GAF SS 805 Instructions Manual

Super 8 sound movie camera


SS 805


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for GAF SS 805

  • Page 2 FEATURES 96 Kutywktsm7Wknukv"ox5 zy©u}o"©ovomty}"wroov :6 Wyvso"vsqrt"©ymuot ;6 Psvto}"luttyn ?6 gyyw"}snq"wstr"pymkv"vonqtr ©mkvo"knn"zyyw"rknnvo A6 Pymu©snq"}snq"wstr"ns©tknmo ©mkvo B6 Xout}kv"non©sty"psvto} ©wstmr C6 csowpsnno}"oyomuz D6 csowpsnno}"oyozsomo kntu©twont"wroov E6 Pyytkqo"snnsmkty} 986 Pkno"mynt}yv"©wstmr 996 Lkmuvsqrt"luttyn 9:6 Oxzy©u}o"lktto}y"to©to}7 wynsty}"luttyn 9;6 Lktto}y"to©t"vsqrt 9?6 Wyty}"lktto}y"to©to} 9A6 Zywo}"zyyw"©wstmro© 9B6 Psvw"mk}t}snqo"mywzk}t5 wont"myvo}"vktmr 9C6 Psvw"tyzo"snontspsmktsyn wsnnyw 9D6 csowpsnno}"vsqrt"©tyz...
  • Page 3 Electric eye battery compartment Audio gain switch Tripod socket Battery charger outlet (also used for battery booster pack) Motor battery compartment cover Camera appearance @Reg. U.S. Pat. Off.; Marca Registrada; subject to minor changes Marque Deposee; GAF Corporation, New York, N.Y. U.S.A...
  • Page 4: Condensedi Nstructions

    Details Details CONDENSED I NDEX on page I NSTRUCTIONS on page Nna—u{n}"2 :2 [n—"aumrx"parw"}wr—lq Kxwmnw}nm"rw}—{ul—rxw}"4 52 Qw}—auu"ka——n{rn} —x"mn}r{nm"yx}r—rxw Qw}—auurwp"nunl—{rl1nyn"ka——n{y" Qw}—auurwp"vx—x{"ka——n{rn}" 62 ]n}—"ka——n{rn} ;2 Imsu}—"vrnworwmn{"—x ]n}—rwp"ka——n{rn}" yxu{"nyn}rpq— 72 Qw}n{—"}xuwm"oruv Tnw}"lay" Txamrwp"—qn"lavn{a" la{—{rmpn ?2 Nxlu} Nruv"vxvnvnw—"rwmrla—x{"7 82 Xuup"rw"vrl{xyqxwn0 Nxx—apn"rwmrla—x{"7 yualn"r—"lux}n"—x"awm A2 ]u{w"Iu—xva—rl3Uawuau" Nruv"nwm"}rpwau"7 arvnm"a—"}uksnl—...
  • Page 5 P UZ[HSSPUN"LSLJ[YPJ1LcL IH[[LYc 51 Wujln"kj——n{y"rw"lxvyj{—vnw— xo"njlq"kj——n{y"r}"}qxww"xw"ujknu wr—q"yuu}",.-"}rmn"—xwj{m}"—qn rw"lxvyj{—vnw—"jwm"rw"Fig. 4 . H"90vxu—"}ruvn{"xxrmn"kj——n{y ,Lvn{njmy"877-"yxwn{}"—qn"nunl0 kx——xv"xo"—qn"lxvyj{—vnw— Jux}n"lxvn{1 —{rl"nyn1"P—"r}"}uyyurnm"wr—q"—qn Z—jwmj{m",wxw0{nlqj{pnjkun- (Fig. 2) . jutjurwn"kj——n{rn}"wruu"m{rvn"uy"—x ljvn{j/"nr—qn{"rw}—juunm/"x{"yjltnm 61 Ynyujln"lxvn{1 }nyj{j—nuy"rw"—qn"ljvn{j"kxx1 ;"}xuwm"x{"48"}runw—"lj{—{rmpn}"xo oru v"—q{xupq"ljvn{j1"aqnw"jutj0 P UZ[HSSPUN"TV[VY ur wn"kj——n{rn}"j{n"wx—"jvjrujkun/ To insert battery: IH[[LYPLZ 1. Wujln"ljvn{j"xw"ouj—"}u{ojln/ zrwl0lj{kxw"ouj}qurpq—"kj——n{rn} Zwrwp"xynw"vx—x{"kj——n{y"lxv0 uy}rmn"mxww1"[u{w"kj——n{y"lxv0 vjy"kn"u}nm"jkxvn"88M/"ku—"wruu yj{—vnw—"lxvn{"xw"—qn"kx——xv"xo yj{—vnw—"lxvn{"xw"kx——xv"xo...
  • Page 6: Testing Batteries

