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2100 Rower Repair Guide


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for SPORTS ART 2100

  • Page 1 2100 Rower Repair Guide SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD.
  • Page 2 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 【Table of Contents】 I. Component Placement Illustrations 1-1-1. Rower Illustration 1-2-1. Electronic Component Placement Illustration-1 1-2-2. Electronic Component Placement Illustration-2 1-2-3. Electronic Component Placement Illustration-3 1-3-1. Display Illustration 1-3-2. Display Board Component Placement 1-3-3. Drive Board Component Placement 1-3-4.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 【Table of Contents】 II. Introduction 2-1-1. Display Functions 2-1-2. Key and Program Illustration Placement 2-1-3. Key Placement and Functions III. Operating Instructions 3-1-1. Stroke/Minute; Mode; Level 3-1-2. Manual; Set; Interval (1) 3-1-3. Interval (2) 3-1-4. Program 3-1-5.
  • Page 4 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 【Table of Contents】 V. Board Illustrations and Wire Connections 5-1-1. Display Board Component Placement - Back 5-1-2. Display Board Component Placement - Front 5-1-3. Display Board LEDs 5-1-4. Display Board Cable Connectors - 1 5-1-5. Display Board Cable Connectors - 2 5-2-1.
  • Page 5 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 【Table of Contents】 VI. Error Messages 6-1-1. Unit Does Not Turn On 6-2-1. No Resistance 6-3-1. Key Malfunction 6-4-1. Remote Control Malfunction 6-5-1. STROKE/MINUTE Does Not Operate...
  • Page 6 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 【Table of Contents】 VII. Test Configurations 7-1-1. Drive Board IGBT Test 7-2-1. Drive Board VCC Voltage Test 7-3-1. Optic Sensor Test 7-4-1. Resistance Voltage Test 7-5-1. Display Board VCC Voltage Test 7-6-1. Transformer Test 7-7-1. Magnet Test 7-8-1.
  • Page 7 2100 Rower I. Component Placement Illustrations SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD.
  • Page 8 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Illustration 1-1-1...
  • Page 9: Electronic Component Placement Illustration

    SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Electronic Component Placement Illustration - 1 Display Remote Control and Handlebar 1-2-1...
  • Page 10: Electronic Component Placement Illustration

    SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Electronic Component Placement Illustration-2 Drive Board Optic Sensor - A Optic Sensor - B Magnet and Flywheel Transformer 1-2-2...
  • Page 11: Electronic Component Placement Illustration

    SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Electronic Component Placement Illustration - 3 Remote Control Receiver On/Off Switch and Fuse Holder 1-2-3...
  • Page 12 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Display Illustration 1-3-1...
  • Page 13 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Display Board Component Placement 1-3-2...
  • Page 14 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Drive Board Component Placement 1-3-3...
  • Page 15 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Electronic Part Illustration – Others - 1 Part Remote Control Part Remote Control Receiver Part Optic Sensor Board – A Part Optic Sensor Board - B 1-3-4...
  • Page 16 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Electronic Part Illustration – Others - 2 Part Transformer Part Electro-Magnet Part Optic Sensor Wheel – A (30 Teeth) Part Optic Sensor Wheel – B (60 Teeth) 1-3-5...
  • Page 17: Introduction

    2100 Rower II. Introduction SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD.
  • Page 18: Display Functions

    SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower I. Display Functions 1. Windows and Functions Main Window Shows operating mode or STROKE/MINUTE Window scrolling instructions Shows strokes per minute LEVEL Window Scan Window Shows resistance level Shows SCAN/DISTANCE/ TIME/CAL/STROKES function values...
  • Page 19: Key And Program Illustration Placement

    SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2. Key and Program Illustration Placement PROGRAM 1- 12 Illustration Function Keys 2-1-2...
  • Page 20: Key Placement And Functions

    SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 3. Key Placement and Functions Mode select key Function increase key Decrease key Press to set resistance level Press to select Manual or Set modes Press to clear settings Press to confirm selections PROGRAM 1 – POGRAM 12...
  • Page 21: Operating Instructions

