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Frequently Asked Questions - Mad Catz GameSaves Instruction Manual

For use with the xbox game console


1. Before - The search will return saves that were uploaded to the GameShark
server before the date you have entered.
2. After - The search will return saves that were uploaded to the GameShark
server after the date you have entered.
3. On - The search will return saves that were uploaded to the GameShark
server on the exact day you have entered.
e) Downloading Game Saves from the Internet Panel
The game saves displayed on the Internet Connection Panel are on GameShark's
servers; to use them you will have to download them to an XBOX Memory Unit or the
PC. Downloading these files is as simple as copying a save to and from the PC and
XBOX Memory Unit
To download files from the Internet Panel, simply move the mouse cursor over your
chosen Game Save, press and hold the left mouse button and "drag" the file from the
Internet Panel into the location where you wish to save it.
Download the files to your PC first as this will mean that any Save Descriptions or
extra file information will stay intact; you can always copy it to your XBOX Memory
Unit later. And this will also mean you will always have a backup on your PC.
To download more than one file at a time, simply hold down the "Ctrl" button on your
keyboard while selecting the files you want to download. All the files will be highlight-
ed. Now simply hold the mouse button down while the cursor is over one of your high-
lighted files to 'Drag' them where you want.
f) Browsing for saves on and downloading
Alternatively you can just browse the GameShark website at for
the latest saves, game reviews and information. Simple use your mouse and click the
'WWW' button found at the bottom of the Memory Unit Panel.


Q: I have copied a file across from my PC to my XBOX Memory Unit, but it
does not appear to be there. Why is this?
A: Try clicking the "Refresh" button with your mouse. This will refresh the Memory
Unit Panel, and your save should show up.
Q: When I try and copy saves from my XBOX hard drive to an XBOX Memory
Unit, there is no copy function, why is this?
A: Unfortunately this is due to the game itself. Some games will not allow saves to be
copied from the XBOX hard drive.
Q: I plugged in my memory unit and it was blank, why is this?
A: Plug your memory unit into your XBOX controller and check there are saves pres-
ent. If there are saves present, it could be possible that your memory unit is not com-
patible with XBOX GameSaves. We cannot guarantee full compatibility with all third
party memory units, XBOX GameSaves supports official XBOX memory units and
Mad Catz XBOX Memory Units.

