Ultratec SureFire Operation Manual

Pyrologic digital controller


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SureFire Pyrologic Digital Controller
Operations Manual
VER. 11.07.10


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Ultratec SureFire

  • Page 1 SureFire Pyrologic Digital Controller Operations Manual www.ultratecfx.com VER. 11.07.10...
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Page 27 Surefire Digital 16 Channel Slave Module Page 28 Surefire Digital Airburst Slave Module Page 29 Surefire Digital Slave Module Addressing Page 30 Surefire Digital Airburst Slave Module Addressing Page 30 Pyrologic Controller Surefire Slave Module Safe Field Operation Procedure...
  • Page 3: Introduction & Warranty

    30 days is considered purchased. Warning: Ultratec Special Effects Inc. considers all its product to be safe for use in the application it was intended. Ultratec Special Effects takes no respon- sibility for misuse or incorrect use. Always refer to equipment owners manual for proper use.
  • Page 4: Pyro Safety

    Pyro Safety Safety must be given priority over every other consideration. We recommend that a strict ‘Code of Practice’ be followed when using pyrotechnics for any purpose. An example ‘Code’ is shown below - this is intended as a guide only. Pyrotechnic special effects can be extremely dangerous and should only be used by competent adults.
  • Page 5: Warning

    Operators are warned that pyrotechnic devices can sometimes vary in their performance and no guarantee is given by Ultratec that every device will perform identically - this must be considered when locating devices.
  • Page 6: Technical Specifications

    Technical Specifications: Model: SureFire Pyrologic Programmable Controller Type: Micro-Processor Controlled Low Voltage Firing System Weight: 17 Lbs. Power Rating: 110 Volt A.C. 50/60 Hz 0.75 Amps 240 Volt A.C. 50/60 Hz 0.35 Amps SureFire Pyrologic Controller www.ultratecfx.com...
  • Page 7: Surefire Pyrologic Controller Front Panel

    SureFire Pyrologic Controller Front Panel Channel Select Buttons The controller has 16 channel select buttons, these match the 16 channel outputs of each slave ad- dress. The buttons are select/de-select (toggle On/Off ). Channels can be selected individually or in groups. (Selected Channels light the red LED).
  • Page 8 Power Switch Turns On/Off main power. Safe/Test (Update) /Arm Key Switch This switch locks out the ability of the controller to fire any slave channels. The SAFE feature has the dual function of physically disconnecting the FIRE button and disabling the software command that instructs the slaves to Fire.
  • Page 9 The slave module has a yellow LED indicating ACTIVE FAULT monitoring. This yellow LED is OFF when a fault is detected and a red channel LED will be on (if it is a short circuit, any device connected to this channel output will explode immediately). Slave Power Off The slave power is required to run the diagnostic routine, therefore when the SLAVE POWER key- switch is OFF, the system will indicate a FAULT.
  • Page 10 Data Link When the data link is activated (illuminated) the RS232 communications port is opened and can be used to Set/Upload/Download the following using your pc/laptop computer with RS232 com port. Display Memory Names Name Memory Locations Upload,Download Memory Locations. Display The LCD display is 4 x 40 characters.
  • Page 11 MEM 1 to MEM 4 Memory locations for operator controlled shows TC 1 to TC 4 Memory locations for operator programmable/Time Code controlled shows. (see MIDI Show Con- trol). HOME Returns to the HOME screen. Operator will be prompted to confirm this action. The HOME key func- tions at the MEMORY SHOW COMPLETE (end of show) screen in Run Mode, and returns to the previ- ous Menu in Edit Mode.
  • Page 12: Surefire Pyrologic Controller Rear Panel

    Data Out The system is connected via a 5-pin XLR communications cable. The communication chain is started from the 5-pin XLR connector on the rear panel of the SUREFIRE DIGITAL controller. Pickle Input There is an XLR connector for an external firing device. (ie. pyro pickle) Pins 1 and 2 are used.
  • Page 13: Channel Select Buttons & Encoder

