Edit An Event; Discard An Event; Ways To View Your Events - Danger T-Mobile Sidekick Owner's Manual

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Edit an Event

You can always edit an existing event by doing the following while in the Calendar application:
1 From an Upcoming, Day, or Week view, scroll to highlight the event you want to edit, then press the wheel to
open its Events Details screen.
2 Make your edits on the Event Details screen as you wish. If you need to change a Repetition or Reminder,
simply highlight the repetition or reminder line, and press to open the appropriate dialog box for editing.
3 When you've finished editing the details, press Back
prompted to:
• Change this date
• Change this & future dates
• Change all dates
Select the appropriate action and select Save.

Discard an Event

You can always discard an existing event by doing the following while in the Calendar application:
1 From an Upcoming, Day, or Week view, scroll to highlight the event you want to discard.
2 Press Menu
then select Discard Event [
3 The event is moved to the Trash view. If you've discarded a repeating event, you'll be prompted to:
• Discard this date
• Discard this & future dates
• Discard all dates
Select the appropriate action and press Save.

Ways to View Your Events

The Calendar application offers a number of convenient ways to view all your scheduled events. To go to a
particular view within Calendar, press Menu
Upcoming, Day, Week, Month, Year, or Trash.
A check mark always appears next to the view currently on your screen:
Notice that from anywhere in the Calendar application you can use the shortcuts shown above to switch views.
For example, to switch from Upcoming to Month view, simply press
To read more about each view, follow the link in the first column of the table below.
April 15, 2003
. If you've changed a repeating event, you'll be
then select View... A menu appears, listing your view choices:
+ 3.
T-Mobile Sidekick Owner's Manual
Scheduling Events with Calendar

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