    TESTING BATTERIES LOADING THE CAMERA Depress tester button marked replaced. Rechargeable motor Pull back latch and swing open "Exp." ("A" in Fig. 5 ) to test batteries may be recharged ac- fil m compartment cover (Fig. 6). electric eye battery. cording to instructions supplied Insert Super 8 sound movie film Note: Electric-eye battery tester...
  • Page 7 FILM MOVEMENT INDICATOR tridge has been exposed when A fast or slow flickering in the 100/160 daylight/tungsten ASA the needle reaches 50 (feet) and fil m movement indicator above fil m speed combination, or the 15 (meters). the viewfinder image (shown in universal (type G) ASA 160 film.
  • Page 8 USING THE VIEWFINDER LOCKING THE TRIGGER UNLOADING EXPOSED FILM The bright, through-the-lens re- RELEASE When all the film has been flex viewfinder shows each scene The trigger release can be locked exposed, open the film compart- as it will appear projected on the in two positions: ment cover.
  • Page 9: Using The Zoom Lens

    USING THE ZOOM LENS disk in viewfinder (Fig. 14 ). If the The zoom lens does the work of the lens barrel (Fig. 12 ), then look several separate lenses. It has an through viewfinder at an object microprism area is blurred (as in Fig.
  • Page 10 EXPOSURE [qn"zxxv"onjtu{n"vjy"kn"utrurznm [qn"tq{xupq0tqn0unw}"JmZ"nx0 aqnw"urwnm"uy"wrtq"tqn"{non{nwln ur wn/"tqn"orpu{n}":18/"43/"48/"58/"73/ rw"twx"wjy}A yx}u{n"vntn{"y{xvrmn}"lxv0 41 [x"lxwt{xu"tqn"}uksnlt*}"}rzn"rw yuntnuy"jutxvjtrl"nxyx}u{n"lxw0 jwm"93"xw"tqn"oxlju0unwptq"}ljun j{xuwm"tqn"unw}"rwmrljtn"rw"vruur0 t{xu"wqnw"tqn"nxyx}u{n"}nunltx{ tqn"rvjpn/"mny{n}}"nrtqn{"zxxv wqnnu"r}"tu{wnm"tx"tqn"lurlt"}txy vntn{}"tqn"oxlju"unwptq"xo"tqn }wrtlq"tx"k{rwp"tqn"unw}"tx"tqn rw"tqn"(H][V("yx}rtrxw" (Fig. 17 ). unw}"jt"tqjt"}nttrwp1"Mx{"nxjvyun/ nwm"xo"tqn"zxxv"{jwpn/"tqnw"mn0 wqnw"48"r}"urwnm"uy"wrtq"tqn"{no0 [qn"wnnmun"rw"tqn"vrnworwmn{ y{n}}"tqn"xtqn{"zxxv"}wrtlq"jwm }qxw}"tqn"o2}txy"}nt"ky"tqn"nunl0 