Table of Contents


PC400 User's Manual
Version 4.1
Revision: 1/11
C o p y r i g h t
1 9 9 9 - 2 0 1 1
C a m p b e l l
S c i e n t i f i c ,
I n c .


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Campbell PC400

  • Page 1 PC400 User’s Manual Version 4.1 Revision: 1/11 C o p y r i g h t © 1 9 9 9 - 2 0 1 1 C a m p b e l l S c i e n t i f i c ,...
  • Page 3 The installation and use of this software constitutes an agreement to abide by the provisions of this license agreement. Campbell Scientific grants you a non-exclusive license to use this software in accordance with the following: (1) The purchase of this software allows you to install and use the software on one computer only.
  • Page 4: Limited Warranty

    Campbell Scientific has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Campbell Scientific is not responsible for any costs incurred as a result of lost profits or revenue, loss of use of the software, loss of data, cost of re-creating lost data, the cost of any substitute program, telecommunication access costs, claims by any party other than licensee, or for other similar costs.
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    2.1 Hardware and Software ................ 2-1 3. Installation, Operation and Backup Procedures..3-1 3.1 CD-ROM Installation ................3-1 3.2 PC400 Operations and Backup Procedures .......... 3-1 3.2.1 PC400 Directory Structure and File Descriptions....... 3-1 Program Directory............. 3-1 Working Directories............3-2 3.2.2 Backing up the Network Map and Data Files ......
  • Page 6 PC400 Table of Contents Station Status ..............4-10 File Control for CR5000, CR800, CR1000, CR3000, and CR9000 Dataloggers..........4-12 Terminal Emulator............4-17 4.5.3 Network Menu ................4-18 Add/Delete/Edit/Rename Datalogger ......4-18 Backup/Restore Network..........4-18 Computer’s Global PakBus Address ....... 4-18 4.5.4 Tools Menu ................
  • Page 7 PC400 Table of Contents 6.3.2 Opening Other Types of Files............. 6-3 6.3.3 Opening a File in Hexadecimal Format ........6-3 6.4 Data View ..................... 6-4 6.4.1 Column Size................6-5 6.4.2 Header Information..............6-5 6.4.3 Locking Timestamp Column............6-5 6.4.4 File Information ................6-5 6.4.5 Background Color...............
  • Page 8 PC400 Table of Contents 8. Datalogger Program Creation with Edlog....8-1 8.1 Overview....................8-1 8.1.1 Creating a New Edlog Program ..........8-2 Program Structure.............. 8-4 Edlog File Types..............8-5 Inserting Instructions into the Program ......8-6 Entering Parameters for the Instructions ......8-6 Program Comments ............
  • Page 9 PC400 Table of Contents 9.3.6 CRBasic Editor Edit Menu ............9-12 Other Options ..............9-12 9.3.7 CRBasic Editor View Menu ............. 9-13 Editor Preferences ............9-13 Instruction Panel Preferences .......... 9-15 Other Options ..............9-15 9.3.8 CRBasic Editor Tools Menu ............. 9-16 Edit Instruction Categories..........
  • Page 10 PC400 Table of Contents 10.4 File Format Convert ................ 10-15 10.4.1 Overview ................10-15 10.4.2 Options .................. 10-16 Appendices A. Glossary of Terms........... A-1 B. Table-Based Dataloggers ........B-1 B.1 Memory Allocation for Final Storage ..........B-1 B.1.1 Edlog TD Family Dataloggers........... B-1 B.1.2 CR800/CR1000/CR3000/CR5000/CR9000 Memory for...
  • Page 11: Introduction

    Section 1. Introduction PC400 is a software application used to set up, configure, and retrieve data from Campbell Scientific dataloggers. This software application runs on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 platforms. PC400 software supports programming, communication, and data collection for the “CRBasic dataloggers”, including the CR200/205, CR800, CR1000,...
  • Page 12: Clock/Program And The Ezsetup Wizard

    1.1.5 View View is also launched from a button on PC400’s main screen. View lets you examine data files collected to the PC, and displays data in a tabular format by record or array.
  • Page 13: Split

    Section 1. Introduction 1.1.6 Split A button on PC400’s main screen launches Split, a stand-alone application used to post process data files on the PC and generate reports. It can be used to separate mixed-array data files into individual files based on the array ID, merge data from multiple stations into one file, perform calculations, and change date/time formats.
  • Page 14: What's New In Version 4

    Section 1. Introduction 1.2 What's New in Version 4? Version 4.0 of PC400 includes a new data file viewer, View. View maintains the ease of use of our previous data file viewer with enhanced capabilities, including the ability to view an unlimited number of traces on a graph.
  • Page 15 Section 1. Introduction This manual describes a collection of screens, dialogs and functions to work with dataloggers. As with most Windows based software there is almost always more than one way to access the function you want. We encourage you to look around and experiment with different options to find which methods work best for you.
  • Page 16 Section 1. Introduction...
  • Page 17: System Requirements

    Section 2. System Requirements 2.1 Hardware and Software PC400 is an integrated application of 32-bit programs designed to run on Intel- based computers running Microsoft Windows operating systems. Recommended platforms for running PC400 include Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 because they offer the most stable operating environments.
  • Page 18 Section 2. System Requirements...
  • Page 19: Installation, Operation And Backup Procedures

    C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\PC400 directory. This includes the executables, DLLs, and most of the application help files. This directory does not need to be included in back up efforts. PC400 and its applications rely on registry entries to run correctly; therefore, any restoration...
  • Page 20: Working Directories Working Directories In this version of PC400, each major application keeps its own working directory. The working directory holds the user files created by the application, as well as configuration and initialization (*.INI) files.
  • Page 21: Backing Up The Network Map And Data Files

    As with any computer system that contains important information, the data stored in the PC400 working directory should be backed up to a secure archive on a regular basis. This is a prudent measure in case the hard disk crashes or the computer suffers some other hardware failure that prevents access to the stored data on the disk.
  • Page 22: Program Crashes

    If you have problems restarting the PC400 server after a program crash or it crashes as soon as it starts, make sure that the PC400 server has not left a process running. You can check this by going to the Windows Task Manager and selecting the Process tab.
  • Page 23: The Pc400 Main Screen

    4.1 Overview To start PC400 go to the start menu of the computer and select the PC400 icon under Start | Programs | Campbell Scientific | PC400. You can alternatively use the shortcut on the desktop if you elected to create one during the installation process.
  • Page 24: Clock/Program Tab And Ezsetup Wizard

    (by clicking on or tabbing to a control) and pressing F1. To exit PC400, either click the [X] in the upper right hand corner of the main screen, or select Exit under the File menu.
  • Page 25 The next step allows you to choose from the possible communications media supported for that datalogger. PC400 will display the serial ports (COM ports) known to your Windows operating system. PC400 fills in as many communications settings as possible and in many cases you can use the default settings.
  • Page 26: Clock/Program Tab

    Note that the default Max Time On-Line setting for most communications links is zero (“0 d 00 h 00 m”), which means that PC400 will never hang up until you click Disconnect. For telephone links, the default Max Time On-Line setting is ten minutes in order to reduce the possibility of inadvertent and expensive long distance or cellular telephone charges.
  • Page 27 CR10X-based weather station is below. Note that, even though mixed-array dataloggers do not store record numbers internally, PC400 assigns one and displays it with a date/time stamp. PC400 computes these values from the labels and settings it finds in the .DLD...
  • Page 28 The column width is not preserved when PC400 is closed and restarted. The table name, variable name (or input location name), and data value also will be displayed momentarily as a popup hint if you hover your cursor over a value for a few seconds.
  • Page 29 The first time a program is sent to the datalogger, PC400 will look for a Public array with the name of Flag in the program. If a Flag array is found, the declared flags will be added to the Ports and Flags dialog box.
  • Page 30: Collect Data Tab

    4.4 Collect Data Tab If you have connected to a datalogger, PC400 enables the Collect Data tab to provide for manual data collection. PC400 shows the possible final storage areas for mixed-array dataloggers, and the tables stored in table-based dataloggers.
  • Page 31: Pull-Down Menus

    PC400, in which case PC400 appends the new data to the file if it exists, or you may collect all of the data from that final storage area or table, in which case any file with the same name is replaced.
  • Page 32: Datalogger Menu

    If a new program is sent by another user or by using some other program, PC400 will not be aware of the changes in the datalogger's table definitions. To update the table definitions for a datalogger, connect to that datalogger and select Update Table Definitions from the Datalogger menu.
  • Page 33 Section 4. The PC400 Toolbar The Station Status window is shown below: The window has three tabs. The Summary tab provides an overview of important status information in the datalogger, including the information about the datalogger model and its firmware, program details, program errors, battery voltage levels, and card memory (if one is present).
  • Page 34: File Control For Cr5000, Cr800, Cr1000, Cr3000, And Cr9000 Dataloggers

