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Pad Switch - SE Electronics microphone Manual Manual

Electronics microphone


Using Your Microphone
Many models come with a precision-built flexible shock mount to minimize the effect of floor-borne
vibrations reaching the microphone through the stand. When recording vocals at close range, you
should use an external mesh pop screen to prevent low frequency thumps caused by air expelled from
the mouth on certain syllables. Your pop screen should be placed midway between the singer's mouth
and the microphone for close-miked vocals but should not be necessary when using the microphone
to record voices more than 1 metre from the microphone or when recording musical instruments. To
avoid room reflections, microphones should be set up away from hard walls and surfaces - or if this is
unavoidable, a
Reflexion Filter™
can come in handy.

Pad Switch

Where a pad switch is fitted, this should only be used when the microphone is being used to record
exceptionally loud sound sources that risk overloading the microphone preamplifier to which the
microphone is connected, even when set to its minimum gain setting.
Low Cut
Where fitted, the Low Cut switch activates a high-pass filter that reduces the amount of low
frequencies in the output signal from the microphone. Low Cut may be used to reduce the amount of
bass boost caused by the proximity effect when working very close to the microphone or to to exclude
low frequency signals, such as traffic and floor vibrations where the signal being recorded has little or
no deep bass content.
Operating your microphone
All capacitor microphones, other than tube models, require a phantom power supply (48V nominal),
normally provided by the mixing console or mic preamp to which the microphone is connected.
Phantom power can only be used with balanced microphones and balanced cables and will not cause
damage to dynamic microphones plugged into the same mixing console providing they are balanced
and connected using balanced cables.
Switch on the phantom power supply after connecting the microphone as repeated plugging and
unplugging of a microphone with the phantom power switched on may eventually degrade the
components in your microphone preamplifier or mixing console.
Before switching on any tube microphone for the first time, ensure that the mains voltage selector is
set correctly for the local mains supply. Tube microphones should also be switched on 30 minutes
prior to use to achieve optimum performance.
For information on available accessories (pop shields, mic stands, etc), please visit our website.
Microphone Manual

