Safety Instructions For Flying The System - Hughes & Kettner PROJECTOR Manual

Three-way active sound reinforcement system
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Installation Instructions According to TÜV Directives
TÜV (Technischer Überwachungsverein) is Germany's safety standards aut-
hority. These instructions explain the installation procedure for HK AUDIO
PROJECTOR MID-HIGH speaker cabinets equipped with Aeroquip rails. The
following steps are in strict adherence with TÜV installation specifications.
Before you begin installing the cabinets, make sure that the mounting
points on the ceiling (e.g. pulleys, hoists, and so forth) comply with the
venue accident prevention regulations stipulated in section BGV C1 or the
equivalent safety regulations in your country, and that they are certified by
TÜV or the equivalent authority in your country to bear the overall weight
of the rig. (If in doubt, check with the local authorities.) Before each
installation, check the components to ensure that they are in perfect con-
dition, particularly to make sure that the ends of the steel cables (starter
cable) protrude from the cable clamps, and that none of the Aeroquip rails
are damaged or deformed.
Speaker enclosures are referred to as cabinets in the following installation
Starter cable:
Steel-wire cable with a length of 270 mm (10-5/8"), a stud, and a
carabiner (snap link) for fastening the PROJECTOR MID-HIGH cabinet to
the fixing point.
• Attach the cabinet to the fixing point with two starter cables (carabiner,
a cable with the required length, and a stud). Caution! The starter
cables may not be angled any less than 0 degrees inwards, nor may they
may be angled any more than 30 degrees outwards (see the
HK AUDIO item no. G 193 543
• You may attach another starter cable to the rear panel of the cabinet.
However, this starter cable is not a weight-bearing cable and therefore
may not be used as such to mount the cabinet to the ceiling! This cable
is merely an auxiliary cable that serves to adjust the cabinet's horizontal
angle of tilt.
• Do not attach more than one cabinet with a maximum weight of 65 kg.
You may not mount several cabinets under each other in a stacked
multi-cabinet array!
• The tilt angle of the cabinets is determined by the position of the studs
in the Aeroquip rail. Since the length of the cables used to attach the
cabinets to the fixing point (the ceiling of the venue, a cross beam, or
similar base) will vary according to the given venue's mounting options,
you must adjust the length of the cables accordingly. If the length of the
HK AUDIO starter cable does not suffice, you can commission any certi-
fied cable manufacturer to make cables with the required length using
the following parts.
Carabiner with safety latch, load-carrying capacity 1 ton,
quality grade 8 (e.g. SOCS 6-8)
AEROQUIP 5013 Series L double-stud fitting (ISO 9788)
Galvanized steel-wire cable, DIN 3060, Ø 6 mm, 1770 N/mm
2, sZ 6 x 19 + FE, calculated breaking strength: 22.8 kN; minimum brea-
king strength: 19.6 kN
Important notes on safety:
Use only the parts specified in this operating manual!
Be sure to protect cabinets against rain and moisture when
they are deployed out in the open air! These cabinets must be
mounted in accordance with the instructions stipulated in this
installation manual!
Keep all documents pertaining to the system in a safe place!
HK AUDIO item no.: G 193195


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