    File Control is used to manage all the files on these dataloggers. File Control is opened from a button on the PC400 toolbar or from the Datalogger | File Control menu item.
  • Page 35 Section 4. The PC400 Toolbar The File Control window displays a list of files stored on the datalogger's CPU, PC card, or USR drive. The window on the left lists all of the data storage devices available for the selected datalogger (CPU, CRD, or USR). Selecting a device shows a list of the files stored there.
  • Page 36 Section 4. The PC400 Main Screen Format is used to format the selected device. Just like the formatting a disk on a computer, all of the files on the device are deleted and the device is initialized. Refresh will update the list of files for the selected device.
  • Page 37 Section 4. The PC400 Toolbar Neither of these options affects existing data files on a card CAUTION if one is being used. If a data table exists on the card that has the same name as one being output with the new program, the message will be returned "Data on Card is...
  • Page 38 Section 4. The PC400 Main Screen When Run Now is checked, the program is compiled and run in the datalogger. All data tables on the CPU are erased. You have the option of whether or not to erase data files stored on a card.
  • Page 39: Terminal Emulator

    PC400 will call the datalogger over whatever communications link has been established and will attempt to get a prompt from that datalogger. If the device is a root device, such as a serial or COM port, PC400 simply opens that port at the specified baud rate.
  • Page 40: Network Menu

    All nodes and routers, including dataloggers and the computer itself, in a PakBus network must have a PakBus address no higher than 4094. Setting up a PakBus network that provides peer-to-peer communications between the nodes can be a complex task, so PC400 avoids this by setting up each PakBus 4-18...
  • Page 41: Tools Menu

    Section 4. The PC400 Toolbar datalogger within its own PakBus subnetwork. Hence, each datalogger in a PC400 network could, in fact, use the same PakBus address. However, even though each PakBus datalogger has its own subnetwork, these dataloggers do keep track of the PakBus addresses of other devices that communicate with them, including PCs.
  • Page 42: Logtool

    State messages record the state of each software object behind the scenes in PC400. The most detailed log is the low level log. A separate log is stored for each root level device (each COM port, IP port or TAPI port). These logs record every byte sent or received through that port.
  • Page 43: Pakbus Graph

    When selected, they are colored cyan. The default PakBus address for PC400 is 4093. Other PakBus devices will be shown by name and address, if known. Selecting the PakBus Network to View When PakBus Graph is opened, it is set to view the first PakBus network on the computer on which the datalogger support software is running.
  • Page 44 Section 4. The PC400 Main Screen be viewed individually by selecting a port name from the PakBus Network drop-down list. If the PakBus ports set up in the software have been bridged, the resulting single port will be named "__global__".
  • Page 45 Reset Node - This option will reset the routing table in a PakBus device. Change PakBus Address (server only) - By default, the PakBus address of the software server is 4093 (PC400) or 4094 (LoggerNet). This option lets you change this default.
  • Page 46 Section 4. The PC400 Main Screen 4-24...
  • Page 47: Split

    Section 5. Split Split is a tool that works with output data files (*.dat) collected from Campbell Scientific dataloggers. It is used to post-process data from either mixed-array or table-based dataloggers. Split can create reports based on collected data by filtering data based on time or conditions.
  • Page 48: Getting Started

    Section 5. Split 5.2 Getting Started The most common use of Split is to separate array data collected on a particular interval from a data file containing data output at several different intervals. In the following example, hourly data are split from a data set that contains 15 minute, hourly and daily data.
  • Page 49 Section 5. Split...
  • Page 50 Section 5. Split When you start Split a blank template similar to the one above is shown. This template is used to enter the parameters that will define what data from the input file to include in the output file. The parameters entered on this template can be saved as a parameter file (*.PAR) and reused for other data.
  • Page 51 Section 5. Split In this example we want the hourly data (note the Output Interval at the bottom of the Data File Label window), so click array 60. To paste the desired values from this array into the Select box, select the field names while holding down the <ctrl>...
  • Page 52 Section 5. Split Note that the cursor in the INPUT FILE(S) screen must be in valid paste area (Copy or Select). If the cursor is in the File name box or in Start/Stop condition, you will get the error message “Cannot Paste There”. The Paste operation copied the numbers of each of the fields into the Select box.
  • Page 53 Section 5. Split For table based data files the timestamp is normally the first column and is a quoted text string ("2002-02-26 10:30:00"). To display these timestamps in the output you will need to change the column width for the first column to at least 24.
  • Page 54: Split Parameter File Entries

    Browse button to find the input file. In LoggerNet or PC400, mixed array datalogger files are stored in a simple comma separated ASCII format; tabled-based datalogger files are stored in TOA5 (a comma separated format with headers).
  • Page 55: Comma Separated, Field Formatted, Printable Ascii, And Table Oriented Ascii Input File Format Types

    Section 5. Split Split’s default output file, a field-separated ASCII format with a *.PRN file extension, can be processed a second time if desired. Table 5-1 provides an example of Comma Separated, Field Formatted, Printable ASCII, and Table Oriented ASCII input file types. The data in the various formats are identical.
  • Page 56: File Info

    Section 5. Split A maximum of eight input files may be processed by Split at one time. Additional input files are added using the EDIT | ADD DATA FILE menu option. Split looks for a file extension of .DAT if no extension is specified. If the Input File does not exist, an error message is displayed when RUN | GO is selected from the menu options.
  • Page 57 Section 5. Split When using the Last Count option, if the Start and Stop CAUTION Conditions are specified, they must exist in the newly appended data or Split will never begin execution. Because Last Count keeps track of the number of bytes in the file, if you delete data from the beginning of a file, Last Count will not work properly.
  • Page 58 Section 5. Split Specific By selecting the Specific option and entering a number, Split will "seek" that position in the file. This option saves time by starting (or stopping) part way through a large data file. The number specifies the number of bytes into the file to seek before processing data.
  • Page 59 Section 5. Split Stop Offset This number specifies the number of bytes from the beginning of the file that Split should stop processing the data file. In the following figure, Split will skip the first 256 bytes of data before beginning and stop execution on byte 1024.
  • Page 60: Start Condition

    Section 5. Split Time Offset This field specifies a time offset, in seconds, that should be applied to each item on the Select line that uses the Date or Edate function to output a date. The offset can be positive or negative. Each input file can have its own offset (or no offset) for its Select line.
  • Page 61 Section 5. Split NOTE Table data files contain the time and date as a single quoted string at the beginning of each data record. Split handles the dates as long as you include a colon separator as a placeholder for each of the fields in the timestamp.
  • Page 62 (1:1[-1]:1[1200]:1:)and the time is 1200 (1:1[- 1]:1[1200]:1:). As an expanded example, assume that LoggerNet or PC400 is used to append data to an archive file. SplitR is executed using a desktop shortcut. In this case the frequency of data collection and data reduction is the same.
  • Page 63: Stop Condition

    Section 5. Split CAUTION Split will not start reading if the exact specified starting time cannot be found, unless you enable the "Start-Stop On/After Time" feature. The interval (5 minutes, 60 minutes, and 5 seconds in the examples above) must be evenly divisible into 60 minutes.
  • Page 64 Section 5. Split As an example, let's look at a vehicle test application. The start of the test is when the vehicle is turned on, and the end of the test is when the vehicle is turned off. The conditional output arrays could be: •...
  • Page 65: Example Of Event Driven Test Data Set

    Section 5. Split Consider Table 5-2 below: TABLE 5-2. Example of Event Driven Test Data Set Data from arrays 100,12.1,10.,32.6 output during the 101,92.7,67.7 first test. 102,56.1,48.7,98.,220.1 Second test. 100,12.5,9.89,30.1 102,56.2,50.,100.5,210.6 100,13.1,10.1,33.1 101,94.1,69 Third test. This table contains four different output arrays: 100, 101, 102, and 200. During the first test, data was output from all three conditional arrays (100, 101, and 102), with 200 signaling the end of the test.
  • Page 66: Processed Data File Using Option C

    Section 5. Split TABLE 5-3. Processed Data File Using Option C 12.1 32.6 92.7 67.7 56.1 48.7 220.1 12.5 9.89 30.1 56.2 100.5 210.6 13.1 10.1 33.1 94.1 When Split is run, the resulting data file will look similar to Table 5-3. Each line of data represents one test.
  • Page 67: Copy

    Section 5. Split TABLE 5-4. Input File Entries to Process the First Data Point for each Test First Input File = DATA_1.DAT:1 Stop Condition = F,1[200] Select = AVG(2) Copy The Copy Condition tells Split which arrays should be used for the output data. After the Start Condition is satisfied, and before the Stop Condition is met, the Copy condition must be satisfied before any data will be processed according to Select line instructions.
  • Page 68: Select

    Section 5. Split since, typically, the timestamp is the first element in the data string). In this format, hhmm is the four-digit hour/minute.) Array-based With an entry of 1[30] and 2:3:4[600..1200]: in the Copy condition, Split will only process the data file when the time is between 6:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. (This assumes 2 is the year element, 3 is the day element, and 4 is the hour/minute element.) NOTE...
  • Page 69: Variables

    Section 5. Split TABLE 5-5. Effects of Out of Range Values for Given Output Options RPT File or Output Option Screen Display* PRN File Printer Output Report = None; No bad values displayed in red and blanks inserted other options defined preceded by asterisk;...
  • Page 70: Numerical Limitations

    Section 5. Split variable X). A comma must follow each variable statement, as with all parameters in the Select line. Once the variables have been declared they can be used later in the Select line (i.e., x=4-5∗(6∗3.0), y=6/3,2,3,6,7,7∗x,6+y). NOTE Variables can be defined in the first four Input File’s Select lines only, but may be used in subsequent Input File’s Select lines.
  • Page 71 Section 5. Split The following array of ASCII data will be used for all Mathematical function examples. 0105 0176 1200 -07.89 55.10 12.45 270.5 Abs(x) returns the absolute, or positive value of element x. Examples: Abs(4) = 7.89 Abs(4∗5) = 434.74 Arctan(x) returns the arc tangent of element x in degrees.
  • Page 72: Time Series Functions, Details, And Examples

