Table of Contents


Web User Interface
Specify the SSID that the device will associate
and connect to when accessing the
OSU server.
OSU Server URI:
Specify the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
of the OSU Server.
OSU Method List:
Spcify preferred list of encoding methods that
the OSU server supports in order of priority.
OSU Config:
Choose from drop down list which configuration
set to use.
OSU language:
Choose from drop down list language to use.
OSU Friendly Name:
Specify a list of one or more names in different
languages which will allow the device to
display the OSU Friendly Name in alternative
languages based on the language slected in
the setting of the mobile device.
OSU Nai:
Specify OSU Network Access Identifier.
OSU Service
Choose the service description lagnuage from
drop down list. Specify the service provider's
descrption of service offering.
OSU Icon Language:
Choose icon language from drop down list.




Table of Contents

Table of Contents