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Kodak f.7.7 User Manual page 21

Vest pocket autographic


Dark colored walls ancl liangings arcl nrore
tlran one x'indolr':
briglit sun outside, 20 seconds;
hazl' sun,40 seconds;
cloud-v bri ght, 80 seconds ;
<:loudl- dull, 2 minutes, 40 seconds.
Dark colored u'alls and hangings and only one
bright sru outside, 40 secolrds;
hazt- sun. 80 seconds;
cloudlr bright, 2 rninutes, 40 seconds:
cloud-v drill, 5 rninutes, 20 seconds.
The foregoing is calculated for rooms rvhosc
rvindows get the clirect light from the sky ancl
for hours from three hours after sunrise until
three hours before sunset.
If earlier or later the time reotrired r'r'ill be
K o d a k P o r t r a i t
A t t a c h m e n t .
By means of a Kodak Portrait AttaclrnrenL
used with the Vest Pocket Autographic Kodak
Strteci,al f,7.7, head artd shoulder pictures of
increased size may be obtained,
the Kodak Portrait
position the subject sltould be placed \Yt feet
from the lens.
is simply an extra lens
slippecl over lens opetring, and in no wa],
alfects the operation of the carnera except to
change the focus.
Price, 50 r:ents. Be sure
and specify what carnera the attachment is
to be usecl with'rvhen orclering.
T i m e
E x p o s u r e s
i n O p e n A i r .
Wlren the stop J.32 is in the lens the light
admittecl is so much reduced that time expo-
sures out of doors may be made the same as
interiors, but the exposure must
be much
lVrrn SuNsnrNr-'I'he shutter can hardly
opened ancl closecl quickly
enough to avoid
over exposure.
W'rtn Lrciu'r Clouns-From
l-5 to % second
will be sufficient.
Wrrn Hnavv Cr.ouos-From I to 3 secollds
will be required'
The above iscalculated for hours from three
hours after sunrise until three hours before
sunset and for objects in the open air'
other hours, or for objects in
the shadow'
under porches or under trees, no accurate
directions can be given; experience only can
teach the Proper exposure to give'
T'ime exposures cannot be made while the
camera is held in the hand'
Always place it
upon scllne firm support such as a chair or
D I A P H R A G M S .
The stops should be used as follows:
F.?.?-l'or exposures of moving' o-ljects',with
sn;til,r sr]eea or 1-50 second; occasionally for slorver
iii"".r-"r i-25 on elou,ly tl.rl's : f"r in(loor lx'rtririts'
ahit f"r a,lI ordinaly exl)osures r)f l-50 of-a stcollo'
exposuies of 1-25 second when the sun
exposures of 1-25 seco-nd when tlle s^un-
tic:nt is unusia,lly strollt{ a'nd there are no neavy
" i i , a . * " -
s u e h a s - i n v i e w s o n t h e s e a s h o l ' e o f ^ o n
i;" irrtelior tirne exl)osures' the time tor
i"iiii.n is g i,ven itr the table on ptge 30'
F . i z n " i i ' a z - F o r
i n t e r i o r s .
F o t t i l n e , e x l ) o s u r e s
out <lf doors in deep shadow or on verl" clou(ly
Tlre srnaller tlre
"l'i,il)f,'ti?l'ii'i'.:nf.fii"$'iire res.rt i r l'ou use the
sruallest stop for instantaneous exl)t)sures'
( 3F)