    Section 5. Split SpaAvg(x..y) returns the spatial average of elements x through y. Examples: SpaAvg(1..7) = 258.74 SpaAvg(1,4,7) = 122.54 SpaMax(x..y) returns the maximum value of elements x through y. Examples: SpaMax(1..7) = 1200 SpaMax(1,2,5) = 176 SpaMin(x..y) returns the minimum value of elements x through y. Examples: SpaMin(1..7) = -7.89 SpaMin(1,2,5) = 55.1...
  • Page 73 Section 5. Split 3. when an interval count is met When the Trigger on Stop Condition (or F option) is used, any time series data defined in the Select line is output each time the Stop Condition is met. Refer to Section for more information on the Trigger on Stop Condition.
  • Page 74 Section 5. Split Mt. Logan Weather Data Mean Airtemp Mean Wind Wind Std Dev of Time deg F Speed mph Direction Direction 58.56 17.42 5.855 338.3 6.562 57.48 17.65 8.27 344.8 7.51 56.85 17.76 7.75 330.8 5.065 56.55 18.89 319.7 10.93 56.57 19.6...
  • Page 75 Section 5. Split NOTE Blanks and Count are functions designed for checking the integrity of the data file. A common use for these two functions is “100.*BLANKS(x;n)/BLANKS(x;n)+COUNT(x;n)” which gives the percentage of holes (bad data) in the file. Max(x;n) returns the maximum value of element x over a full data set or every n value.
  • Page 76 Section 5. Split Smpl(x;n) returns a sample of element x every n value. Examples: Smpl(4;8) = 23.98 (RH every 8 hours) 24.31 (RH every 8 hours) 37.13 (RH every 8 hours) SmplMax(x;y;n) looks for a maximum value in element x and samples element y when the maximum is found.
  • Page 77: Special Functions, Details, And Examples

    Section 5. Split Special Functions, Details, and Examples TABLE 5-8. Split SPECIAL FUNCTIONS Crlf = Insert carriage return line feed in Output File. Date(“format”S;H;D;Y) = Convert day of year and time to a timestamp with calendar date and time, where format uses Windows conventions to specify output format.
  • Page 78 Section 5. Split The Crlf is placed after the maximum temperature 67.33 so that the maximum RH is on the next line. A carriage return/line feed is recognized by Split as an element, NOTE and may throw the column headers off in the output file. "Label"...
  • Page 79 Section 5. Split 38.8 17.12 37.13 11.86 Smpl (Line;8), Smpl (4;8), Smpl (5;8) 23.98 6.588 24.31 8.88 37.13 11.86 smpl(.PA,n) Outputs the data to the printer or .RPT file with n lines per page. Examples: 2, 3, Smpl (.PA;12) = 58.56 57.48 1100...
  • Page 80 Section 5. Split specified, these will be assumed to be hour/minute, day, and year. When using the Date function for a table-based datalogger (e.g., a time stamp in the format "2002-02-03 21:16:00"), if the time stamp is the first element in the array, a 1 is used for all of the time stamp elements (S;...
  • Page 81: Split Functions Example

    Section 5. Split If processing a table-based data file, use a 1 for all time elements (assuming the time stamp is the first element in the data file). For the examples above: date("mm/dd/yy, h:nn";1;1;1;1) "02/25/02, 4:10" edate("mm/dd/yy, hh:nn";1;1;1;1) 02/25/02, 04:10 edate(“yyyy”, “dayofyear”, “hhnn”;1;1;1;1) 2002, 56, 0410 Notice that this last example essentially creates an array-type of timestamp.
  • Page 82 Section 5. Split 5-36...
  • Page 83 The National Weather Service includes wind chill in reports only when temperatures drop below 35°F (1.7° The formula is for example purposes and is not endorsed by Campbell Scientific as a standard. When this .PAR file is executed, the following output is displayed on the screen.
  • Page 84: Summary Of Select Line Syntax Rules

    Section 5. Split Wind Chill Report from Mt. Logan Temp Wind Speed Wind Chill Wind Chill deg C deg C deg F 14.756 2.6172 438.06 13.148 55.666 14.156 3.6967 489.58 10.813 51.463 13.806 3.4643 491.34 10.733 51.319 13.639 3.3972 493.4 10.64 51.151 13.65...
  • Page 85: Time Synchronization

    Section 5. Split VALID EXPRESSION INVALID EXPRESSION Arctan (2/3) Arctan ((2/3)) Arctan (2/3, 3/4, 4/5) Arctan ((2/3, 3/4), 4/5) Arctan (COS(2)) Arctan (COS(2), COS(3)) • A single expression can operate on a set of elements. For example, the expression (3..6,8)/2.0 is the same as 3/2.0, 4/2.0, 5/2.0, 6/2.0, 8/2.0; (3..6)/(2..5) is the same as 3/2, 4/3, 5/4, 6/5.
  • Page 86 Section 5. Split specified in the Start Condition becomes simply a starting time with no time synchronization. Typically, the starting time specified must actually be found in the input file before the Start Condition is satisfied (e.g., if the input file starts at 1100 hrs and 1000 hrs is entered for the starting time, with no day specified, Split will skip over arrays until it reaches 1000 hrs the next day).
  • Page 87 Section 5. Split Time Synchronization and the Copy Condition To use the time synchronize function, time element(s) must be specified in the Start Condition. The user must also specify a time interval in the Copy condition. For instance, if the original data had 15 minute outputs and you only want hourly outputs, then an interval of 60 minutes must be specified following the element number.
  • Page 88: Output Files

    Section 5. Split 5.3.2 Output Files To create an Output File, click the OUTPUT FILE tab. The file is created on the default drive or directory unless the file name is preceded with an alternative drive or directory. Use the Browse button to change directories. Split will assign this file an extension of .PRN if an extension is not specified by the user.
  • Page 89: Description Of Output Option Commands

    Section 5. Split Description of Output Option Commands File Format There are five File Format options to choose from: No File, Field, Comma, Printable, and Custom. If No File is chosen, then only the .PRN file is saved to disk.
  • Page 90 Section 5. Split Screen Display The Screen Display field controls writing the processed data to the screen. To write to the screen, check the box. For faster execution, clear the box to omit writing to screen. The data will then be written to the file only. Report A report, with page and column headings, can be sent to a file or printer.
  • Page 91: Definition Of Blank Or Bad Data For Each Data File Format

    Section 5. Split It allows the following settings to be modified: Replace bad data with - The text in the field, to the right of this option, is entered into the .PRN output file data set if data are blank, bad, or out of range.
  • Page 92 Section 5. Split The Copy Condition determines the interval of your data. Therefore, to output data that occurs every 24 hours, you would use: Copy Condition = 1:1[1]:1:1 Because you have specified a time in the Start Condition, but not the day, Split assumes the first day of the year.
  • Page 93 Section 5. Split summary of the left over values and the Time Series Heading from the report. No Date Advance - When processing a data file from a mixed array datalogger, if the time stamp uses midnight as 2400 with "today's" date, the date function will convert that time stamp to 0000 hours with "tomorrow's"...
  • Page 94: Report Headings

    Section 5. Split The "left over" summary data will still be printed. No Record Numbers from TOB Files - Split automatically converts TOB (binary) files to ASCII prior to being processed. When this check box is selected, the record numbers will not be included in the converted file. This will affect the element numbers used for the Start, Stop, Copy, or Select fields of the PAR (e.g., if a file has a timestamp, record number, and data value, when this check box is selected the data value would be element 2.
  • Page 95: Editing Commands

    Section 5. Split 5.5 Editing Commands Split supports the Windows Cut, Copy, and Paste commands. Text from any field in Split or other Windows applications can be Cut, Copied, or Pasted. 5.6 Running Split From a Command Line Existing parameter files can be executed using Splitr.exe which is a "run-time" version of the Split Report Generator.
  • Page 96: Using Splitr.exe In Batch Files

    Section 5. Split Running Multiple Copies of Splitr (/M Switch) Multiple copies of Splitr can be run at one time by using the /M switch. This switch must appear immediately after Splitr. For instance, a batch file containing the lines: SPLITR /M Logan/R SPLITR /M Sinks/R will open two copies of Splitr and process the two files simultaneously.
  • Page 97 Section 5. Split If a parameter is to be left as it is in the parameter file, then space comma space ( , ) may be entered in the command line. For instance, if the parameter file LOGAN.PAR contained TEST1.DAT as an input file name, the following command line would leave the input file TEST1.DAT and change the output file to TEST.PRN.
  • Page 98 Section 5. Split /[text] Sets the text that will be used in the place of bad data. This is the same as the text string used in the Replace Bad Data field that is found under the Other button of the Output File tab. Compares two input files and creates an output file with a complete data set comprised of both files.
  • Page 99 Section 5. Split Removes the dashed lines from the heading of the RPT file. This is the same as choosing the No Dashes check box that is found under the Other button of the Output File tab. Removes the record number from TOB files that are processed with Split.
  • Page 100: Processing Multiple Parameter Files With One Command Line

