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Access ATOMIZER Operator's Manual page 13


Applying additional FX
If you like, and you *will* like, you can use the Virus TI's effects section to enhance the Atomizer. Any effect
you choose, i.e. Rate Reducer, Phaser, Delay, Reverb etc., will be applied to only the looped or 'Atomized'
signal, so the incoming audio will always be dry.
Try using the Mod Matrix to assign LFOs or continuous controllers such as aftertouch (Chan Pressure), the
pitch bender or the soft knobs to control the send or mix levels of any of the effects or modulate parameters
such as Chorus Feedback.
Using the Amp or Filter envelopes will not work on the FX parameters, but you can use either LFO1 or LFO2
in Env mode instead. Of course, if you are using the LFOs for continuous selecting a clock divider for the
LFO Rate mightn't be too daft an idea.
Alternative Atomizer modes
Now you have got a feel for the Atomizer in its 'normal' mode, try some the other settings between 2 and
16. In these modes, the loop is updated once it has played through the number of cycles equal to the
number you select with this parameter. Those modes are great to create digital sounding "freeze time" ef-
For the most obvious demonstration of this effect, try a low number, say 2 or 4 and trigger some of the
shortest loops or the audio rate keys.