    2100 Rower III. Operating Instructions SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD.
  • Page 22 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 1. STROKE/MINUTE Window Function Function:1. Shows the average number of strokes per minute. Explanation:1. Strokes per minute changes according to user’s stroke speed. 2. MODE Window Function Function:1. Shows SCAN/DISTANCE/TIME/CAL/STROKES functions. Explanation:1. Press the MODE key until the function you want appears.
  • Page 23: Interval

    SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 4. MANUAL Function Function:1. Sets manual operation. In manual mode, press the function keys for direct control. Explanation:1. “MAN’L” on the main window indicates manual mode operation. 2. Directly press keys to operate related functions.
  • Page 24 2. Set “REST” and “WORK” modes by pressing <UP>/<DOWN> keys and setting TIME/LEVEL settings. Press <ENTER> to confirm your choice. 3-1-2...
  • Page 25 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 3. The main window shows the following. WORK mode REST 模式 REST Mode Time 4. Exercise on the unit to start INTV1 operation. When the rest or work segment ends, the REST or WORK flashes on the window.
  • Page 26 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. LEVEL SEG1 SEG2SEG3SEG4 SEG5 SEG6 SEG7 SEG8 8. PROGRAM Function Function:(1) Press the <PROGRAM> key. The main window shows “PRO 1” through “PRO12”. Press the <ENTER> key to enter the PROGRAM mode. (2) In setting the PROGRAM mode, instructions scroll across the unit. Press the <▲>/<▼>...
  • Page 27 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. (5) Press the LEVEL <▼> key. The program illustration goes down as shown below. 9. ENTER Function Function:1. Confirms the function command. Explanation:1. In setting unit functions, press the <ENTER> key to confirm your selection.
  • Page 28 menu. 3-1-5...
  • Page 29: Block Diagrams

    2100 Rower IV. Block Diagrams SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD.
  • Page 30 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Block Diagram Soft Keys Display Board Receiver 3-PIN POLAR 3-PIN Heart Rate Board Transmitter Magnet & 2-PIN Flywheel Transformer 10-PIN Drive Board FUS E Optic Sensor-A AC1/AC2 3-PIN Optic Sensor-B 4-1-1...
  • Page 31 2100 Rower V. Board Illustrations and Wire Connections SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD.
  • Page 32 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Display Board Component Placement - Back 5-1-1...
  • Page 33 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Display Board Component Placement - Front 5-1-2...
  • Page 34 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Display Board LEDs Main Window STROKE/MINUTE Window MODE Window SCAN/DISTANCE/TIME/CAL/STROKES LED LEVEL Window 5-1-3...
  • Page 35: Display Board Cable Connectors

    SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Display Board Cable Connectors - 1 CN1 16-PIN Connector Keypad Connector IR 3-PIN Connector 5-1-4...
  • Page 36: Display Board Cable Connectors

    SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Display Board Cable Connectors - 2 Drive Board Keys Remote Control 5-1-5...
  • Page 37 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Drive Board Component Illustration 5-2-1...
  • Page 38 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Drive Board Connector Placement Transformer Connector CON3 16-pin Data Cable CON2 AC Power CON5 Magnet / CON4 Optic Sensor Optic Sensor B A Connector Connector 5-2-2...
  • Page 39 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Drive Board Wire Connections Transformer Display Board 10-Pin 16-Pin CON1 CON3 3-Pin 2100 Drive Board AC Power CON5 CON4 6-Pin 4-Pin Magnet and Optic Optic Sensor - A Sensor - B 5-2-3...
  • Page 40 2100 Rower VI. Error Messages SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD.
  • Page 41 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Error Message: Press the On/Off Switch; Unit does not light. I. Definition: 1. Turn on unit power. Display does not light. Block Diagram Display Board Trans- Drive Board 3-pin 3-pin Power former 6-1-1...
  • Page 42 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. III. Operation Order Part Operation On/Off Switch 1. AC power travels through the on/off switch and fuse to the drive Fuse board CON2 connector. Transformer 1. The transformer breaks AC voltage down into small chunks for various functions supplied through the drive board.
  • Page 43 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. VI. Inspection Order Part Troubleshooting 1. Turn on unit power. The On/Off switch should light. On/Off Switch 2. Inspect whether the AC power wire is broken or disconnected. 1. Inspect whether the fuse in the exterior fuse holder has blown.
  • Page 44 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Error Message: No Resistance I. Pull the rower handlebar, but there is no resistance. Block Diagram Display Board Optic AC Power Sensor - A 6-pin 3-pin Supply Drive Board Magnet and Optic Transformer 10-pin...
  • Page 45 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. III. Operation Order Part Operation Transformer 1. The transformer supplies power for resistance operation. 1. Pulling the handlebar makes the optic sensor wheel move. The sensor detects Optic Sensor -A movement. 1. Flywheel movement makes the optic sensor wheel move. The sensor detects Optic Sensor - B movement.
  • Page 46 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. VI. Inspection Order Part Troubleshooting 1. Press on the display IC to make sure it is making good contact. Display Board 2. Inspect the connections of the data cable from the display to the drive board.
  • Page 47 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Error Message: Key Malfunction I. Definition: 1. Press any key. The display shows no reaction. 2. Do not press any key. The display reacts as if a key had been pressed. Block Diagram Key Signal...
  • Page 48 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. IV. Symptom of a Malfunction (1) Press a key on the display. The display shows no reaction whatsoever. V. Analysis (1) The key has ripped or the key wire connection is bad. The key operation malfunctions.
  • Page 49 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Error Message: Remote Control Malfunctions I. Definition: 1. Press the remote control switch repetitively. The display LEVEL window shows no reaction. 2. Do not press the remote control switch. The display LEVEL window changes.
  • Page 50 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. IV. Symptom of a Malfunction (1) Press the remote control switch. The display LEVEL window shows no change. V. Analysis (1) Remote control batteries lack voltage. Or the switch connector is bad. (2) Remote receiver is bad. Or the connection of the wire from the receiver to the display is bad.
  • Page 51 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Error Message: Display STROKE/MINUTE Does Not Operate I. Definition: 1. Optic sensor (A) board does not operate. 2. Pull the rower handlebar; the STROKES value never changes. 3. Pull the rower handlebar; the DISTANCE value never changes.
  • Page 52 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. III. Operation Order Part Operation 1. As the user exercises, the optic sensor wheel rotates. Optic sensor (A) board detects wheel movement. Optic Sensor - A 2. Optic sensor (A) board sends its signal to the drive board. The drive board processes the signal and sends it to the display.
  • Page 53 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. VI. Inspection Order Part Troubleshooting 1. Inspect whether the teeth on the optic sensor wheel are broken or bent. Optic Sensor 2. Inspect the wire connection of the optic sensor (A) board to the (A) Board drive board.
  • Page 54: Test Configurations

    2100 Rower VII. Test Configurations SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD.
  • Page 55 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Drive Board IGBT Test I. Test Configuration 1 2 3 7-1-1...
  • Page 56 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. II. Q1 Test Procedure 2-1. Remove the drive board wire connections. 2-2. Put the multimeter on the diode setting. 2-3. Place the red probe on the first pin of the IGBT. Place the black probe on the third pin.
  • Page 57: Drive Board Vcc Voltage Test

    SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Drive Board VCC Voltage Test I. Drive board VCC voltage test 1. Test Configuration 7-2-1...
  • Page 58 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. II. Test Procedure 2-1. Put multimeter to the 20 VDC setting. Place probes as shown. 2-2. Do not disconnect any wires. Turn on unit power. 2-3. Normal reading: 4.8-5.2 VDC. 2-4. If not as above, inspect the following: (1) Check the power fuse for continuity.
  • Page 59: Optic Sensor Test

    SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Optic Sensor Test I. Optic sensor (A) signal test configuration 1. A_PHASE signal voltage test 2. B_PHASE signal voltage test 7-3-1...
  • Page 60 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. II. Test Procedure 2-1-1. Put multimeter to the 20 VDC setting. Place probes on the red and green wires on the drive board CON4 connector. 2-1-2. Do not detach any wires. Have someone exercise on the unit.
  • Page 61 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Optic Sensor Signal Test at the Drive Board IV. Optic sensor (B) board signal test configuration 1. C Signal voltage test 7-3-3...
  • Page 62 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. V. Test Procedure 5-1. Put multimeter to the 20 VDC setting. Place probes on the white and green wires of the drive board CON5 connector. 5-2. Do not detach any wires. Have someone exercise on the unit.
  • Page 63 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Drive Board Resistance Voltage Test I. Test Configuration 7-4-1...
  • Page 64 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. II. Test Procedure 2-1. Put multimeter to the 200 VDC. 2-2. Place probes as shown on the two blue wires on the drive board CON5 connector. 2-3. Have someone exercise on the unit. Normal reading: 0.5-20 VDC. Unit does have resistance.
  • Page 65: Display Board Vcc Voltage Test

    SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Display Board VCC Voltage Test I. VCC voltage test configuration Capacitor C24 ends 7-5-1...
  • Page 66 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. II. Test Procedure 2-1. Put multimeter to the 20 VDC setting. 2-2. Place probes on the two pins of capacitor C24 as shown. 2-3. Turn on unit power. Normal reading: 4.8-5.2 VDC. The display “beeps” once and lights up.
  • Page 67 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Transformer Test Configuration I. Test Configuration CON1 Transformer Connector Drive Board 7-6-1...
  • Page 68 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. II. Test Procedure 2-1. The transformer is connected to the drive board through CON1. 2-2. Set the multimeter to the 500 VAC setting. 2-3. Turn on unit power. Place probes separately on the primary wires, which are both red (North America) or both blue (Europe) as shown.
  • Page 69: Magnet Test

    SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Magnet Test I. Test Configuration I. Test Procedure 2-1. Detach the magnet wires. 2-2. Set multimeter to the OHM setting. Place a probe on each wire of the magnet. 2-3. Normal reading: 10 OHM.
  • Page 70: Remote Transmitter Test

    SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. 2100 Rower Remote Transmitter Test I. Test Configuration Remote Transmitter 7-8-1...
  • Page 71 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. II. Test Procedure 2-1. Put multimeter on the 20 VDC setting. 2-2. Place probes as shown on the battery ends. 2-3. Normal reading: 3 VDC. After testing, install batteries into the unit. 2-4. Turn on unit power. After the display lights, press the switch on the remote controller to position I or II.
  • Page 72: Blowup Diagram And Part Numbers

    2100 Rower VIII. Blowup Diagrams and Part Numbers SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD.
  • Page 73 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. I. 2100 Rower Blow Up Diagram Note: Numbers are subject to change. For most up-to-date information, see 8-1-1...
  • Page 74 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. II. 2100 Rower Part B.O.M. Table (1) Name Factory Part # QTY Name Factory Part # Display---No heart rate 120191001 Power cord ----Japanese 2-prong 080074053 Data cable ◎ display board to drive board 020127030 Power cord ----UL...
  • Page 75 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. II. 2100 Rower Part B.O.M. Table (2) Name Factory Part # QTY Name Factory Part # 120191011 050434013 Nylon pulley – bottom Seat 020131063 120191007 Front support block Foot rest assembly – left 08001306F 120193010 Axle –...
  • Page 76 SPORTS ART INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. II. 2100 Rower Part B.O.M. Table (3) Name Part Name Part 12011003W 120191500 Steel plate - upper Display board 020131073 Impact cushion 120104010 Pull chain 120191014 Handlebar/pulley/chain assembly 120191006 IR transmitter 120191021 Foam 010930011 End cap – grip 120191015 Nylon pulley –...

Table of Contents