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Panasonic SJ-MJ95 Operating Instructions Manual page 11


Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions
Location of Controls
Refer to the illustrations on pages 6 to 7.
∫ Main unit
1 Earphone jack (Ë)
2 Play/stop button (1/∫)
3 Skip/search buttons (:, 9)
4 Open switch (OPEN)
5 Volume control buttons (i, VOL,j)
6 Hold switch (HOLD)
7 Multi cradle connection terminal
8 Rechargeable battery compartment cover
9 Connection terminal for battery case
∫ Remote control
: Hold switch (HOLD 1)
; Display
< Skip/search(backward) button (:)
= Volume control buttons (i, j)
> Play/stop button (1/∫)
? Skip/search(forward) button (9)
@ Earphone jack
A Light/display button ( $ LIGHT/ % DISP)
B Play mode button (PLAY MODE)
C Tone control/memory button
D Clip
E Plug
∫ Multi cradle
F Charge lamp
G Main unit attachment terminal
H Volume control buttons (VOL ,j ,i)
I Skip/search buttons (:,9)
J Play/stop button (1/∫)
∫ Stereo earphones
K Slider
Slide up to prevent tangling the cord when
the earphones are not in use.
L Plug
∫ Display information
M Number of tracks/track number
N Tone quality
O Text/play time
P Group mode indicator
Q Disc mark
R Play mode
S Battery indication
Insert an MD
Refer to the illustration on page 7.
1 Slide [OPEN] in the direction of the arrow
to open the lid.
2 Slide the MD between the guides so it
clicks into place. The MD springs out
again slightly.
3 Now close the lid. The MD is retracted
into position.
∫Removing the disc
Slide [OPEN] in the direction of the arrow and
the disc springs out from the unit.
Power source
Refer to the illustrations on page 8.
The rechargeable battery (included)
1 Insert the battery into the unit.
2 Connect the AC adapter to the multi
3 Put the unit on the multi cradle.
The charge lamp flashes during recharging.
If the interval between flashes becomes long
(about 5 seconds), recharging is complete.
≥ Recharging may only be performed when the
unit is off.
∫ Recharging and playback times
Recharging time : Approx. 3.5 hours
Play time :
Normal stereo mode: Approx. 46 hours
※ LP2 stereo mode: Approx. 62 hours
※ LP4 stereo mode: Approx. 79 hours
※ When playing MDs recorded with MDLP
Dry cell battery (not included)
Use one LR6 Panasonic alkaline battery.
1 Put the battery into the battery case.
2 Attach the case to the unit.
≥ Using both rechargeable and dry batteries
together greatly increases battery lasting time.
∫ The battery indicator
The unit turns off if you continue to play after
the indicator starts flashing.
Playback (Basic play)
Refer to the illustrations on pages 9 to 11.
Tracks recorded in MDLP (Extended Play
Recording; LP2, LP4) and monaural mode are
automatically detected and played back
1 Connect the remote control and
earphones, then insert the remote
control's plug into the earphone jack [Ë]
on the unit.
2 Release HOLD.
3 Insert an MD. (see left)
Reads disc information. The unit waits for 10
seconds and if no button is pressed turns
itself off.
4 Press [ 1/∫ ] to start play.
The unit stops automatically when all the
tracks on the disc have been played.
5 Adjust the volume.
To stop the disc
Press [ 1/∫ ].
After about 10 seconds the power goes off
≥ If you press [ 1/∫ ] again, play resumes from
the point where it left off (RESUME). If the
unit is opened or the battery is changed, play
starts from the first track.
Press [ :, 9 ].
≥ When the unit is stopped, use these
buttons to select a track and press [ 1/∫ ]
to begin play from that track.
Press and hold [ :, 9 ] during play.
Listening through the speakers
Refer to the illustration on page 10.
1 Insert a recharged battery into the unit.
2 Connect the AC adaptor and speakers to
the multi cradle.
3 Put the unit on the multi cradle.
The buttons on the multi cradle function the
same as the buttons on the main unit.
≥ The unit operates on the battery and the
multi cradle and speakers operate on AC
≥ The battery does not recharge during play. If
the battery goes flat during play, the unit
turns off and starts recharging.
≥ Connect only the included speakers. Do not
connect the speakers to other equipment.
≥ Both speakers are the same.
∫ The HOLD function
Refer to the illustration on page 11.
This function disables buttons so that power
cannot be turned on or play interrupted
≥Even if HOLD is activated on the main unit,
you can still operate the remote control.
≥Even if HOLD is activated on the remote
control, you can still operate the main unit.
∫ Checking the display
Button press - lights for 5 seconds.
When scrolling - lights for 20 seconds maximum.
≥To turn the display on
Press [ $ LIGHT/ % DISP].
∫Turning the remote control beep On
and Off
1 Put the main unit in hold.
2 While pressing [ 1/∫ ] on the main unit, press
[ 1/∫ ] on the remote control for about 5 seconds.
The setting switches between off (BeepOFF) and
on (BeepON) each time you do this.
∫ Adjusting contrast
1 Put the main unit on hold during play or
while play is stopped.
2 While pressing [ 1/∫ ] on the main unit,
press [i] (darker) or [j] (lighter) on the
remote control.
CONT 15 (dark) j CONT 0 (light)
Changing the battery causes the following
settings to return to the values shown: Volume
-VOL 12, Remote Control beep -ON, Contrast -
∫ Changing Display Contents
Press and hold [ $ LIGHT/ % DISP].
The display changes each time the button is
≥" * " indicates group names.
" indicates disc names.
" appears when a track, group, or
disc has no title.
≥This unit can display both 1-byte and 2-byte
(e.g., Chinese characters) text.
≥If you have given tracks, discs, or groups both
1-byte titles and 2-byte titles, this unit displays
the 2-byte title.
≥This unit may be unable to correctly display
titles edited on equipment incompatible with
2-byte text.
Other functions
Refer to the illustrations on pages 12 to 13.
Listening to a group
You can put tracks into groups using an MD
recorder and then play these groups on this
unit. You cannot create groups with this unit.
If "INTRO" or "MEMO" is displayed, first clear
by pressing [PLAY MODE]. (page 22)
1 Press and hold [PLAY MODE] while
stopped to select "GRPON" (group mode).
The group mode and disc mode change
each time the button is pressed.
GRPON()GRPOFF (disc mode)
2 Press and hold [ :, 9 ] to select the
group you want to listen to.
3 Press [1/∫] to start play.
Playback starts with the first track in the
group and continues through to the last.
≥All functions (e.g., skip, search, play modes)
work within the groups.
≥The setting returns to disc mode if you open
the lid or change the battery.

