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Laica SB2200 Instructions And Guarantee page 3

Ultrasonic nebuliser for aerosol therapy


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Device for ultrasonic aerosol therapy with a very refined design and new technology, characterized
by extreme noiselessness. With the traditional ultrasonic aerosol devices, compounds for inhalation
are transformed, by means of oscillation of a piezoelectric crystal embedded in the device, into
liquid micro-drops dispersed in air.
In this aerosol therapy device, this transformation occurs by means of the flow of the drug in the
micro-holes of a foil.
Thanks to the innovative use of this drilled foil for medicine atomization, it is possible
to use drugs with oily base (with viscosity lower than 3 cP) containing active
ingredients with solid elements (suspensions) and viscous solutions, which is not
allowed by existing ultrasonic aerosol therapy devices.
Medicine micro-drops with size ranging from 4 to 6,5 µm can penetrate in depth in the upper and
lower respiratory system bringing therefore the active ingredients to the right points in a targeted
way. The aerosol therapy is efficient for the treatment of pulmonary disorders, tracheitis, asthma,
bronchitis, sinusitis and allergies; moreover, it can alleviate the disorders caused by colds and
allergic irritations and mitigate the stimulus of cough, pain and sense of compression in the area
of the paranasal sinuses easing the expectoration. It is excellent for domestic purposes, practical
and simple to use and requires no maintenance. It is manufactured in compliance with current EC
standards concerning constructive criteria, for the safety of equipment for electromedical use (EN
60601-1 Standard). Its reduced dimensions make this product extremely accessible for those who
require to use it several times a day and for those who travel often.
Doctor's instructions should always be followed for the type of pharmaceutical to
be used, the dose, frequency and duration of the inhalation treatments.
Laica SpA - Viale del lavoro, 10
36020 Ponte di Barbarano (VI) Italy
Made in China
Using any electrical appliance entails compliance with a number of fundamental rules:
• Unplug the appliance from the mains straight after use and before commencing cleaning or
inserting/removing accessories.
• Do not unplug by tugging on either power cord or appliance.
• If an electrical appliance falls into the water, do not attempt to retrieve it; instead, unplug
• Do not use the appliance while bathing or showering.
• Never immerse the appliance in water or other liquids.
• Never leave the appliance working unattended, and never allow it to be used by
children, handicapped or disabled individuals.
• This appliance must be used solely for the purpose for which it was designed and in accordance
with the operating instructions. Any other use shall be considered improper and hence hazardous.
The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for any damage resulting from improper or
incorrect use.
• Before using the appliance, make sure it is intact and does not feature any visible signs of
damage. If in any doubt, do not use the appliance and contact your dealer.
• In the event of a fault and/or irregular operation, turn the appliance off at once without tampering
with it. Always contact your dealer for repairs.
• Keep the appliance away from sources of heat.
• Make sure your hands are dry when unplugging or plugging in the appliance and when turning
the function control knob.
• This device shall be used only with the voltage stated in this booklet.
• Device with enclosure not protected against the penetration of liquids.
• Do not use the device close to high-frequency electromagnetic emitters.
• Do not use the device, if in the nebulization chamber there is not liquid or if the liquid is present
in limited quantities.
• Do not use powder medicinal products, powder medicinal products associated to liquid ones,
or acid medicinal products with this appliance. Do not atomise water. Always use saline.
• Always clean the appliance after each use in order not to let the residual medicinal products
solidify and damage the mechanism.
• In case of diabetes or other illnesses, it is suggested to consult your physician before undergoing
the inhalation therapy.
• Pregnant women should consult their physician before undergoing the inhalation therapy.
• Before using a preparation, clear with your physician, if it is suitable for the person to use it.
Use only medicines prescribed or suggested by your physician.
• To dilute the preparation, use exclusively an isotonic solution of sodium chloride, since
otherwise respiratory problem may arise.
