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Zeon 2620 User Manual page 2

Mini cooper s - radio control car


Battery Precautions
1. Alkaline batteries are recommended.
2. Do not use rechargeable batteries.
3. New and used batteries should not to be mixed.
4. Only batteries of the same or equivalent type as recommended are to be used.
5. Batteries are to be inserted with the correct polarity.
6. Please change the batteries with new ones once they are exhausted.
7. Please remove batteries if the car is not used for prolonged period of time.
8. The batteries can only be changed under adult supervision.
9. The battery should never be put near fire or any source of heat, nor should it be
thrown into fire or left in direct sunlight.
Operating Instructions
1. Extend the antenna fully.
2. Push the switch to the "ON" position on both the car (located on chassis) and the
controller (located on the back of unit). The instruction light will turn on.
3. Adjust the direction switch to control the car turning and maneuvering.
4. When the batteries are low, it may lose functions or performance. It's time for
fresh batteries. Your vehicle's running time may change depending on your
driving style.
Operating Precautions
1. Radio interference may interfere with the performance of your vehicle.
Interference can be caused by other R/C vehicles running on the same frequency;
electrical wires; large buildings; or CB radios. Try to stay away from these!
2. Avoid driving your vehicle in sand or through water or snow.
3. Avoid placing your vehicle near heat or in direct sunlight. Always turn switches
OFF and remove all batteries for storage.



This manual is also suitable for:

Mini cooper s 2620