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Setting Up Your Gemini Ii - Gemini II Owner's Manual



Your Gemini II subwoofer has the unique ability to be connected to both a Hi-Fi and AV
Processor simultaneously. Allowing you to control both the frequency and gain of each
input independently of each other, two sub bass engines in one amp!
Connect your Gemini II as shown in Figure 1 or Figure 2. Then attach your
subwoofer to the power supply using the power cable supplied, at this point have the
power switch in the off position.
Now turn both the high level and low level gains to the minimum position, and the
frequency control to 120Hz. If using the subwoofer out from an AV Processor then
you may select the LFE position .Turn the phase control to position 1.
Now switch the power on, and play a track which you are familiar with that has bass
content (If you are using both inputs then start by setting the high level input first
using an audio CD then repeat the setting up procedure on the low level input using a
film track).
Adjust the gain control until the level of the bass from your subwoofer matches the
level from your main system speakers. Now slowly adjust the frequency control
counter clockwise until the output from the subwoofer meets the lowest notes from
your main speakers (the crossover point), you may need to adjust the gain control
again to match your main system speakers.
The Gemini II has a fully adjustable phase control to allow partial cancellation of the
frequencies around the crossover point between the two systems. Listen to the
quality of the bass with the phase in the 0 deg position and then slowly adjust towards
the 180 deg position. Choose the position that subjectively offers the tightest
cleanest bass.
Following these setup instructions will get you up and running, but over a few days with
practice and a lot of listening you will be able to fine tune the system for seamless
As a rule it is not usually necessary to have the subwoofer at high volume levels, but to
have it gently supporting the main speakers.