1) Cover
2) Cover closing hooks
3) ON/OFF Key
4) Operation warning light (ON/OFF)
5) Warning light for low batteries
6) Atomization chamber cover
Instructions and guarantee
7) Atomization chamber
8) Atomization chamber hooks
9) Atomization dispenser
10) Mouthpiece
11) Mask for adults
12) Mask for children
13) Connection for masks
14) Battery compartment
15) Outlet for mains operation
16) Transformer for use through mains (not included in standard supply)
17) Convenient case
18) Batteries
1) Before each use, clean and disinfect carefully the atomization chamber, cover, connection,
mouthpiece and masks according to paragraph "Cleaning and Maintenance".
2) Lift the cover of the battery compartment. Insert the 4 1.5 V alkaline batteries considering the
polarity shown and by doing this verify that the band remains under the same. Close with the
3) Place the device on a flat surface.
4) Place the atomisation chamber on the main unit and press it slightly downwards until a "click"
is heard (fig. 1). Open the cover of the atomization chamber by pulling towards outside the
small hook. The capacity of the nebulization chamber is 8 cc. Pour the drug paying attention
not to exceed the maximum capacity, (the indications are born on the chamber itself), in order
to prevent the liquid from flowing out and penetrating into the device itself damaging it (fig.
4). Furthermore, carefully follow the instructions for use and dosing of the product used. If
this product has to be diluted with an isotonic solution of sodium chloride, pour first of all
the solution in the nebulization chamber and then add the product dosing it as indicated.
Caution! It is possible to use the device only if the drug has been poured into
the nebulization chamber!
5) Close the atomization chamber with the proper cover, paying attention to hook it correctly.
Place the device cover in such a way as to seal the aerosol therapy device; the cover must
close on both connection points by clicking.
6) Now, insert the mouthpiece or the connection and the mask for adults/children in the atomization
dispenser according to figures 2 and 3.
In case of inhalation with the mouthpiece: In case of disorders of the lower respiratory
tract, i.e. cough or bronchial infections, use the mouthpiece.
• Sit upright.
• Insert the mouthpiece in the atomisation supplier.
• Tighten the mouthpiece well with the lips.
• Inhale slowly and deeply through the mouth and exhale through the nose. To increase the
efficacy of the therapy, hold your breath for a while after having inhaled. During the treatment,
remain quiet and relaxed. Breathe regularly and not too quickly. If you wish to interrupt
the inhalation shortly, remove the mouthpiece from the mouth and then reinsert it.
During inhalations using the mouthpiece, some medicinal product may deposit within the
same. In this case, it is suggested to proceed as follows after the treatment:
1) disconnect the mouthpiece from the atomisation supplier paying attention not to let any
medicinal product come out.
2) re-position the medicinal product previously deposited in the mouthpiece within the
atomisation chamber.
3) perform the inhalation of the residual medicinal product, if greater than 0.5 cc.
In case of inhalation with mask:
The mask for inhalations is suitable for the treatment of the nasal and pharyngeal area.
• Sit upright.
• Insert the mask connection between the atomizer and the mask and then connect both
• Keep the mask lightly pressed against the nose; the mask has to cover mouth and nose
without squashing them.
• Inhale and exhale slowly and deeply through the nose. To increase the efficacy of the
therapy, hold your breath for a while after having inhaled. During the treatment, remain
quiet and relaxed. Breathe regularly and not too quickly. If you wish to interrupt the inhalation
shortly, remove the mask for a while and then place it again on nose and mouth.
7) Switch on the device by pressing the ON/OFF key. Make sure that the warning light is on (light
blue color). During inhalation, it is possible to bend the device up to a max. angle of 45°
forwards, backwards or on the side without jeopardizing the nebulization. However, it is not
recommended to shake a device with full nebulization chamber, in order to avoid damages
due to any eventual penetration of liquids into the device. Immediately interrupt the treatment,
if you feel uneasy during the procedure.
8) The appliance is equipped with an automatic switch-off device that disables the appliance
when the medicinal product runs out. Switch off the appliance in any case when the atomisation
flow is null. Do not try to switch on the appliance, if the medicinal product has run out, since
this may cause damages.
It is possible to switch off the appliance at any time, by pressing the ON/OFF switch.
• An inhalation treatment may last more than 40 minutes. In any case, end the inhalation
after maximum 40 minutes by pressing the ON/OFF switch even if the medicinal product
has not been completely used. Let the appliance cool for at least 15 minutes and then