    Section 5. Split Changes the value for midnight to 2400 instead of 0000. This is the same as selecting Midnight is 2400 Hours check box found under the Offsets/Options button of the Input File tab. Batch File Example "c:\Program Files\Campbellsci\SplitW\splitr.exe" c:\Campbellsci\SplitW\switch-test.par input1a.dat Output.prn/E/H/W 4[1200]: , , 1..6 where...
  • Page 101: View

    6.1 Overview The View button on the PC400 toolbar brings up View. This program can be used to open data files (*.DAT) or other CSI file types (*.DLD, *.CSI, *.FSL, *.LOG, *.CR1, *.CR3, etc.). View can easily handle files up to 2 Gigabytes in size.
  • Page 102: Opening A File

    Section 6. View Tile Vertically. This menu option is used for array-based data files where the entire data file and each individual array are opened in separate windows. It rearranges all open, non-minimized data file windows as non-overlapping vertical tiles. This makes them all visible at the same time.
  • Page 103: Opening A Data File

    Section 6. View 6.3.1 Opening a Data File To open a data file, click the File Open icon or select File | Open from the menu. (TOACI1, TOA5, TOB1, TOB2, and TOB3 data files can be opened with View.) When a file is first opened, it is displayed in the data panel in a tabular format.
  • Page 104: Data View

    Section 6. View 6.4 Data View The initial display for data files in View is as normal text in a grid format. The following figure shows the View main screen with a data file open. Array-based Data Files When opening a data file from an array-based datalogger, you will be given the option of loading an FSL (Final Storage Label) file.
  • Page 105: Column Size

    Section 6. View 6.4.1 Column Size When a data file is opened, the columns are autosized to fit the data. Column sizes can be changed by dragging a column divider bar to the desired location. If column sizes have been changed, they can be returned to the default sizes by selecting View | Autosize Columns from the menu.
  • Page 106: Line Graph

    Section 6. View Cascade from the View menu will return the data windows to this default arrangement at any time. Windows can be tiled horizontally as non- overlapping horizontal tiles by pressing the Tile Horizontally button or choosing Window | Tile Horizontally from the menu. They can be tiled vertically as non-overlapping vertical tiles by pressing the Tile Vertically button or choosing Window | Tile Vertically from the menu.
  • Page 107: Selecting Data To Be Graphed

    Section 6. View 6.5.1 Selecting Data to be Graphed Data value(s) are added to a graph by clicking the column heading(s) in the data panel with a single mouse click. The selection will be highlighted and will automatically be added to the graph. Multiple columns can be added by holding the Ctrl key and dragging the mouse pointer over the column headings.
  • Page 108: Zoom Feature

    Section 6. View When locked, the graph will not scroll. However, moving the scroll bar on either the graph or the data file will still scroll the data file. 6.5.5 Zoom Feature You can zoom in on a particular area of a graph by holding the left mouse button and dragging the mouse cursor from top-left to bottom-right over the area to be zoomed.
  • Page 109: Keeping Graph On Top

    Section 6. View 6.5.7 Keeping Graph on Top The graph can be kept in front of the data view window by selecting View | Keep Graph on Top from the menu or pressing this button on the main View toolbar . 6.5.8 Line Graph Toolbar The Line Graph toolbar includes the following icons: Copy to Clipboard.
  • Page 110: Right-Click-Menus

    Section 6. View Common/Independent Axes. When multiple data values are being graphed, determines whether they have common y-axes or independent y-axes. (Common) When using common y-axes, one scale will apply to all traces assigned to the left y-axis and one scale will apply to all traces assigned to the right y-axis.
  • Page 111 Section 6. View The records included can be defined by initial and ending time, time span, initial and ending record, or record span. If any of the date/time or record number options are changed, the other options will automatically adjust to reflect the change.
  • Page 112: Graphs

    Section 6. View The shortcut Ctrl-n, where n is the number of the bookmark, can also be used to move the data file to the desired bookmark. Delete Bookmark If the data panel contains one or more bookmarks, hovering over the Delete Bookmark menu item will bring up a list of the current bookmarks.
  • Page 113: Printing Graphs

    Section 6. View desired. You can zoom in on a particular area of the previewed page by left- clicking the page. You can zoom out by left-clicking with the Shift button pressed. You can pan across a page by right-clicking and dragging the page. To return to normal view, choose the Page Width or the Full Page icon.
  • Page 114 Section 6. View 6-14...
  • Page 115: Short Cut Program Generator

    Generator Short Cut (also referred to as SCWIN) is an application for generating programs for Campbell Scientific's dataloggers and preconfigured weather stations except the CR7 and CR9000. Users do not have to know individual program instructions for each datalogger. Short Cut not only generates a program for the datalogger, but also a wiring diagram that can be left with the datalogger for field servicing.
  • Page 116: Creating A Program Using Short Cut

    7.2.1 Step 1 – Create a New File or Open Existing File To begin creating a new program, press the New Program button. A dialog box is displayed containing a list of Campbell Scientific dataloggers. Select the datalogger type.
  • Page 117 Section 7. Short Cut Program Generator If you are creating a program for a CR9000X, Short Cut will then bring up the CR9000X Configuration dialog box. From this dialog box, you indicate which CR9000X modules are inserted into which CR9000X slots. To add a module, select the module by clicking on it in the Available CR9000X Modules list, select the Slot by clicking on the slot number, then press the arrow key.
  • Page 118 CR9000X program.) This is used to select which group of sensor files will be displayed when creating a program: Campbell Scientific, Inc. (CSI, USA) or Campbell Scientific, Ltd. (CSL, UK). The standard set of Short Cut sensor files was created by CSI; however, CSL has created some additional files that are customized for their client base.
  • Page 119: Step 2 - Choose Sensors To Monitor

    Section 7. Short Cut Program Generator that datalogger, unless it is changed via the Program menu. Note that programs containing sensor files that are filtered from the list of Available Sensors will still load and work correctly in Short Cut. NOTE The AC Noise Rejection and the Sensor Support settings are persistent settings for each datalogger model.
  • Page 120 Refer to the documentation for your sensors for the name of the sensors you have. If your sensor is not shown, you may be able to measure it with a generic measurement. Contact your Campbell Scientific application engineer for more assistance, if needed.
  • Page 121 Section 7. Short Cut Program Generator Some of these calculations may require additional sensors, or sensor measurements stored in particular units. See the help for each calculation to determine the necessary inputs. Note that there is also a User Entered calculation available in the Calculations folder.
  • Page 122 Section 7. Short Cut Program Generator Temperature and Relative Humidity sensor and a 05103 Wind Speed and Direction sensor. Each sensor was allocated the necessary terminals. Short Cut will not let you add more sensors than there are terminals on that datalogger or device.
  • Page 123 Section 7. Short Cut Program Generator Once you’ve added a device, such as the AM16/32 multiplexer, a tab is added to the screen for that device, and the sensors available for that device are shown: You can then add sensors to that device just as you would to the main datalogger.
  • Page 124: Step 3 - Setup Output Tables

    Section 7. Short Cut Program Generator 7.2.3 Step 3 – Setup Output Tables After selecting the sensors to be measured, you can choose what data to store from the outputs step: On the left, Short Cut will show the sensors you’ve added to be measured, with the measurement labels you’ve used.
  • Page 125 Section 7. Short Cut Program Generator Note that outputs for a sensor don’t have to be added in the same sequence as the measurement. You can even drag and drop the outputs to rearrange their order. Note also that multiple outputs can be added for any one sensor. For example, you may want to store the maximum and minimum air temperature as well as the average.
  • Page 126 Section 7. Short Cut Program Generator The Advanced Output allows you to store data based on time, the state of a flag, the value of a measurement or a data event. Be cautious in using more than one check box, for the logic for the check boxes in the advanced mode are inclusive—that is, they must all be true in order for any output to be stored.
  • Page 127: Step 4 - Generate The Program In The Format Required By The Datalogger

    Section 7. Short Cut Program Generator 7.2.4 Step 4 – Generate the Program in the Format Required by the Datalogger The Finish button completes the process. If you haven’t yet saved the program, Short Cut asks for a program name and offers the default directory within its program working directory (default is C:\Campbellsci\SCWin).
  • Page 128: Short Cut Settings

    If you send a program with security set, you will then need to add that security setting to PC400's Setup Screen for that datalogger. If you don’t, you may find that you can no longer communicate with the datalogger.
  • Page 129: Datalogger Id

    This compilation is done by Short Cut to check for errors in the program before sending it. It’s done again by PC400 when sending the program to the datalogger. Compilation is performed using a special executable that mimics the functions and capability in the datalogger’s operating system.
  • Page 130: Cr9000X Configuration

    The Sensor Support option is used to select which group of sensor files will be displayed when creating a program: Campbell Scientific, Inc., (CSI) or Campbell Scientific, Ltd. (CSL). The standard set of Short Cut sensor files was created by CSI; however, CSL has created some additional files that are customized for their client base.
  • Page 131: Editing Programs Created By Short Cut

    Campbell Scientific website: It is also possible to have custom sensor files created for sensors your organization uses that are not included with Short Cut. Contact your Campbell Scientific applications engineer for details. 7.6 Custom Sensor Files The creation of custom sensor files can be enabled from Short Cut’s Tools | Options menu item.
  • Page 132 Section 7. Short Cut Program Generator 7-18...
  • Page 133: Datalogger Program Creation With Edlog

