Summary Of Switch Settings; Important Considerations - Digital Intelligence FireChief User Manual

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The default for the Read Only bridge is all switches turned OFF (Read Only).
The default for the Read/Writeable bridge is with switch #1 ON and all other
switches (#2, #3, and #4) turned OFF (Read Write).
When Switch #1 is OFF the bridge will operate with all writes being blocked
(Read Only). When switch #1 is ON the bridge will operate with writes enabled
(Read Write).
Switches #2 and #3 control how the unit responds when placed in Read Only
mode and are intended for diagnostic operations and to help support operating
systems which do not fully support read-only devices. These switches are
ignored if the unit is configured for Read Write.
Switch #2 controls whether an error code is returned when a write is attempted.
If the switch is OFF, an error will be generated when a write is attempted. If the
switch is on, a success code will be returned to make believe the write
Switch #3 controls what type of code page (device characteristics) is reported to
the calling process when a device query is made. If the switch is OFF, the code
page is reported appropriately to indicate that the device is write protected. If
the switch is ON, the code page is reported as if the device was not write

Summary of Switch Settings

Switch 1: OFF = Read-Only (write-blocking enabled)
ON = Read-Write
Switch 2: Only functions if Switch 1 = OFF, i.e., read-only
OFF = Unit reports errors if writes are attempted
ON = Unit suppresses errors if writes are attempted (no-error)
Switch 3: Only functions if Switch 1 = OFF, i.e., read-only
OFF = Unit reports Write-Protect (WP) status in code page
ON = Unit suppresses Write-Protect (WP) status in code page
Switch 4: Reserved

Important Considerations

Removal of Drives. DO NOT unlock the drive bay or disconnect the hard drive
from the FireChief while the device is powered on.
Disk Cache. When using an operating system that cache disk writes (Windows
95/98/ME for example), it may appear information has been written to the drive
(via Windows Explorer for example); when in actuality the information has only
FireChief™ User Manual

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