n{nwln"urwn",j}"rw" Fig. 16 ), xk}n{vn"tqn"}uksnlt"rw"tqn"vrnw0 noonltrvn"oxlju"unwptq"xo"tqn"unw} t{rl"nyn1 orwmn{1"aqnw"tqn"}rzn"r}"{rpqt/ r}"48"vruurvntn{}1 Zxvn"unw}"xynwrwp}"xw"tqn"o2}txy }txy"zxxvrwp"jwm"}tj{t"tqn }ljun"j{n"rwmrljtnm"ky"mxt}1"[qn [qn"zxxv"onjtu{n"r}"u}nm"tx"lxw0 ljvn{j1 unw}"xynwrwp}"{ny{n}nwtnm"ky"tqn...
  • Page 11 To set the lens opening manually, duce properly-exposed movies, bright light will influence the the needle remains in the red electric eye and make the pictures turn selector wheel clockwise, too dark. toward "MANUAL", until needle in area at the left side of the f/stop When the light is too bright, the viewfinder is over the desired scale (Fig.
  • Page 12 HKQ]Z[PUN"H][VTH[PJ LbWVZ]YL uj{pn{"tqjw"tqjt"rwmrljtnm"ky"tqn ynwm}"xw"qxw"oj{"tqn"twxk"r} Tqn"ojltx{y1jmsu}tnm"jutxvjtrl nxyx}u{n"vntn{"tx"y{xvrmn"tqn tu{wnm2"Kjlq"mxt"wnj{"tqn"wx{m nxyx}u{n"lx{{n}yxwm}"tx"rwtn{1 u}uju"nxyx}u{n"lxvynw}jtrxw 'Rrpqtn{'"{ny{n}nwt}"j"yuu}"537 wjtrxwju"}tjwmj{m}2"Sx}t"u}n{} {nzur{nm"ky"juu"wrmn1{jwpn"zxxv o3}txy"nxyx}u{n"rwl{nj}n2"Tqn{n1 orwm"rt"rmnju2"Yrwln"tj}tn}"vj{y0 unw}n}"ljurk{jtnm"rw"o3}txy}2"Lx{ ox{n0"jurpwrwp"tqn"or{}t"-lux}n}t"tx qxwnvn{0"jw"nxyx}u{n1jmsu}tvnwt nxjvyun0"ro"tqn"nxyx}u{n"vntn{ tqn"zn{x."mxt"wrtq"tqn"rwmnx"urwn twxk"r}"y{xvrmnm"ox{"rwl{nj}rwp"x{ rwmrljtn}"j"unw}"xynwrwp"xo"o392:0 wruu"{n}uut"rw"j"537"o3}txy"nxyx}u{n mnl{nj}rwp"tqn"nxyx}u{n"}nt"ky rwl{nj}n"-jkxut"74).2"Tqn"}nlxwm }nt"wnnmun"rw"vrnworwmn{"qjuowjy tqn"jutxvjtrl"nunlt{rl"nyn2 mxt"}nt"jt"tqn"rwmnx"urwn"wruu"prvn"j kntwnnw"o362?"-mxt."jwm"o382 Ow"tqn"wx{vju"yx}rtrxw0"tqn"zn{x 637"}txy"rwl{nj}n"-jkxut":9).0 vj{t"xw"tqn"nxyx}u{n1jmsu}tvnwt UL][YHS"KLUZP[c"MPS[LY wqrun"tqn"tqr{m"mxt"wruu"y{xvrmn"j twxk"r}"}nt"jt"tqn"wqrtn"rwmnx"urwn0 ouuu"o3}txy"-544)."nxyx}u{n"rw1 Tx"y{nvnwt"xvn{nxyx}u{n0"tqn j}"}qxww"rw" Fig. 23. Lx{"vx{n l{nj}n2"L orwn{"jmsu}tvnwt0"tqn ljvn{j"onjtu{n}"j"kurut1rw"2:"wnu1...
  • Page 13: Making Movies