    Programs can also be created with the Short Cut program generator, see Section 7. 8.1 Overview Edlog is a tool for creating, editing, and documenting programs for Campbell Scientific's mixed-array dataloggers: CR7x, CR500, CR510, CR10, CR10X, 21X, CR23X. Edlog also supports these same dataloggers configured with table-based operating systems, including the table-data or “TD”...
  • Page 134: Creating A New Edlog Program

    Section 8. Datalogger Program Creation with Edlog Be careful when copying instructions from a program written for NOTE one datalogger to a program for a different type of datalogger. Instructions may differ between dataloggers. Input Location Labels - Though the datalogger uses a number to address input locations, Edlog allows you to assign labels to these locations for ease of use when programming and later when reviewing the data on-line.
  • Page 135 Section 8. Datalogger Program Creation with Edlog Select the datalogger you are using from the list and click OK. A blank program template will come up as shown below for a CR10X. The first line of text identifies the type of datalogger program to be written. This is followed by a comment line and the Program Table Headers and Execution Interval fields.
  • Page 136: Program Structure

    Section 8. Datalogger Program Creation with Edlog Table 2. Program Table 3 is reserved for subroutines that are called by either of the other tables. Most users find they can write the entire program in Program Table 1, avoiding complications associated with synchronizing two tables. Program Table 2 is normally used only when portions of the program require a different execution interval (placed in Program Table 2).
  • Page 137: Edlog File Types

    Section 8. Datalogger Program Creation with Edlog Edlog File Types When a program is saved and compiled, the following files are created: • *.CSI – The CSI file is what the user actually edits. When an Edlog program is saved, Edlog automatically adds a CSI extension to the program's name.
  • Page 138: Inserting Instructions Into The Program

    Section 8. Datalogger Program Creation with Edlog Inserting Instructions into the Program Instructions are entered into the program table in the order that they should be executed in the program. There are four ways to insert an instruction: • Select Edit | Insert Instruction from the Edlog menu.
  • Page 139: Program Comments

    Section 8. Datalogger Program Creation with Edlog • With your cursor anywhere within the instruction, press <F1>. This opens the help system to a detailed description of the instruction and parameters. Edlog provides hints for each parameter at the very bottom of the Edlog screen.
  • Page 140 Section 8. Datalogger Program Creation with Edlog TempF=TempC*1.8+32 Following are rules for creating expressions: • Expressions must be set equal to the label of the Input Location that will store the result. The result label must be to the left of the expression. •...
  • Page 141: Operators And Functions

    Section 8. Datalogger Program Creation with Edlog TABLE 8.1-1. Operators and Functions Operators multiply divide subtract raise to the power of; enclose negative values in parentheses modulo divide scientific notation; 6e-1=0.6 Functions cosine; angle in degrees sine; angle in degrees tangent;...
  • Page 142 Section 8. Datalogger Program Creation with Edlog ;the following expression converts TempC to ;a temperature in degrees Fahrenheit TempF = (TempC*1.8)+32 When this program is compiled, the DLD file contains the following instructions. The last 5 instructions calculate the expression. 1: Temperature, 107 (P11) 1: 1 2: 2...
  • Page 143 Section 8. Datalogger Program Creation with Edlog Other errors are explained below. Variable Name Expected This message occurs when the expression is not set equal to an Input Location label. The label must be to the left of the expression and not enclosed in parentheses.
  • Page 144 Section 8. Datalogger Program Creation with Edlog New Line Expected Indicates one of the following situations: (1) An expression contains more than one equal sign. (2) There is no operator between two sets of parentheses. For Example: This error message is displayed when a program contains any of these expressions: zee=(label1)(label2) ex=(5)(ARCTAN(data))
  • Page 145: Editing An Existing Program

    Section 8. Datalogger Program Creation with Edlog Equal Sign Expected An equal sign MUST immediately follow the label of the Input Location that stores the results (e.g., label = expression). An expression that contains no equal sign causes compiler error 202, “unrecognized text”. For Example: “Equal sign expected”...
  • Page 146: Editing Comments, Instructions, And Expressions

    Section 8. Datalogger Program Creation with Edlog Editing Comments, Instructions, and Expressions To edit Comments, Expressions, and Instruction parameters, move the cursor to the appropriate text and retype it. To delete an instruction when the cursor is somewhere within the instruction, select Edit | Delete Instruction or press <Shift>...
  • Page 147: Display Options

    Section 8. Datalogger Program Creation with Edlog versions of Edlog by using this Document DLD feature, though any comments will be lost. 8.1.5 Display Options Graphical Toolbar A graphical toolbar provides buttons for some of the more frequently used menu items in Edlog.
  • Page 148: Renumbering The Instructions

    Section 8. Datalogger Program Creation with Edlog Renumbering the Instructions When Automatic Renumbering is enabled, the instructions are automatically renumbered whenever instructions are inserted or deleted. By default, Automatic Renumbering is enabled. Automatic renumbering can be turned off by selecting Options | Editor if you have a very large program and auto renumbering is slowing down editing.
  • Page 149: Entering Input Locations

    Section 8. Datalogger Program Creation with Edlog 8.2.1 Entering Input Locations When a parameter requires an Input Location, the cursor automatically advances to where the label is keyed in. When a new label is entered, the next available Input Location number is automatically assigned to that label. To select an existing label from a list, press the right mouse button or <F6>.
  • Page 150: Input Location Editor

    Section 8. Datalogger Program Creation with Edlog 12: If time is (P92) minutes into interval 2: 60 minute interval 3: 10 Set high Flag 0(output) 13: Sample (P70) 1: 2 Reps 2: 1 Loc [TempC] When the program is executed, the datalogger will perform the Sample (P70) instruction twice.
  • Page 151 Section 8. Datalogger Program Creation with Edlog Editing functions are available from the Input Location Editor’s Edit menu and a hot key: Insert (<F2>) - Inserts blank Input Locations. This is used to provide space for new input labels between existing labels. This automatically changes the Input Location numbers for all of the labels that are after the inserted location.
  • Page 152: Input Location Anomalies

    Section 8. Datalogger Program Creation with Edlog Optimize (<F6>) - Deletes Input Locations that aren't read, written to, or marked as Manual. Optimize tries to reduce the total number of locations used by moving existing Input Location labels to fill in unused locations. This might change several Input Location numbers.
  • Page 153: Final Storage Labels

    *.DLD file; no FSL file is created. PC400 gets the final storage labels as part of the table definitions from the datalogger. Split, the Graphical and Numeric Displays, View, and the PC400 Data applications use the final storage labels.
  • Page 154: Datalogger Settings Stored In The Dld File

    Section 8. Datalogger Program Creation with Edlog In this example from a mixed-array datalogger, the final storage output data for Array ID 112 is shown. Each of the columns indicate the essential characteristics of the data value being stored. − Array ID or Table Name identifies the set of output data instructions the data is associated with.
  • Page 155: Program Security

    DLD file. Mixed-array Dataloggers Mixed-array dataloggers can store the labels for input locations and final storage output in the DLD file. PC400 uses this information on the Monitor 8-23...
  • Page 156: Table-Based Dataloggers

    If you are trying to minimize the size of your DLD file but still want to be able to monitor input locations on PC400's Monitor Data tab, you can put all of the labels that you want to view at the beginning of your list of input locations, and put the labels for scratch and less important values at the end.
  • Page 157: Datalogger Serial Port Settings

    Section 8. Datalogger Program Creation with Edlog Not all dataloggers have a Compile Settings option. This option NOTE refers only to the CR510, CR10X, and CR23X. 8.4.5 Datalogger Serial Port Settings The serial port settings are used to set the baud rate to which the datalogger's port(s) should be set when the datalogger is powered-up or when a program is compiled.
  • Page 158: Beacon Intervals

    Section 8. Datalogger Program Creation with Edlog Maximum number of routers - Enter the number in the PakBus network, including the PC. While it is possible to calculate the exact number of nodes, neighbors, and routers in a PakBus network, it is often advisable to build in some “room to grow”. For example, you might want to add 3-4 nodes, neighbors and routers.
  • Page 159: Datalogger Program Creation With Crbasic Editor

    Section 9. Datalogger Program Creation with CRBasic Editor This section provides information on the CRBasic Editor used to program the Campbell Scientific CR800, CR1000, CR3000, CR5000, CR9000, and CR200 Series dataloggers. CRBasic is a full-featured programming language providing the power and flexibility to set up complex datalogger programs to support demanding measurement tasks.
  • Page 160: Inserting Instructions

    Section 9. Datalogger Program Creation with CRBasic Editor 9.2 Inserting Instructions An instruction can be easily inserted into the program by highlighting it in the Instruction Panel list and pressing the Insert button or by double-clicking the instruction name. If an instruction has one or more parameters, an instruction dialog box will be displayed to facilitate editing the parameters.
  • Page 161 Section 9. Datalogger Program Creation with CRBasic Editor Below is an example of the Parameter dialog box for the differential voltage instruction (VoltDiff). The Prev (Previous) and Next buttons can be used to move to the next (or previous) instruction with the parameter entry box opened. Short Cuts for Editing the Parameters Right-clicking or pressing F2 on a parameter that uses a variable as an input type will display a list of variables that have been defined in the program.
  • Page 162: Right-Click Functionality

