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Daniel Hertz M1 Owner's Manual page 3

Reference speaker


Daniel Hertz is dedicated to reproducing music with unprec-
edented faithfulness and emotional impact. Our philosophy is
based on quality and simplicity, and the integration of science
and the human heart.
Daniel Hertz components are optimized to work together. The
result is carefullly tuned to perfection. This level of performance
cannot be obtained by accident, i.e. mixing and matching com-
ponents. The system approach produces the most natural sound,
extreme ease of operation, the highest reliability, and classical
design which is always pleasing to the eye. Daniel Hertz engi-
neers and craftspeople fine tune the sonic quality of each compo-
nent with science and the ear.
The ultimate test is time. Daniel Hertz is designed for the long
haul, to provide decades of pleasure. When it truly sounds and
feels like the musicians are in the room, you will know and ap-
preciate the true value of your investment. When your Daniel
Hertz equipment sounds and looks like new far in the future,
you will appreciate its inherent quality, beauty, and reliability.
Daniel Hertz introduces a revolutionary breakthrough: the first
high efficiency audio systems with extremely natural sound. Un-
til now, people had to choose between sys-
pressure level (SPL). This means that most
tems that had pleasing sound but lacked
listening levels require only milliWatts of
vitality, or systems with more vitality but
power. With Daniel Hertz systems, you
lacking natural sound. A new series of
hear the beginnings of notes, the full body
high efficiency speaker drivers is the foun-
of the sound, the details and harmonics
dation of Daniel Hertz systems. It is essen-
and the most subtle sounds, for real con-
tial to understand why high efficiency is
nection with what the musicians are doing
important. The laws of physics say that the
and what intend.
lower the efficiency of a speaker, the more
electrical energy is turned into heat. What-
This result is achieved by the new Daniel
ever is turned into heat is lost. You cannot
Hertz M5 Telikos Mono Reference Power
get it back with more powerful amplifi-
Amplifier design with high purity in the
ers. With Daniel Hertz systems, 1 Watt of
milliWatt region; the Daniel Hertz M6 1
power produces 100 decibels (dB) of sound
MegOhms Preamplifier, a new design with
ultra-transparent sound; the Daniel Hertz
Silver 1 pure silver litz interconnects; and
Daniel Hertz Premium 500 speaker cable.
Daniel Hertz components can be used
individually with other equipment, or to-
gether as complete systems. We believe
that a total system approach results in the
most natural sound possible.