    BACKLIGHT BUTTON When the sun is behind the sub- For a darker image, turn knob When the camera is loaded, the ject, the area facing the camera is counterclockwise. Each dot near lens focused, and the viewfinder usually too dark. To lighten the the word "Darker"...
  • Page 14 U[ZJUUX"SU]OKY H"lusvt2sx"y}kxqo"psvto}1"zysstsyxon Httkmrsxq"tro"wyvso"vsqrt"kntusts Ky"xyt"py}qot"ty"}owyvo"tro"wyvso lorsxn"tro"voxs1"kntusts"tro tro"mkwo}k"kutywktsmkvvy"ty"psvw2 vs qrt"zvuq"py}"yutnyy}"wyvsos3 mkwo}k"ty"yutnyy}"wy}u"wstr sxq"uxno}"k}tspsmskv"svvuwsxktsyx"ly sxnyy}"psvw3 }ot}kmtsxq"tro"nkyvsqrt"-y}kxqo. arox"vyknon"wstr"tro"uxsvo}skv I}sqrt"y}"rkzy"suxvsqrt"mywsxq tyzo"N"psvw1"mkwo}k"wsvv"yzo}kto psvto}"p}yw"tro"yztsmkv"systow3 my}}omtvy"uxno}"kxy"tyzo"yp"svvuws2 p}yw"lorsxn"y}"p}yw"ostro}"ssno"yp Pp"k"wyvso"vsqrt"yp"k"tyzo"trkt"nyos xyt"pst"tro"symuot1"k"pvyynvsqrt1"y} xktsyx1"wstryut"kntustwoxt3 tro"mkwo}k"ss"lost"py}"yutnyy} wyvsos3"My}"lkmuvsqrton"smoxos1 oxsstsxq"k}tspsmskv"vsqrt"ss"uson1"tro LGJK0OT2LGJK0U[Z }owowlo}"ty"uooz"tro"lkmuvsqrt psvto}"luttyx"wust"lo"rovn"no2 IUTZXUR luttyx"noz}osson"wrsvo"tro z}osson"wrsvo"tro"mkwo}k"ss"}ux2 [ro"kutywktsm"pkno2sx4pkno2yut mkwo}k"ss"}uxxsxq3 xsxq" Hs"kx"kvto}xkto (Fig. 25 ). poktu}o"wky"lo"uson"ty"knn"k wotryn1"tro"wyvso"vsqrt"zvuq1 O TJUUX"SU]OKY (z}yposssyxkv("tyumr"ty"wyvso suzzvson"wstr"mkwo}k1"wky"lo z}osoxtktsyxs3...
  • Page 15: Remote Control

    will emerge gradually from com- ning and hold it depressed. Keep switch to "off", then press the plete darkness. To fade-in a scene, the camera running until the trigger and lock it. Locking the depress trigger release halfway, needle in the viewfinder reaches trigger in the "running"...
  • Page 16: Filter Size

    CAMERA CARE yourself. Take it to a dealer, or Protect camera from dirt, rain, 16217 Kittridge St. send it to the nearest GAF dampness, and excessive heat. Van Nuys, California 91406 Consumer Photo Service Center Avoid touching the lens. To clean li sted below.
  • Page 17 Depress each battery being recorded. A high-low audio tester button in turn, for an designation (GAF SS 805) and the gain switch is also provided. In serial number appearing near the instant, to be sure that batteries most instances this switch is set at are O.K.
  • Page 18 YLJVYKPUN"ZPNUHS A flickering green light is visible release and lock it. Take your With the earphone place in the scene and start inside the viewfinder when sound plugged into the monitor outlet camera by sliding microphone is being recorded while the of the camera it is possible to switch to "On".
  • Page 19 To monitor sound with the camera is like the human ear: it Checking the sounds reaching earphone without running the will pick up all sounds reaching it. the microphone with the earphone camera, plug in earphone and However, it is not backed up by a is the best way to detect selective human mind.
  • Page 20 However, if the loudness of main There is another, and perhaps Handling the microphone can sound and background noise are also result in distracting back- best way to prevent background not too far apart, the background noise from interfering with the ground noise.
  • Page 21 More than one sound source Microphone placement Poor location The most typical example of this The microphone supplied with Not every place lends itself to is several people talking at the sound recording. Some rooms, the camera is omnidirectional: it same time.
  • Page 22: Specifications

    SPECIFICATIONS Type Do not restrict yourself to movie- Make your films more entertaining Super 8 sound movie camera by telling a story with your camera making outdoors in sunny Lens weather. Scenes made on cloudy (instead of just showing a series Chinon Reflex Zoom Lens f/1.7 days, even in rain, add variety, of disconnected scenes).
  • Page 23: Sound System

    Filming speed Audio gain switch Power sources 18 frames-per-second with sound Sound level can be set at "H" Motor batteries: 9 volts, provided (high, normally used) or "L" (low) cartridge, 20 fps with silent by six 1.5 volt AA-size alkaline cartridge batteries Amplifier/exposure Maximum input voltage...

Table of Contents