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Hitachi PS-140SJ TH Instruction Manual page 2



Sensor Lock Safety System
Accessing a rotating spin tub can be very dangerous, even at low rotation speeds.
With the aim of taking the lead in the industry, Hitachi developed a microcomputer controlled
safety system. As well as a conventional brake to stop the tub spinning.
Hitachi has added a system to lock the lid for double the safety.This SLSS
dual safety system features a rotation sensor that detects rotation speed.
The lnner Safety Lid remains locked until complete stop of the spin dryer basket.
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Convenient Collars & Cuffs Washboard
This convenient feature lets you hand wash certain areas of items to remove
dirt that regular washing doesn't easily remove,such as dirt on collars and cuffs,
stains on aprons and dirt on the heels of socks, it's simple idea for a twin tub
washing machine that lets you scrub parts of items when you notice stubborn dirt
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