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Medartis MODUS 90° Instructions For Use page 3


As soon as the screw is fixed in the bone with its first screw threads, the screwholding
fork must be retracted over the sliding collar. Only then can the screw be fully inserted
without obstruction
Instructions Regarding Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization
All instruments in the MODUS systems are delivered NON-STERILE and must be cleaned,
disinfected and sterilized before each use. This also holds true for the first use after the delivery
(cleaning and disinfection after removing the protective transport packaging, lubrication and
sterilization). Thorough cleaning and disinfection are essential for effective sterilization.
As part of your responsibility for ensuring instrument sterility, please always ensure during use
that only adequate and suitable product-specific procedures are used for cleaning and
disinfection and that only sterilization procedures that have undergone adequate equipment and
product-specific validation are employed. Also ensure that the equipment used (sterilizer) is
regularly serviced and inspected, and that the validated parameters are met during each cycle.
The statutory regulations applicable in your country and the hospital's hygiene requirements
must also be observed. This applies in particular to the various instructions for effectively
deactivating prions.
The screwdriver may only be prepared manually
Remove the rotating instrument
Remove the screwdriver from the power drive
Clean the screwdriver and accessories immediately after treatment (within 2 hours) in
order to rinse out any penetrating fluids (such as blood, saliva, etc.) and to prevent the
internal parts from seizing
Sterilize the screwdriver after manual cleaning and disinfection, as well as lubrication
Preliminary Disinfection
In case of stronger contamination, pre-clean with disinfection wipes (see "Disinfection" for
instructions regarding disinfectants).
Manual Cleaning
Dismantle the instrument as far as possible (screwdriver, rotation knob and screwholding
Rinse off and brush off the screwdriver, screw holding fork and rotation knob using
demineralized water (< 38 °C)
Push the sliding button forwards, gently lift the sliding button from the neck and pull the
sliding button forwards and away from the screwdriver head
If necessary, clean the exposed head area once more using a nylon brush
Clean the sliding button for 5 minutes in an ultrasound bath (see below for general
information regarding ultrasound)
Never clean the whole screwdriver using ultrasound!
Ultrasound Cleaning and Disinfection
Ultrasound is particularly suited for the cleaning of instruments made from stainless steel and
hard plastics. Mechanically sensitive instruments can be cleaned and disinfected gently and
thoroughly with the aid of ultrasound.
Ultrasound cleaning is used
as mechanical support for manual cleaning processes
to remove stubborn spots or after machine cleaning
as a supportive cleaning measure for mechanical preparatory procedures
When performing ultrasound cleaning, please note the following:
the ultrasound bath must be prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions and
refreshed each day; depending on the usage conditions, changing the bath more frequently
may be advantageous
warm water is recommended for filling the bath
a suitable cleaning agent or combined disinfectant/cleaning agent must be added
when using agents of this type, the concentration, temperature and ultrasound application
time must be appropriately set according to the manufacturer's instructions
Instructions for Use for MODUS 90° Screwdriver
Medartis, APTUS, MODUS, TriLock, HexaDrive and SpeedTip are registered trademarks and brands of Medartis AG, 4057 Basel/Switzerland
lifting the sliding button with too much
force (bending the spring too far) may
result in damage and a loss of
Dismantle the instruments and open the joint instruments as much as possible (if this
has not already been done)
Place the dismantled instruments in the appropriate container in the ultrasound bath.
When doing this, ensure that:
the instruments are completely covered with cleaning solution
instruments with a large area must be positioned in such a way as to avoid
ultrasound shadows or ultrasound dead zones
do not overload the sieve trays
to maximize cleaning performance, different materials and surface qualities should
not be mixed
If the ultrasound unit does not have a rinsing and drying chamber, follow steps 3 and 4:
The products must be rinsed under sterile or low microbial count (max. 10
microbes/ml) and low-endotoxin (max. 0.25 endotoxin units/ml) water (e.g. purified
water) until all residues have been removed
The products must then be dried with a lint-free cloth or with medical-grade
compressed air. Drying using compressed air is particularly gentle and effective, and
is therefore preferable to any other drying method, e.g. using a cloth
Pressure Rinsing the Screwdriver
Once the sliding retaining spring has been removed, subject the screwdriver to a pressure
rinse with W&H Service Oil MD-400
Follow the instructions listed below, as well as the operating instructions for the oil spray can
For the rinse process, wrap the screwdriver head with a clean cloth to catch the oil
discharged from the head
Insert the spray nozzle of the oil spray can into the grip of the screwdriver and spray for
approximately 2 seconds
In certain positions, the screwdriver is leak tight. In these positions, pressure rinsing is not
possible. Couple the rotation knob and turn the drive 90°. In this new position, the pressure
rinse can be completed successfully
After the rinse process, wait 2 - 3 seconds before removing the spray nozzle from the
instrument again so that the pressure built up inside the instrument can subside
Repeat the pressure rinse until clean oil is discharged from the head
Between rinse procedures, couple the rotation knob and use this to turn the drive a few more
times to loosen any contamination in the drive
Note: for technical reasons, opening the drive is not permitted. This can only be done by
trained service personnel. For service and repairs, please send the instrument to your
nearest Medartis branch or distribution partner
Drying After the Pressure Rinse
Place the sliding retaining spring back on the head from the front, attach the rotation knob
and verify that the drive operates freely
Remove the rotation knob again
Remove any excess oil,
by carefully blowing out with compressed air (there must be no more oil
discharged from the head)
by wiping off with cellulose or a soft cloth
Store the screwdriver with the head downward
Disinfection with surface disinfectants (wiping disinfection is recommmended!)
Only use surface disinfectants which do not contain chlorine and are certified by officially
recognized institutions
Use a disinfectant with proven effectiveness (such as VAH/DGHM or FDA approval or a CE
Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the use of the surface disinfectant!
After cleaning or cleaning and disinfection, check the screwdriver for corrosion, damage to
surfaces, chipping, contaminants and function. Damaged screwdrivers may need to be
removed. Screwdrivers which are still dirty must be cleaned and disinfected again.
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