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Carf-Models Composite-ARF YAK 55SP Instruction Manual page 33


Composite-ARF YAK 55SP (3m span)
ly off. The aileron control surfaces have enough torsion flexibility so that damage to the servos
should not occur.
Flying the Yak 55SP
The Yak has proven to be a very neutral flying airplane. It also maintains a very constant speed
in 'up' and 'down' lines. These two characteristics alone make it a perfect pattern plane, well suit-
ed for IMAC up to unlimited class.
It makes a pilot look good. It covers up mistakes. It makes complicated maneouvers easier
because it flies slowly. Still it's like on rails, even in windy conditions. It does not even know what
a knife edge mix means ... it does not need any mixing at all. It's just "straight"!
Snaps are crisp, and stop immediately. Rolling maneouvers are perfectly on the line, due to the
mid-wing design. Up and down lines are slow and constant, giving you time to concentrate on
the next move.
Not only for IMAC and high class Pattern, but also for 3D the Yak has its qualities. Large control
surfaces and low wing loading make it float slowly, yet tumble like crazy at the same time. The
wide wing chord allows a very wide CG range, which means that it can be flown very tail heavy,
doing even more exciting manouvers than other planes.
Now, since the engine manufacturers have been much slower than their promises in developing
a large giant scale aerobatic engine, we have decided to scale our ultimate Yak 55SP 3.3m down
to a span of 3m, making a bold statement in the popular 40% class of aerobatic planes, perfect-
ly suited for the reliable and economical 150cc engines on the market today.
We know that many have waited for this move, and we've tried hard to make sure that nobody
will be disappointed. The 3m Yak, just like its bigger and smaller brothers, is one of the best fly-
ing planes ever designed. It's a "must have" if you want to be successful in advanced or unlim-
ited IMAC.
We hope that you enjoyed building your Yak 55SP. Please let us know if you think that any hard-
ware is missing or inadequate. We tried to make this airplane as complete as possible. With good
feedback from customers you will help us to continue making good things even better. We appre-
ciate your comments very much.
Have Fun!
Your Composite-ARF Team

