version 1.0 ...
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents PRESENCE SIMULATION ................ 22 2.2.2. “SPECIFIC” PAGES .................... 22 SCENES ...................... 23 SCHEDULE PROGRAMMING  ................ 23 CLIMA  ...................... 25 2.2.3. tECHNICAL ALARMS  .................... 33 2.2.4. CONFIGURATION .................... 34 2.3.  INPUTS ........................ 36 2.3.1. SHORT PRESS ...................... 36 ONE BIT SENDING “0/1” ................ 36 SHUTTER CONTROL  .................. 37 DIMMER CONTROL .................. 38 SENDING A SCENE  .................. 39 ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 3 LONG PRESS  ...................... 39 2.3.3. THRESHOLD TIME .................... 39 2.3.4. RESPONSE DELAY  .................... 39 2.3.5. INPUT LOCK ...................... 39 ANNEX I. COMMUNICATION OBJETS .................. 42 ANNEX II. INDIVIDUAL CONTROLS .................... 42 ANNEX III. DOUBLE CONTROLS .................... 49 ANNEX IV. INDICATORS ....................... 52                                           ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 4: Introduction

    1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. PRODUCT INZennio Z38i is an LCD Touch Panel with Room Thermostat, Binary Inputs and IR Receiver built-in. Some of its most important features are mentioned below: KNX 3.8” back-lighted monochrome Touch Panel Room Thermostat Presence Simulation Full Climate Management...
  • Page 5 The next schema represents available pages to be "enabled" and its hierarchy.     “Home” Page  “MENU” Page  Specific Pages Access  “Home II” Page  ‐ SCENES                     2  1 ‐ SCENES                       ‐ SCH.  PROGRAMMING  ‐  SCH.   PROGRAMMING  ‐ CLIMA ‐ CLIMA    ‐ SCENES                     3  ‐ SCENES                     3 ‐ SCH.  PROGRAMMING  ‐ SCH.  PROGRAMMING  ‐ CLIMA ‐ CLIMA  TECHNICAL           CONFIGURATION     6  5    ALARMS Figure 1.1 MENU PAGE  CONFIGURATION  PAGE  Back to Home Page  ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 6: Installation

    Next sections in this manual, will detail the correct way to configure and program the LCD Panel InZennio Z38i, so that a user can control all (or part of) the KNX installation from a single device. o <<PAGES>> Home & Home II The “Home”...
  • Page 7: Configuration

    The INZennio Z38i includes 217 Communication Objects responsible to transmit and receive data through the BUS. To begin with the InZennio Z38i module configuration, it will be necessary to import in ETS, a project that contains an InZennio Module of the device, or a database .vd file of the product (See www.
  • Page 8 Main Parameterization Window appears   ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 9: Parameterization

    Available configuration options involving the display backlight are represented in the next diagram. DISPLAY BRIGHTNESS Auto Dimming Always ON Dimming Level  Status while Dimming  Minimum Display Active Display Locked (Unlock with a single touch) Figure 2.1 ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 10 WEEKDAY INITIALS Seven free characters are available to enter the weekday initials. Both the date and the week-day will appear on any page header, when the “Time Zone” is pressed. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 11 Measurement shown by the accurate thermometer y ºC Positive difference between measures x – y = z ºC Positive Calibration parameter z ºC Negative difference between measures x – y = - z ºC Negative calibration parameter - z ºC ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 12: Display Brightness » Object

    2.2. PAGES This Manual section is intended to detail the different pages the InZennio Z38i provides the user, including the submenus offered in each of these pages.
  • Page 13: Home " & « Home Ii " Pages

    As well as the pages, every box on “Home” and “Home II” pages has a parametrizable field: This field allows a user to associate a name with the corresponding NAME box in the page, (11 free characters are available to set the name). BOX 1  BOX 2  SINGLE BUTTON  NAME  COUPLED BUTTONS    ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 14: Binary Control

    Note: When trying to control compact fluorescent lamps (CFL), an electronically reactance or a specific KNX actuator would be necessary to control their intensity. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 15 (1%) the brightness level. A long press on any of the two buttons will increase or reduce gradually 10 % the brightness level. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 16: Shutter Control

    • Mode (Heat/Cool) • • Swing Depending on the selected option, a communication object Note I: associated to the specific box will appear in the ETS environment; the same object type corresponding the selected option. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 17: Byte Control

    Note: Please notice that Value 0 corresponds with 0% …………………………………. …………………………………. Value 255 corresponds with 100% A couple of icons can be associated to the corresponding ICON display box. (See Annexe II). ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 18: Scene Control