    Section 9. Datalogger Program Creation with CRBasic Editor Pressing F9 at any time will also bring up a list of variables. However, when a variable is chosen from the list brought up by F9, it will simply be inserted at the cursor without overwriting anything.
  • Page 163: Toolbar

    Compile, Save, and Send – Saves any changes to the currently opened program, checks it for errors with the pre-compiler, and sends the file to the datalogger via LoggerNet, PC400, or RTDAQ. LoggerNet, PC400, or RTDAQ must be running for this function to work properly.
  • Page 164 Section 9. Datalogger Program Creation with CRBasic Editor Print Preview – Opens a Print Preview screen that will show what the program will look like when printed. You can check and set the margins and printer options. Undo – Each time the Undo button is clicked it will step back through the last changes made to the program.
  • Page 165: Compile

    Section 9. Datalogger Program Creation with CRBasic Editor Browse Bookmarks – Displays a list of all bookmarks in the program. When a bookmark is selected, the cursor moves to that line in the program. Clear Bookmarks – Erases all bookmarks from the program. GoTo –...
  • Page 166: Compile, Save, And Send

    The CRBasic Editor allows you to send a program to a datalogger that has already been defined in LoggerNet, PC400, or RTDAQ. This only works if LoggerNet, PC400, or RTDAQ is running at the time you attempt to send the program.
  • Page 167 Section 9. Datalogger Program Creation with CRBasic Editor The Select the destination list shows all dataloggers configured within LoggerNet, PC400, or RTDAQ that may receive a program matching the extension of the current CRBasic program to be sent. Assume, for example, that you have three CR1000s and some other dataloggers defined.
  • Page 168 Section 9. Datalogger Program Creation with CRBasic Editor CR9000(X)/CR5000 Datalogger Run Now Options The Run Now options and behavior for the CR9000(X) and CR5000 dataloggers are different from the CR1000, CR3000, and CR800 dataloggers. Below is a dialog box for a CR9000X datalogger. When Run Now is checked, the file will be sent with the Run Now attribute set.
  • Page 169: Templates

    Sending the Program To send the file and perform the associated functions you have selected in the screen, press the Send button. If LoggerNet, PC400, or RTDAQ is not running, an error message will appear indicating that there is no communications server currently running.
  • Page 170: Program Navigation Using Bookmarks And Goto

    Section 9. Datalogger Program Creation with CRBasic Editor 9.3.4 Program Navigation using BookMarks and GoTo Bookmarks are lines of code in the program that the user marks, which can be quickly navigated to using the Next, Previous, and Browse Bookmark functions.
  • Page 171: Crbasic Editor View Menu

    Section 9. Datalogger Program Creation with CRBasic Editor – Save As CRB Saves highlighted text to a file with a *.CRB extension. This file is referred to as a library file. The file can then be reused by inserting it into another CRBasic program.
  • Page 172 Section 9. Datalogger Program Creation with CRBasic Editor The Vertical Spacing tab is used to set up the rules for the CRBasic Editor's Rebuild Indentation function (Edit | Rebuild Indentation). You can control whether blank lines are inserted before or after certain instructions, and how the CRBasic Editor will process multiple blank lines in the program.
  • Page 173: Instruction Panel Preferences

    Section 9. Datalogger Program Creation with CRBasic Editor Note that if special formatting (font style, color) is assigned to Matched Parentheses, when your cursor is on an opening or closing parenthesis it will be highlighted with the formatting, and the "other half" of that parenthesis will also be highlighted.
  • Page 174: Crbasic Editor Tools Menu

    Section 9. Datalogger Program Creation with CRBasic Editor Wrap Text When Printing - When this option is selected, long lines that extend past the right margin will be wrapped to the next line. This option affects printing, as well as the Print Preview mode. A check mark will appear next to the option in the menu when it is selected.
  • Page 175: Other Options

    Section 9. Datalogger Program Creation with CRBasic Editor Other Options Associate Files – This option is used to set up file associations within the Windows operating system, so that if a program file is double-clicked while in Windows Explorer, that file with be opened in the CRBasic Editor. Check one or more boxes for file extension(s) you want to associate and press the Associate Files button.
  • Page 176: Crbasic Programming

    Section 9. Datalogger Program Creation with CRBasic Editor 9.4 CRBasic Programming CRBasic is a programming language that has some similarities to a structured BASIC. There are special instructions for making measurements and for creating tables of output data. The results of all measurements are assigned variables (given names).
  • Page 177: Program Declarations

    Section 9. Datalogger Program Creation with CRBasic Editor The program section defines the action of Program datalogging. Set scan interval The scan sets the interval for a series of measurements. Measurements Enter the measurements to make. Processing Enter any additional processing with the measurements.
  • Page 178: Measurement And Output Processing Instructions

    FFT, etc. The instructions for making measurements and outputting data are not found in a standard basic language. The instructions Campbell Scientific has created for these operations are in the form of procedures. The procedure has a keyword name and a series of parameters that contain the information needed to complete the procedure.
  • Page 179: Line Continuation

    Section 9. Datalogger Program Creation with CRBasic Editor 9.4.5 Line Continuation Line continuation allows an instruction or logical line to span one or more physical lines. This allows you to break up long lines of code into more readable “chunks”. Line continuation is indicated by one white space character that immediately precedes a single underscore character as the last character of a line of text.
  • Page 180: Example Program

    Section 9. Datalogger Program Creation with CRBasic Editor 9.4.7 Example Program The following program will serve as a programming example in this section to illustrate the concepts and program structure. This is a program for a CR5000 datalogger. Note that other dataloggers may have slightly different parameters for some instructions.
  • Page 181 Section 9. Datalogger Program Creation with CRBasic Editor The data table header may also have a row that lists units for the output values. The units must be declared for the datalogger to fill this row out (e.g., Units RefTemp = degC). The units are strictly for the user's documentation; the datalogger makes no checks on their accuracy.
  • Page 182: The Scan -- Measurement Timing And Processing

    TABLE 9-1. Formats for Output Data Code Data Format Size Range Resolution ±7999 Campbell Scientific floating point 2 bytes 13 bits (about 4 digits) IEEE4 IEEE four byte floating point 4 bytes 1.8 E -38 to 1.7 E 38 24 bits (about 7 digits)
  • Page 183: Numerical Entries

    Section 9. Datalogger Program Creation with CRBasic Editor The Scan instruction determines how frequently the measurements within the scan are made: Scan(Interval, Units, BufferOption, Count) Scan(1,MSEC,3,0) The Scan instruction has four parameters (the CR200 datalogger’s Scan instruction has only two). The Interval is the time between scans. Units are the time units for the interval.
  • Page 184: Expression Evaluation

    Section 9. Datalogger Program Creation with CRBasic Editor TABLE 9-3. Synonyms for True and False Predefined Constant True (-1) False (0) Synonym High Synonym Synonym Synonym Trigger Do Not Trigger ≠0 Number Digital port 5 Volts 0 Volts Expression Evaluation Conditional tests require the datalogger to evaluate an expression and take one path if the expression is true and another if the expression is false.
  • Page 185: Flags

    If the value of the variable is non-zero the flag is high. If the value of the variable is 0 the flag is low. LoggerNet, PC400, or RTDAQ looks for the variable array with the name Flag when the option to display flag status is selected from the Connect Screen.
  • Page 186: Arrays Of Multipliers And Offsets For Sensor Calibration

    Section 9. Datalogger Program Creation with CRBasic Editor DataTable(Name, TrigVar, Size) DataTable(Temp, TC(1)>100, 5000) Entering the trigger as the expression, TC(1)>100, will cause the trigger to be true and data to be stored whenever the temperature TC(1) is greater than 100. Arrays of Multipliers and Offsets for Sensor Calibration If variable arrays are used for the multiplier and offset parameters in measurements that use repetitions, the instruction will automatically step...
  • Page 187 Section 9. Datalogger Program Creation with CRBasic Editor Tablename.record(1,n) = the record number of the record output n records ago. Tablename.output(1,1) = 1 if data were output to the table the last time the table was called, = 0 if data were not output. Tablename.timestamp(m,n) = element m of the timestamp output n records ago where: timestamp(1,n) = microseconds since 1990...
  • Page 188 Section 9. Datalogger Program Creation with CRBasic Editor 9-30...
  • Page 189: Utilities

    File Format Convert is an application that is used to convert data files form one format to another. The utilities in PC400 are opened by going to the Window's Start menu and selecting Programs | Campbell Scientific | PC400 | Utilities | (desired utility). CardConvert can also be opened from PC400’s Tools menu.
  • Page 190: Destination File Options

    Section 10. Utilities extension of either *.dat or a numeric value (e.g., *.000), depending upon whether or not filemarks are processed (see below for information on file formats and filemarks). For instance, the default name for a table called MyData stored in TOA5 format would be TOA5_MyData.dat. The destination directory or filename for a converted file can be changed on an individual file basis.
  • Page 191: File Processing

    Hours/Minutes only, or a timestamp that includes Seconds only. CSIXML – Data is stored in XML format with Campbell Scientific defined elements and attributes. The file format is reflected in the default filename by the prefix of either TOA5, TOB1, CSV, or CSIXML added to the table name.
  • Page 192: File Naming

