Loading Icpcon Under Linux; The Icpcon Program - ICP GDT6618RD Addendum

Icp controllers in cluster systems
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These two lines can also be inserted in the .profile file and will then be automatically
processed during each login. The ICPCON program itself is copied during the SCO UNIX
installation into the /etc directory. ICPCON is loaded by entering:
icpcon ENTER
C.1.6 Loading ICPCON Under LINUX
The ICP System CDROM includes two archives:
These archives include all object files to create ICPCON, as well as an executable ICPCON
compiled on a current Linux version. If you encounter problems with this executable
ICPCON, you can easily compile a new ICPCON on your own Linux system:
unpack the tgz-file:
compile ICPCON:
start ICPCON:
In order to be able to compile ICPCON you need the C-compiler and the Kernel sources on
your system. The link /usr/src/linux has to point to the Kernel sources which correspond
with the currently booted Kernel of your system. This is important for "signature.c" to use
the right magic for the communication with the driver. Otherwise it may happen that you
get "Wrong signature" when trying to start ICPCON.
ICPCON is loaded by entering:
icpcon ENTER
C.2 The ICPCON Program
As mentioned before, the ICPCON program appears identical for all operating systems.
Thus, we can demonstrate the use and functioning of this program regardless of the oper-
ating system used. In previous chapters we have already described the hierarchical struc-
ture of the ICP firmware. We have defined 4 different levels of hierarchy: Level 1 where the
physical devices named Physical Devices are found, level 2 containing the Logical Drives
(made up of one or several Physical Drives), level 3 where we have the Array Drives, and fi-
nally, level 4 where the Host Drives are. Only the latter ones are known to the operating sys-
tem. The drive of a given level of hierarchy is always set up by using the drives of the next
lower level as components. Accordingly, ICPCON has various menu options, each referring
to one level of hierarchy
The following summary gives you an overview of all Host Drive types you can create with
the ICP Firmware. The ICP Controller can simultaneously control several Host Drives of
most various types. For instance, MS-DOS drive C could be a Host Drive of the type disk
(consisting of a single hard disk), MS-DOS drive D is a type RAID 5 Array Drive, MS-DOS
drive E is a Host Drive of the type chain, and MS-DOS drive F is a CD-ROM which commu-
nicates with MS-DOS through corelSCSI and the GDT ASPI manager.
ICPCON and object files (intel)
ICPCON and object files (alpha)
'tar xvfz icpcon.tgz'
Host Drives
Arrays Drives
Logical Drives
Physical Devices
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1


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