Accelerated Concepts Cellular Router User Manual

Secure cellular router


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Concepts Cellular
NetBridge Users Guide
May   1 5,   2 013  
Version   5  


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Accelerated Concepts Cellular Router

  • Page 1                 Accelerated Concepts Cellular Router NetBridge Users Guide May   1 5,   2 013   Version   5
  • Page 2 All   r ights   r eserved.   T his   p ublication   m ay   n ot   b e   r eproduced,   i n   w hole   o r   i n   p art,   w ithout   p rior   e xpressed     written   c onsent   f rom   A ccelerated   C oncepts,   I nc.     2 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013 Copyright  ...
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    8   AT&T  Mercury  ..........................   2 8   AT&T  Option   ..........................   2 9   AT&T   M omentum   ..........................   2 9   3 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013 Copyright  ...
  • Page 4 Appendix   B   –   S tatus   I ndicators   .....................   3 3   Support   ..........................   3 5       4 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013 Copyright  ...
  • Page 5: Introduction

     cable.     This  allows  the  device  to  be  mounted  on  high  walls,  suspended  from  the  ceiling,   or   e ven   p laced   i n   a   b uilding   a ttic.       5 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013 Copyright  ...
  • Page 6: Fully   C Entralized   C Onfiguration   A Nd   M Anagement

    The   N etbridge   s upports:   L TE,   H SPA+,   H SPA21,   H SPA42,   a nd   E VDO.         6 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013 Copyright  ...
  • Page 7: Netbridge Ac-Nb-107 Specifications

      t he   c arrier   a ssigned   w ith   t he   l ast   o ctet   r eplaced   w ith   ' 1'.   7 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013 Copyright...
  • Page 8: Nat   I P   R Ange

    DRP   =   2 4   • DRS   =   1   • DRE   =   1   •     8 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013 Copyright  ...
  • Page 9: Setting Up The Netbridge

    Insert   t he   U SB   d evice   i n   t he   U SB   s lot.     R everse   s tep   1   t o   c lose   t he   c ase.             9 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013 Copyright  ...
  • Page 10: Optimal   P Lacement   U Sing   S Upplied   T Emporary   B Attery   P Ack

    Plug   t he   b attery   p ack   i nto   t he   p ower   j ack.     •         10 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 11: Correlation   O F   S Ignal   B Ars   T O   C Sq   A Nd   D Bm

    -­‐78   t o   -­‐ 74   56-­‐63   5   21   t o   3 1   -­‐72   t o   -­‐ 50   66-­‐100     11 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 12: Remote   P Ower

      h as   b een   t ested   t o   o ver   3 00   f eet   w ith   s tandard   C ategory   5   c abling.               12 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 13: Device Configuration

         If  the  unit  does  have  Internet  connectivity,  the  preferred  method  is  to  use  the  cloud-­‐ based   A ccelerated   C oncepts   P ortal.         13 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 14: Device Configuration Using The Portal

    Login   credentials   are   assigned,   authorized   and   authenticated   by   your   account   representative.   Please   c ontact   y our   r epresentative   t o   o btain   t hem.               14 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 15: Adding   /   C Onfiguring   T He   N Etbridge

      w here   t he   d evice   i s   i nstalled.   C lick   o n   C reate   t o   g enerate   a   n ew   d evice.       15 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 16   r estart   t he   d evice,   a nd   p erform   s everal   o ther   t roubleshooting   t asks.   16 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 17: Creating   A   N Etbridge   C Onfiguration

      b ox   a ssociated   w ith   t he   e ntry.   B elow   a re   t he   p arameters   a vailable   f or   c hange   t hrough   t he   Accelerated   C oncepts   P ortal:     Configuration   P anel               17 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 18: Administration

      t imer   t o   c heck   f or   e rror   c onditions.     T he   t imer   i s   e nabled   b y   d efault.       18 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 19: Apn   O Ptions

    Modem   Userid   –   a   unique   Userid   to   be   used   for   the   installed   modem   (normally   not   required).         19 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 20: Data   M Anagement

      u ses   t his   t o   s etup   r outing   t o   t he   c lient   b oxes.   D efault:   p assed   t hrough   f rom   c arrier,   based   o n   t he   g iven   I P   w ith   / 24   p refix.   20 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 21: Dns   O Ptions

     unit  will  try  the  next  in  the  list.  Commas  must  separate  list  of  values.  This  overrides   the   v alue   s et   i n   t he   ' log'   o ption.   21 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 22: Port   F Orwarding

    Applies   t o   f irmware   v ersions   a fter   1 .391.91.   F or   e arlier   v ersions   u se   ' ptf'.   22 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 23: Local Graphical User Interface

    The   d efault   o r   “ Status”   s creen/tab   d isplays   t he   d etails   o f   t he   c urrent   c onnection.           23 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 24 The   “ Setup”   s creen/tab   a llows   a   u ser   t o   m odify   a ll   m odem   s ettings.   T he   d efault   p assword   i s   n31b41   c ase   s ensitive.         24 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 25: Configure   A Pn   O N   N Etbridge   G Ui

    APN:     m anagedvpn   • Username:     n ot_used   • Password:     n ot_used   •           25 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 26   o n   t he   N etBridge   p ortal,   s ave   a ny   s pecified   A PN   c onfigurations,   a nd   r estart   once   t o   a pply   a ny   n ew   c onfiguration   s ettings.         26 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 27: Appendix A - Installing Usb Modems

      shown   below.     Continue   to   follow   the   steps   from   the   Introduction   section   above   to   replace   t he   e xternal   c ase   o n   t he   N etBridge.       27 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 28: At&T   L Ightning

      t he   i nternal   U SB   p ort   a s   s hown.                     AT&T  Mercury A T&T  Velocity                 28 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 29: At&T  Option

      AT&T  Option   AT&T  Shockwave                   AT&T   M omentum                     29 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 30: Sprint   -­-   S Ierra   W Ireless   2 50U

    Wireless   2 50u   m odem   i nto   t he   i nternal   U SB   p ort   a s   s hown.           30 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 31: Sprint    U301

    Sprint   –   F ranklin   W ireless   u 600             T-­‐Mobile   R ocket/Rocket   2                   31 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 32: Verizon  -­-  Novatel  760 Verizon  -  Novatel727

    NetBridge Users Guide       Verizon  -­‐  Novatel  760     Verizon  –  Novatel727         32 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 33: Appendix B - Status Indicators

    The   U SB   a nd   W ireless   l ights   a re   b linking   r ed/green   i n   o pposite   order.           33 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 34 Connecting   t o   n etwork   ( third   t ry)       Signal   S trength   Signal   s trength         34 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 35: Support   3

    +1   ( 813)   6 99-­‐0295   • Support   h ours   a re   9 :00am   t o   5 :00pm   E ST   •     35 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...
  • Page 36                                       Copyright © 2013 by Accelerated Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved. 36 of 36   Copyright Accelerated Concepts, Inc. © 2013  ...

This manual is also suitable for:

Netbridge ac-nb-107

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