    Section 10. Utilities determine the time frame for the data that goes into each file. Note that the Start Date and Time are not used to specify the actual time and date to begin processing the file; rather, they are used as a reference for the file interval. Processing always starts at the beginning of the file.
  • Page 193: Converting The File

    Section 10. Utilities Store Time Stamp - The time stamp can be omitted from the file by clearing the Store Time Stamp check box. 10.1.3 Converting the File Once the File and Conversion settings are selected, press the Start Conversion button.
  • Page 194: Viewing A Converted File

    Section 10. Utilities When CardConvert comes to what it believes is the end of the data file during the repair process (the end of valid frames), it will stop and display a message. The message prompts the user either to continue searching the file for more good data frames or to stop the repair process.
  • Page 195: Transformer Utility

    Section 10. Utilities 10.2 Transformer Utility The Transformer application converts a datalogger program created in Edlog to a CRBasic program. The original file and the transformed file are displayed side-by-side so they can easily be compared. The transformer can be an excellent tool for those familiar with programming in Edlog to learn CRBasic programming.
  • Page 196 Section 10. Utilities Comments about the conversion are shown in the Action Log (bottom portion of the window). The Action Log should be reviewed carefully; it provides useful comments and alerts you to any problems that may exist in the converted file.
  • Page 197: Controls

    The Device Configuration Utility (DevConfig) is used to set up dataloggers and intelligent peripherals before those devices are deployed in the field and before the devices are added to networks in Campbell Scientific datalogger support software such as LoggerNet or PC400. Some key features of DevConfig include: 10-9...
  • Page 198: Main Devconfig Screen

    Help for the appropriate settings for a particular device can also be found in the user’s manual for that device. • Updates to DevConfig are available from Campbell Scientific's website. These may be installed over top of older versions. 10.3.2 Main DevConfig Screen...
  • Page 199: Downloading An Operating System

    10.3.3 Downloading an Operating System DevConfig can send operating systems from the send OS tab to all Campbell Scientific devices with flash replaceable operating systems. An example for the CR1000 is shown below: The text at right describes any interface devices or cabling required to connect the PC to the device.
  • Page 200 Section 10. Utilities DevConfig in that it can be accessed from either a connected and disconnected state. When you click the Start button, DevConfig offers a file open dialog box to prompt you for the operating system file (usually a *.obj file). You may be required to cycle power to the device or press a special “program”...
  • Page 201: Terminal Tab

    Section 10. Utilities The information in the dialog helps to corroborate the signature of the operating system sent. For devices such as the CR10X (especially those with extended memory) that can take a long time to reset following an OS download, text warns you against interrupting the memory test.
  • Page 202: The Unknown Device Type

    Section 10. Utilities 10.3.5 The Unknown Device Type When the Unknown device type is selected, a panel will be shown in the tab control similar to that shown below: Clicking Connect puts DevConfig into Terminal emulation mode on the Serial Port and at the Baud Rate selected.
  • Page 203: File Format Convert

    Section 10. Utilities 10.4 File Format Convert File Format Convert is not available from the PC400 toolbar. It can be opened from the Window’s Start menu under Programs | Campbell Scientific | PC400 | Utilities 10.4.1 Overview File Format Convert is used to convert data files from one format to another. It can also perform the following functions: •...
  • Page 204: Options

    Section 10. Utilities NOTES File Format Convert cannot produce TOB2 or TOB3 files, and it cannot read CSV files. Some file headers have less information than other formats. If you convert from a file with more information in the header to one with less, information will be lost.
  • Page 205 Section 10. Utilities For all output options except TOACI1, the browse button to the right of the field becomes available and can be pressed to set additional file output options. File Naming Date Time Filename - When this option is selected, the date and time of the first record of data in the file will be appended to the end of the base file name.
  • Page 206 Section 10. Utilities Bale Info Use to specify the Start Time Interval and start time for baling based on time. 10-18...
  • Page 207: A. Glossary Of Terms

    Appendix A. Glossary of Terms Advise – See Data Advise ASCII File - A computer file containing letters, numbers, and other characters using the ASCII character encoding. Asynchronous - The transmission of data between a transmitting and a receiving device occurs as a series of zeros and ones. For the data to be "read" correctly, the receiving device must begin reading at the proper point in the series.
  • Page 208 Communication Server – The software (typically packaged as a DLL) that provides the communications functions within other software such as PC200W, PC400, or LoggerNet. Control Port - Dataloggers have digital output ports that can be used to switch power to sensors such as the HMP35C relative humidity circuit or to control relays.
  • Page 209 DevConfig – Short for “Device Configuration Utility”, a software application that provides a graphical user interface to configure settings in dataloggers and communications peripherals. Available in PC400, LoggerNet, and as a stand- alone application from the Campbell Scientific website. (Supplants...
  • Page 210 DLD file name extension. A program must be sent to the datalogger before the datalogger will begin to collect data. Edlog - Campbell Scientific's software application used to create new or edit existing datalogger programs. Edlog supports all of the programming capabilities in the dataloggers it supports.
  • Page 211 Appendix A. Glossary of Terms F1 - In most instances, pressing the F1 key will provide context sensitive help for the highlighted object on the screen. Final Storage - Final Storage is an area in the datalogger's memory where data is stored for collection to a PC.
  • Page 212 LoggerNet has four types of log files: Transaction, Communications Status, Object State, and Low Level I/O. Refer to Appendix C or the help within the LogTool (in PC400 click the Tools | LogTool menu item) application for information on these log files.
  • Page 213 Net Description – Description of dataloggers and communications devices that form the datalogger network. Created using the EZWizard in PC400 or Setup screen in LoggerNet to communicate with the various dataloggers. Node – Part of the description of a datalogger network. Each node represents a device that the communications server will dial through or communicate with individually.
  • Page 214 Appendix A. Glossary of Terms Overrun Errors - Overrun errors occur when the actual program execution time exceeds the execution interval. This causes program executions to be skipped. When an overrun error occurs, the Table Overrun parameter in the datalogger's status table is incremented by 1. Overruns - This entry in the status table provides the number of table overruns that have occurred.
  • Page 215 Appendix A. Glossary of Terms Program Signature - A program signature is a unique value calculated by the datalogger based on program structure. Record this signature in a daily output to document when the datalogger program is changed. Program Table - The area where a datalogger program is stored. Programming in Edlog dataloggers can be separated into two tables, each having its own execution interval.
  • Page 216 The LoggerNet server manages all the communications and data collection for a network of dataloggers. The collected data is made available for client applications. PC200W and PC400 also use the communication server but in a more limited configuration. Short Cut – A program generator application that ships with PC400, LoggerNet, and is available as a stand-alone product from the Campbell Scientific website.
  • Page 217 Appendix A. Glossary of Terms the program for them. (Contrast a “program generator” with the full-featured “program editors”, Edlog and CRBasic Editor.) Signature – Number calculated to verify both sequence and validity of bytes within a packet or block of memory. Single-ended Analog Input - Some analog sensors have only one signal wire.
  • Page 218 Appendix A. Glossary of Terms Transaction - The exchange of data or information between two devices or programs. For example, setting the clock in a datalogger requires a transaction between the server and the datalogger. Uncollectable Hole – Occurs when a hole in the data cache cannot be collected from the datalogger before the data table wraps around and the records are overwritten.
  • Page 219: B.1 Memory Allocation For Final Storage

    Appendix B. Table-Based Dataloggers This section describes some of the characteristics and features of the Edlog TD and PB dataloggers and CRBasic dataloggers. These include the CR510-TD, CR510-PB, CR10T, CR10X-TD, CR10X-PB, CR23X-TD, CR23X-PB, CR200, CR800, CR1000, CR3000, CR5000, and CR9000. See the operator’s manual for the specific datalogger for detailed information about its operation.
  • Page 220: B.1.2 Cr800/Cr1000/Cr3000/Cr5000/Cr9000 Memory For Programs And Data Storage

    The data processing task stores data as records in final storage data tables. PC400 can collect the records from these data tables. The datalogger program can also make some or all of the variables used for measurement storage or calculations available to PC400.
  • Page 221: B.1.3 Cr200 Series Dataloggers

    Appendix B. Table-Based Dataloggers If the amount of memory requested for the data tables exceeds the available memory, the program will not run. NOTE Event driven tables should have a fixed size rather than allowing them to be allocated automatically. Event driven tables in CR800, CR1000, CR3000, CR5000, and CR9000 dataloggers that are automatically allocated are assumed to have one record stored per execution interval in calculating the length.
  • Page 222: B.2.1 Steps For Program Conversion

    Appendix B. Table-Based Dataloggers B.2.1 Steps for Program Conversion If you are converting a program from mixed-array to table-data format for the same datalogger (e.g., converting a CR10X program to a CR10X-TD program) you can edit the existing program in Edlog. If you are converting a program from one datalogger series to another (e.g., CR10X to CR23X-TD), you may be better off need to start the program from scratch because different dataloggers may have very different measurements, numbers of input...
  • Page 223 Appendix B. Table-Based Dataloggers based on time (interval data) or when a user flag is set (event data). Time based output intervals are specified in seconds. • Instruction 18, Time - Instruction 18 is used to store the current time into an input location.
  • Page 224: B.3 Table Data Overview

