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Audio Sources - Advanced computers FM Car Transmitter User Manual

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Audio Sources

From an iPhone / iPod model to your car stereo via FM station: Connect the 3.5mm
cable from the FM Car Transmitter to the headphone jack of the iPhone / iPod. Tune your
car stereo to the transmitting frequency shown at the top of the FM transmitter.
To charge the apple device, plug in the docking connector from the FM Car Transmitter to
the charging port of your iPhone / iPod.
From an Android / Smart phone to your car stereo via FM station: Connect the 3.5mm
cable from the FM Car Transmitter to the headphone jack of the phone. Tune your car
stereo to the transmitting frequency.
To charge the USB chargeable device, connect the phone to the FM Car Transmitter via a
USB cable (not included).
To transmit audio from the FM Car Transmitter, it is best to find a clear FM frequency that
is not being broadcast on and with minimal interference on.
1) Start with the car radio and scan through the entire FM channel. You are looking for
the largest gap in between stations. Once you find a gap, find the frequency with a
minimal amount of static / interference on (usually located at the centre between
stations). Preferably there shouldn't be a station on either side of the frequency you
have selected.
2) Use the up and down arrows located on the top of your FM car transmitter to select
the same frequency you selected on the car radio. Once done, the music playing on
your iPhone/Android or other device, should start playing through your car speakers
(bridged through the FM station selected).
3) Make sure you have adequate volume. It is better to adjust the volume on your
iPhone/Android or other device to maximum when playing music.