    Note I: If C=0, the DPT valid range is [0….63], whereas if C=1, the DPT valid range is [128…..191] Activate Scene 1 Note II: DPT=0 Activate Scene 2 DPT=1 Activate Scene 64 DPT=63 Learn Scene 1 DPT=128 Learn Scene 2 DPT=129 ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 19 For example if the user wants this instead: Turn all the lights Off except one (the one to remain ON, will be a guiding light) Turn Off the Heating and the A/C Systems. Activate the Alarm System. The way to do this is: ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 20: Temperature Control

    This control enables a binary status indicator on the display box. An icon specifically enabled for this function, may be associated to the page box when a “0” is received through the (1 bit) corresponding Communication Object. Same case if data received is a “1” ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 21: One Byte Indicator

    Range [-670,760……670,760] Other (no simbol) Note I: Depending on the data type selected a different unit symbol will be shown. SECURITY CONTROL “Home” and “Home II” individual boxes may also be protected against unauthorised access. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 22: Presence Simulation

    Max/Min ON/OFF time: Users can adjust by parameter the minimum and maximum ON/OFF time for the devices on the installation. 2.2.2. “SPECIFIC” PAGES The InZennio Z38i has three specific pages to configure: Available options are: SCENES (5 boxes available) SCHEDULE PROGRAMMING (4 boxes available) ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA ...
  • Page 23: Scenes

    Programming Channel Communication Objects will become available to be enabled if necessary. This field allow users to associate a name with the NAME corresponding box in the display, (11 free characters are available to set the name). ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 24 On/Off of the installed devices. Figure 3.1 and Figure 3.2 show how the THERMOSTAT and the A/C systems are affected when a “1” or a “0” is sent through the corresponding channel. Sending a “0” through the Channel “X” does not affect the thermostat modes. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 25: Clima

    KNX BUS through the display. To set users preferred BOX 2 (SET TEMPERATURE) temperatures. Once this parameter is set and the System is ON, this value will be the system temperature reference to keep. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 26 • No indicator   • Percentage indicator   - 0%= Auto - 1-33%= Mín - 34-66%= Med - 67-100%= Max   This option is only compatible with IRSC-Plus Note: version 4.0 and further. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 27 - Remains Off and nothing changes - Remains Off but the Set Temperature is updated - Set Temperature changes and Clima is turned On   Two possible Climate (Specific Pages) configuration Options are shown in the Pictures below.   ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 28 The resulting measure is exclusively used by the thermostat in the Z38i, and cannot be shown through any available Communication object. Regardless of the status the FREEZING PROTECTION thermostat may be (On/Off), when “Freezing Protection” is ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 29 On /Off output of the thermostat to the heater when the temperature is between A and B depends on the history of the temperature. This prevents rapid switching On and Off as the temperature drifts around a set point. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com ...
  • Page 30 The PI Control Method may be applied following two different Control Types: PWM (1 bit): Acts over the ON/OFF. This type of control makes an internal estimation on the “Cycle Time” prefixed by parameter, for the climatization system to be ON, to comply with the user requirements. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 31 Enabling this field, the auxiliary system is asked to contribute to reach the “Set temperature” as soon as possible.   Additional Heating Band: As mentioned before, the extra heating contribution must be complementary to the Heating ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 32 “Set Temperature” as soon as possible. Additional Cooling Band: As mentioned before, the extra cooling contribution must be complementary to the Main Cooling System, this implies, that it would be inconsistent that ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 33: Technical Alarms

    Every “Enabled” box on the screen has some parameterizable fields at the user’s disposal: This field allows a user to associate a name with the NAME corresponding box in the screen, (11 free characters are available to set the name). ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 34: Configuration

    Once the warning reception is confirmed by the user (pressing the OK button), the screen will recover its normal state: After 90 seconds, Inzennio Z38i display will again show the “Home” default screen. It is Really Important to know that confirming a warning does not make the Danger icon disappear from the box affected;...
  • Page 35 Nota: however, when programming display, this automatically configured when setting the date BOX 4 (Display Contrast Setting)  The adjustment range for this function lies between 0 and 20. The default value is 12. BOX 5  (Reset) Reset button to reinitialize the device. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 36: Inputs

    2.3. INPUTS   The INZennio Z38i has 4 binary inputs for voltage-free contacts at the user’s disposal; these inputs can be individually configured, and connected to a “push button” if necessary. Joining an input with the global “common” of the inputs, results in a “Closed Contact”;...
  • Page 37: Shutter Control

    Note III: Si se elige la función “subir/bajar” para la pulsación corta, no se podrá realizar la función “parar persiana” en cualquier punto del recorrido con otra pulsación corta de la misma entrada. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 38: Dimmer Control

    Once selected the “DIMMER CONTROL” option, it is necessary to set this parameter. Dimming Step Necessary pulsations complete regulation (0 – 100%) 6. 100% 5. 50% 4. 25% 3. 12.5% 2. 6.25% ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 39: Sending A Scene