    Little Lite Connector 3 Pin XLR for Little Lite (included) Pins 1 and 3 are used RS232 Port Used for Data Transfer form pc or Laptop computer.Female DB9 Connector Channel Select Buttons and Encoder (Remote Slave Selector). The Pyrologic Controller has aRotary Slave Selector Knob and two rows of eight select buttons. The Selector Knob determines the remote slave module address.
  • Page 14 Start Up Operation When the Pyro Logic Controller is powered on, the operator will see the Start up screen. Start Up Screen SureFire Pyro Contoller Press ‘Start’ key to begin VX.XX Where X.XX is the code version The start key is used to continue to the HOME SCREEN.
  • Page 15 Using the arrow keys navigate to the memory location (OP-1 through OP-4) to be programmed. >ENTER< starts edit/program mode. In an empty memory location the screen looks like: 1 -end --- End of Show --- A cue is the active line in a program. These range from 1-99. Programming A Single Fire Cue A Single Fire is defined as a cue where one channel is selected to be Fired.
  • Page 16 If the channel selections are not correct, press the arrow keys to highlight the incorrect entry. Then press the >DELETE< key. The >DELETE< key will erase a channel number and the symbol (> + or E) that follows . Note that channel selections can be duplicated in the same Cue. If channel selections are repeated in subsequent Cues, the controller will attempt to Fire the repeat- ed channels again as they occur in the show.
  • Page 17 The programmer is now ready to select the delay time which is inserted at ALL ‘+’ symbols Press the >DELAY< key. The Delay screen appears for the previous example as: 1 11 150 Number Cue Steps / 2 -end --- End of Show --- Delay msec The numbers 1 and 2 signify the cue number.
  • Page 18 Editing a programmed memory location can be done at the Program Operator Show Menu by high- lighting the memory location and pressing the >ENTER< key to bring up the contents of that memo- ry location. Use the arrow keys to highlght the cues to be edited. Use the >DELETE< key to remove incorrect channel.
  • Page 19 Pressing >ENTER< will load the selected Show from memory. The LCD displays Cues 1 to 4 in descending order. Note that recalling a blank memory location will return the MEMORY SHOW COMPLETE message. The Operator can return to HOME only from the MEMORY SHOW COMPLETE screen. To return HOME the operator must use the Arrow key to get to the end of the show before returning HOME.
  • Page 20 (not illuminated). When the Pyro Logic Controller is powered on, the operator will see the Start up screen. Start Up Screen SureFire Pyro Contoller Press ‘Start’ key to begin VX.XX Where X.XX is the code version The >START<...
  • Page 21 Program Operator Show Menu > TC-1< --- empty --- TC-2 --- empty --- TC-3 --- empty--- TC-4 --- empty --- View-review Enter-edit Delete- erase TC-1 through TC-4 correspond to T.C.1 through T.C.4 memory locations. Using the arrow keys navigate to the memory location (TC-1 through TC-4) to be programmed. >ENTER<...
  • Page 22 Notes The Program will only accept 1 channel number at a time. A channel selection must be followed by >ENTER< . Channel numbers can be entered in any order (out of sequence). A sample group channel selection appears as follows 1 208>109>415>211>115>102>711>206E-end To enter this line as Cue # 1 press the down arrow.
  • Page 23 Editing a programmed memory location can be done at the Program Operator Show Menu by high- lighting the memory location and pressing the >ENTER< key to bring up the contents of that memo- ry location. Use the arrow keys to highlght the cues to be edited. Use the >DELETE< key to remove incorrect channel.
  • Page 24 Midi Input Data for Firing Control The MIDI data input consists of a string of serial bits. For Ultratec equipment only basic control data is required. The unit comes preset to MIDI channel 2. Internal dip switched can be changed to select channels 2-16.
  • Page 25 The 91 represents a “note on” command on channel 2. The 00 would call for note “C-2” with a velocity of 7F. Ultratec equipment required the velocity data of (hex 7F) 127. If the data sent was “91 00 7F” a controller set to channel 2 would load “cue 1”.
  • Page 26 Run a Time Code Show with External MIDI Control At the Home Screen select *RUN TIME CODE SHOW* Press >START< This prompt appears RECALL A PRE PROGRAMMED SHOW BY SELECTING ANY OF THE MEMORY LOCATIONS When one of the >T.C. MEM< keys is pressed the operator will be prompted to confirm the choice.
  • Page 27 The LCD displays the Cue number called for by the show control on the TOP Line, followed by the next 3 cues in numerical sequence. The TOP LINE of the LCD will always be the Cue that will be fired. MIDI Note On 127 (second Highest) is the Fire Command.
  • Page 28 The Airburst controller needs a certain (Very short) amount of time to communicate with the slaves. Therefore the controller needs to have time to upload firing information to the slaves before they can be fired. The minimum timing set out in the Airburst system is 150 milliseconds. If SMPTE time code is used as the source and the rate of the SMPTE code is 30 frames per second, one frame is equal to 33 milliseconds.
  • Page 29: Surefire Digital 16 Channel Slave Module

    SureFire Digital 16 Channel Slave Module The SureFire Digital Slave Module has 16 channel output connections, a status monitor section, a soft-power On/Off keyswitch, an Address Encoder and two 5 pin XLR data connectors on the front panel. Channel Outputs...
  • Page 30: Surefire Digital Airburst Slave Module

    In to Out to In etc. The data signal is rebroadcast at each remote to improve performance and dis- tance. SureFire Digital Airburst Slave Module The 48 channel Digital Airburst Slave has 16 output connections, a status monitor section, a soft- power On/Off keyswitch and two 5 pin XLR data connectors on the front panel.
  • Page 31: Surefire Digital Slave Module Addressing

    Slaves can be daisy chained in any order on the data line, however the connections must run Out to In to Out to In etc. The data signal is rebroadcast at each remote to improve performance and dis- tance. SureFire Digital Slave Module Addressing 16 channel Slave modules have a push-but- ton Encoder on the front panel.
  • Page 32: Surefire Digital Airburst Slave Module Addressing

    Pyro Logic Controller SureFire Slave Module Safe Field Operation Procedure Read and familiarize yourself with the operators manuals for these products. If there is something you do not understand about the addressing and operation of the SureFire system, consult qualified personnel.
  • Page 33 12. Return to the controller. Place the SAFE/ARMED key in the ARMED position. At this point you can fire some or all of your cues as a test. The Red channel LEDs of the modules should flash briefly when the modules are fired. This test confirms communications and shows the operator which channels on which modules are firing without the use of test matches.

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