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Summary of Contents for TCO 95 V7 Super Slim Line L23.1A

  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    T A B L E C O N T E N T S I. FCC Compliance Statement II. Safety Instructions III. Sicherheitsmaßnahmen und Wartung 1. Introduction 2. Setup 3. Controls & Functions 4. Timing Guide 5. Power Management Appendix A: Specifications Appendix B: Troubleshooting Appendix C: TCO '95...
  • Page 3: Fcc Compliance Statement

    F C C C O M P L I A N C E S T A T E M E N T Thi s equi pment has been tested and found to co mply w ith CAUTION the limits for a Class B digital device, pursua nt to Part 15 of To comply with the limits for a FCC Class B computing device, FCC Rules.
  • Page 4: Safety Instructions

    S A F E T Y I N S T R U C T I O N S • Powe r the tota l o f a ll uni ts plugged into the wal l o utl et does not - LCD Monitor Rated : 12 V d c , 5.5A ma ximum.
  • Page 5: Sicherheitsmaßnahmen Und Wartung

    S ICHER HEITSMAß NAHMEN UND WAR TUNG IIII • Den Monitor von der Netzspannung tre nnen, w enn de r Monitor langere ¨ • Bei de r Aufstellung des Monitors darauf achten, daß Netzbuchse leicht Ze it nicht benutzt wird. zuga nglich sind.
  • Page 6: Introduction

    General Inform ation Features With incredible style, versatility and visual brilliance, the LCD • 20.1” TFT Liq uid Crysta l Display with anti- glare trea tment monito r dual-inp ut flat pa nel can turn the dream of a perfect •...
  • Page 7 Check List Optional Items These are optio nal items and can be ordered by conta cting Before operating this monitor, please make sure that all items dealer d irectly. listed below are present i n your pac kage: • The LCD monitor •...
  • Page 8 No too ls a re required to set up the LCD monito r. Simp ly foll ow the i nstructi ons outl ined in the next few pa ges. Connectors for the signal cables and po wer are located on the back of the panel b ehind the cover door.
  • Page 9: Setup

    Cable Management The LCD mo nitor has built-in c able guides and cover to help yo u organi ze a nd route the cab les neatly o n yo ur d esktop space. The cable cover is located on the back of the monitor stand and it is opened by gently pulling it off the stand.
  • Page 10 Adjust the Four-Way Ergonomic Stand Adj ust the four-way (tilt, height, sw ivel and pi vot) ergono mic stand for your ma ximum vi ewing co mfort. To minimize eye fati que, we suggest you a llow a minimum viewing d istance of 18 inches. CA UTION: In order to p rotect the LCD, b e sure to hold the ed ge of bezel whenever you adj ust i t a nd do no t touc h the screen.
  • Page 11: Controls & Functions

    C O N T R O L S & F U N C T I O N S Down Control Dial menu i s a cti ve, use the three wa y mo vements of the Control The Control Dia l is a mul ti-functio nal device located b ehind Dial to adjust the monitor.
  • Page 12 C O N T R O L S & F U N C T I O N S PreVu On-Screen Display Menu De scriptions The LCD moni to r features an PreVu On- Sc reen D ispl ay The L CD moni tor is cap abl e o f a ccepting b oth di gita l a nd (OSD ) menu w ith easi ly id entifi ab l e ic o ns designed to anal og signal i np uts a nd therefore ha s two d ifferent sets make ad justing your monitor display settings a more user-...
  • Page 13 C O N T R O L S & F U N C T I O N S Auto Setup* Contrast Sel ecti ng and exec uti ng thi s c o ntrol ma kes automa ti c Selecting this control allows you to make adjustments to the ad justments to the horizo nta l a nd vertic al si ze, ho riz ontal contra st level o f the disp lay screen in the sc ale of 0 to 100.
  • Page 14 C O N T R O L S & F U N C T I O N S V-Position (Vertical Position)* USER : A djust the Red (R-Gain), G (G- Gain) and B (B- Ga in) individually to get the grey matching personal preference. Select this control and then use the Contro l Di al to center the i mage vertically o n the sc reen.
  • Page 15 C O N T R O L S & F U N C T I O N S Clock* Scaling Selec ting this contro l a llo ws you to adj ust the frequenc y, Selecting this c ontrol to c hoose a sc aling. sampling rate of horizontal pixels, to equal the video source’...
  • Page 16 C O N T R O L S & F U N C T I O N S Source H.Position (OSD Horizontal Position) Sel ecti ng this c ontro l al lows you to select between Digi tal Selec ting this control allows you to move the OSD menu DVI a nd Analo g RGB si ngal inp uts.
  • Page 17: Timing Guide

    Definition R e s o l u t i o n M o d e The LCD monitor is a dual input type LCD monitor that is capable N a m e H ( k H z ) V ( H z ) of ac cepting b oth the traditional analog RGB vid eo signal s and the new digital DVI (Digital Visual Interface) signa ling.
  • Page 18: Power Management

    P O W E R M A N A G E M E N T Definition LED Indicator (Power Management Active) The po wer management feature of the LCD monitor enables T he p ow er ma na gement fea ture of the LCD mo nitor i s the mo nito r to recognize Energy Sta r video a da pter a nd comprised of two stages: On (green) and Active Off (amber).
  • Page 19: Appendix A: Specifications

    A P P E N D I X S P E C I F I C A T I O N S Powe r (AC/D C Adapter) Input: 100~240VAC, 60/50Hz, Panel Size/Type 20.1" TFT Active Matrix LCD, Output:12VDC a nti- gla re and ha rd(2H) c oated Display Size (h x v) 16.1”...
  • Page 20: Appendix B: Troubleshooting

    A P P E N D I X T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G by mo ving the mouse o r a keystroke on the keyb oard. TH E FOLL OW ING QUESTIONS A ND A NSWE RS A RE SOME OF THE MOST COMMON PROBLEMS RELATED It’...
  • Page 21 A P P E N D I X T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G What is DVI ? What is DFP? How do I change the resolution the m onitor displays? Digi tal Video Interface (DVI) and D igital Flat Panel (DFP) are The resol ution displ ayed o n a mo nitor is co ntroll ed by the new industry standard digital display signaling protocol based...
  • Page 22 A P P E N D I X T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G If you are unable to correct the problem using the How do I change the frequency or refre sh rate the TROUBLESHOOTING section.
  • Page 23: Appendix C: Tco '95

    ‘ A P P E N D I X What does labe lling involve? Congra tula ti ons! Yo u ha ve just purc ha sed a T CO’ 95 approved and labelled produc t! Your choice has provided This p ro duct meets the req ui rements fo r the TCO’95 yo u w ith a p rod uct devel oped fo r p rofessional use.
  • Page 24 ‘ A P P E N D I X Environm ental equirem ents On the ba ck p age of thi s fol der, you w il l fi nd a b ri ef summary of the environmental requirements met by this product.
  • Page 25 ‘ A P P E N D I X Cadm ium The relevant TCO’ 95 requirement: Neither CFCs nor HCFCs Ca dmium is p resent i n rechargeab le b atteri es a nd i n the ma y be used during the ma nufa cturing of the prod uct or i ts packa ging.

This manual is also suitable for:

V7 l23.1a

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