    Appendix B. Table-Based Dataloggers removed. (e.g., don’t change data resolution from low to high based on a conditional. ) B.3 Table Data Overview In the datalogger all data is organized into tables with fixed data records. Each of these tables has a definite number of records that is either fixed by the datalogger program or allocated when the program is compiled by the datalogger.
  • Page 225: B.4 Default Tables

    Appendix B. Table-Based Dataloggers The program is written so that each hour an Instruction 84, Table Data, generates a new "record" in the data table. This hourly table would then be organized as follows: DATE_TIME RECORD # TEMP1 TEMP2 TEMP3 2002-01-27 10:00:00 23.5 24.6...
  • Page 226: B.4-1. Example Of Status Table Entries

    Appendix B. Table-Based Dataloggers all fields will be present or applicable for all dataloggers. See the datalogger operator’s manual for specifics. TABLE B.4-1. Example of Status Table Entries TMStamp Date and time the status information was recorded. The record number in the table. RecNBR Battery Datalogger battery voltage.
  • Page 227 Appendix B. Table-Based Dataloggers TABLE B.4-1. Example of Status Table Entries Current value of the battery voltage. This measurement is made in the Battery background calibration. Current Panel temperature measurement. PanelTemp A Boolean variable signaling ”True” (-1) if the lithium battery is OK and LithiumBattery ”False”...
  • Page 228 Appendix B. Table-Based Dataloggers TABLE B.4-1. Example of Status Table Entries The last time that this slow scan executed. If the user has slow scans then LastSlowScan this variable becomes an array with a value for the system slow scan and each of the user’s scans.
  • Page 229 Appendix B. Table-Based Dataloggers TABLE B.4-1. Example of Status Table Entries Calibration table single ended offset values. Each integration / range CalSeOffset combination has a single ended offset associated with it. These numbers are updated by the background slow sequence if the running program uses the integration / range.
  • Page 230 Appendix B. Table-Based Dataloggers B-12...
  • Page 231: C.1 Event Logging

    Application C.1 Event Logging As PC400 performs its work, it will create records of various kinds of events and store them in ASCII log files. These logs can be very useful for troubleshooting problems and monitoring the operation of the datalogger network.
  • Page 232: C.1.2 Log File Message Formats

    1.4 MB in size. After five files have been created, the oldest log file is deleted as a new one begun. PC400 stores the most recent log records in a file that has a $ character in the place of the version number or “X”...
  • Page 233: C.1-1. Transaction Log Messages

    Appendix C. Log Files TABLE C.1-1. Transaction Log Messages Code Message Text Message Parameters Message Meaning User Response to Message Network device Device Name A new device was added added to the network map. Network branch Device Name A branch of the deleted network map was deleted (this may...
  • Page 234 Appendix C. Log Files TABLE C.1-1. Transaction Log Messages Code Message Text Message Parameters Message Meaning User Response to Message Clock check Reason code: The clock check/set Check the connections failed 3. Communication failure failed for the reason of the communication 4.
  • Page 235 RF the datalogger operators base on behalf of the manual or contacting an datalogger). applications engineer at Campbell Scientific. Records Table name; Beginning Datalogger records received record number; Ending have been received record number and stored in the data cache.
  • Page 236 Appendix C. Log Files TABLE C.1-1. Transaction Log Messages Code Message Text Message Parameters Message Meaning User Response to Message Set variable The datalogger failed failed to acknowledge the set variable message. Program file The server is sending send start a program to the datalogger.
  • Page 237 If ever seen contact an device or malformed indicating that a application engineer at packet BMP1 message Campbell Scientific. 2. Routing failure didn’t make it to the Code 2 indicates that {unrecognized station data logger. the RF base has lost the...
  • Page 238 Appendix C. Log Files TABLE C.1-1. Transaction Log Messages Code Message Text Message Parameters Message Meaning User Response to Message Unexpected As part of data A change in table change in collection the server definitions indicates datalogger table has detected a change that the datalogger definitions in the datalogger’s...
  • Page 239 Appendix C. Log Files TABLE C.1-1. Transaction Log Messages Code Message Text Message Parameters Message Meaning User Response to Message Logger locked This message indicates the start of a transaction such as terminal emulation that will tie up the datalogger preventing other operations.
  • Page 240 Appendix C. Log Files TABLE C.1-1. Transaction Log Messages Code Message Text Message Parameters Message Meaning User Response to Message Manual poll Client logon name The listed client is transaction starting a manual poll started operation according to the scheduled collection settings.
  • Page 241 Verify that the stored table the PC400 system configuration file or configuration files exist new table definitions. and the directory has This could be the not been corrupted.
  • Page 242 Appendix C. Log Files TABLE C.1-1. Transaction Log Messages Code Message Text Message Parameters Message Meaning User Response to Message BMP1 packet The packet message type The specified BMP1 sent code: packet was sent to the 0 Packet Delivery Fault serial communication Notification interface.
  • Page 243 Appendix C. Log Files TABLE C.1-1. Transaction Log Messages Code Message Text Message Parameters Message Meaning User Response to Message BMP1 packet The packet message type The specified BMP1 received code: packet was received 0 Packet Delivery Fault over the serial Notification communications link.
  • Page 244 Appendix C. Log Files TABLE C.1-1. Transaction Log Messages Code Message Text Message Parameters Message Meaning User Response to Message Table reset The name of the table that The name of a table was reset; The account was changed at the name of the logged in request of a client.
  • Page 245: C.1.2.3 Communications Status Log Format

    Appendix C. Log Files Transaction Log Example "2009-04-15 16:41:05.367","CR1000","11","Clock check started" "2009-04-15 16:41:05.429","CR1000","13","Clock checked","2009-04-15 16:41:33.44","2009-04-15 16:41:05.421","-28" "2009-04-15 16:41:06.367","CR1000","86","Manual poll started","admin" "2009-04-15 16:41:06.367","CR1000","92","Collect area poll started","TestFast" "2009-04-15 16:41:06.382","CR1000","41","Records received","TestFast","21007","21007","polling" "2009-04-15 16:41:06.382","CR1000","20","Hole detected","TestFast","20769","21006" "2009-04-15 16:41:06.429","CR1000","11","Clock check started" "2009-04-15 16:41:06.492","CR1000","41","Records received","TestFast","20769","20799","polling" "2009-04-15 16:41:06.507","CR1000","144","data file opened","TestFast","C:\Campbellsci\LoggerNet\CR1000_TestFast.dat" "2009-04-15 16:41:06.507","CR1000","21","Hole collected","TestFast","20769","20799"...
  • Page 246: C.1-2. Communications Status Log Messages

    Appendix C. Log Files TABLE C.1-2. Communications Status Log Messages Message Text Message Meaning User Response to Message Serial packet X exchanged The low level serial BMP1 communication framing packet was sent and the response received from the device. (CR10X-TD table based type devices) Classic;;Cmd The listed command was...
  • Page 247: C.1.2.4 Object State Log Format

    Appendix C. Log Files Communications Status Log Example "2009-04-15 16:41:05.367","IPPort","S","Device dialed" "2009-04-15 16:41:05.382","PakBusPort_ip","S","sending message","src: 4094","dest: 2","proto: PakCtrl","type: 0x09","tran: 214" "2009-04-15 16:41:05.398","PakBusPort_ip","S","received message","src: 2","dest: 4094","proto: PakCtrl","type: 0x89","tran: 214" "2009-04-15 16:41:05.398","CR1000","S","PakCtrl message received","89" "2009-04-15 16:41:05.413","PakBusPort_ip","S","sending message","src: 4094","dest: 2","proto: BMP5","type: 0x17","tran: 213" "2009-04-15 16:41:05.429","PakBusPort_ip","S","received message","src: 2","dest: 4094","proto: BMP5","type: 0x97","tran: 213" "2009-04-15 16:41:05.429","CR1000","S","BMP5 message received","type: 0x97","check/set clock"...
  • Page 248 Appendix C. Log Files "2009-04-15 16:41:05.413","PakBusPort_ip","Release Transaction Focus","PakCtrl::Hello","2","214" "2009-04-15 16:41:05.413","PakBusPort_ip","Transaction focus start","check/set clock","213" "2009-04-15 16:41:05.413","PakBusPort_ip","arm transaction watchdog","check/set clock","11250","37355" "2009-04-15 16:41:05.413","PakBusPort_ip","Csi::PakBus::SerialPortBase::link_type","watch dog timeout set at 40000" "2009-04-15 16:41:05.413","PakBusPort_ip","Csi::PakBus::Router","leaving close_transaction" "2009-04-15 16:41:05.445","PakBusPort_ip","PakBusTran release focus","check/set clock","37355" "2009-04-15 16:41:05.445","PakBusPort_ip","Release Transaction Focus","check/set clock","213" "2009-04-15 16:41:05.460","PakBusPort_ip","PakBusTran closing","check/set clock","213" "2009-04-15 16:41:05.460","PakBusPort_ip","Csi::PakBus::Router","entering close_transaction"...
  • Page 250 Campbell Scientific Companies Campbell Scientific, Inc. (CSI) 815 West 1800 North Logan, Utah 84321 UNITED STATES • Campbell Scientific Africa Pty. Ltd. (CSAf) PO Box 2450 Somerset West 7129 SOUTH AFRICA • Campbell Scientific Australia Pty. Ltd. (CSA)

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