    Note: To get an immediate sending (no delay), set the value “0” in this field. BLOCK Selecting “Yes” on the pull down menu, the corresponding “Communication Object” will disable the input. When receiving a “1” through this object, the InZennio Z38i will ignore any pulsation on the input. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA   ...
  • Page 40 SENDING OF "1" DELAY Time to wait before sending value “1” through the “[Switch/Sensor] Edge” communication object when this value has been detected on an incoming edge. ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 41 On receiving a “0” through this object, the input recovers its enabled status, so that it is ready again to receive orders. Actions taken on the input while being disabled will not be taken into account.               ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 42: Annex I. Communication Objets

    [Home X Box X] 1 byte indicator 0=Auto,1=Ht, 3=Cool,9=Fan, Previous [Home X Box X] Mode indicator 14=Dry 0%Au;11-33%Mi;34- Previous [Home X Box X] Fan indicator 66%Mid;>67%Ma 10ºC- from 10ºC to 30ºC 66 - 77 2bytes [Home X Box X] Temperature control 30ºC ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 43 Short Pr. -> Sending of 0 (Up) [Ex] [Short Press] Raise Shutter Short Pr. -> Sending of 0 (Up) [Ex] [Long Press] Raise Shutter Short Pr. -> Send. of 1 (Down) [Ex] [Short Press] Lower Shutter ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 44 Long Pr. -> Sending of 0-63 [Ex] [Long Press] Run Scene Short Pr. -> Send. of 128-191 [Ex] [Short Press] Learn Scene Long Pr. -> Send. of 128-191 [Ex] [Long Press] Learn Scene OTHER 1bit Previous Touch Block 1=Touch Blocked; 0=Activated ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 45: Annex Ii. Individual Controls

    (21) – Disarmed (22) - Armed   DIRECTIONAL & INCREMENTAL  (30) – Down          (38) – Lower Shutter   (31) – Up           (39) – Raise Shutter   (32) – Left           (40) – Lower Shutter 2   (33) – Right         (41) – Raise Shutter 2   (34) – Down Arrow         (50) ‐ Minus  ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 46 (77) – Very Low Fan (78) – Low Fan (79) – Medium Fan (80) – High Fan (81) – Very High Fan   NUMBERS (100) ‐ Zero         (105) ‐ Five   (101) ‐ one          (106) ‐ Six   (102) ‐ Two         (107) ‐ Seven  ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 47      (165) ‐ AUX   (157) – Pause         (166) ‐ Movie  (158) – Eject (167) -  Claqueta   OTHER  (200) ‐ Clock 1         (208) ‐ Comfort   (201) ‐ Clock 2         (209) ‐ Night   (202) ‐ Clock Off         (210) ‐ Out   (203) ‐ Clock On         (211) – Strong  ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 48  (204) ‐ Clock Off 2         (212) – Very Strong  (205) - Clock On 2 (218) – Key 2 (206) - Set (219) – New (207) - Ok     ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 49: Annex Iii. Double Controls

    Turn On/Off Light (21) – Disarmed / Armed DIRECTIONAL & INCREMENTAL        (30) – Down/Up       (38) – Lower/Raise Shutter       (32) – Left/Right       (40) – Lower/Raise Shutter 2       (34) ‐ Down/Up Arrow       (50) – Minus/Plus       (36) – Left/Right Arrow     (52) – Lower/Raise Temperature    ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 50 (104) – Four / Five (110) – 0 / 1 SOUND & IMAGE    (150) – Stop / Play         (159) – Minus / More Volume       (152) – Rewind / Forward       (161) – Sound Off / On       (154) – Befote / Next         (163) ‐ TV / AV          ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 51 OTHER       (202) - Clock Off / On (211) - Strong / Stronger    (204) ‐ Clock Off / On 2       (217) – Key 1 / Key 2  ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 52: Annex Iv. Indicators

     (9) – Light Off 2       (17) – Open Window   (10) – Light On 2       (18) – Closed Window   (19) – Off         (20) – On   (21) – Disarmed       (22) ‐ Armed    DIRECTIONAL & INCREMENTAL      (38) – Lowering Shutter       (40) – Lowering Shutter 2   (39) – Raising Shutter       (41) – Raising Shutter 2            ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 53 NUMBERS      (100) – Zero         (105) ‐ Five   (101) – One         (106) ‐ Six   (102) – Two         (107) ‐ Seven   (103) – Three         (108) ‐ Eight   (104) – Four         (109) ‐ Nine       (110) – 0           (111) ‐ 1  ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 54  (205) ‐ Clock On 2         (213) ‐ Danger  (206) – Set (214) – Danger Cold (207) – Ok (215) – Danger Hot (216) – Danger Wind (217) – Key 1 (218) – Key 2 (219) - New       ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...
  • Page 55       SIGN UP!  http://zennioenglish.zendesk.com  TECHNICAL SUPPORT  ZENNiO AVANCE Y TECNOLOGÍA    www.zennio.com   ...

Table of Contents