Creating Copies Of Jboss_Home - Red Hat APPLICATION STACK 2.2 - RELEASE NOTES Release Note

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If you wish to use a different JVM than the one that alternatives points to, you will need to set
JAVA_HOME first.
JAVA_HOME can be set system-wide in /etc/profile. But beware, some users may
not want to have JAVA_HOME set to this same SDK. Also, some may prefer to use the
alternatives-selected one instead. These users may be affected by this global
setting of JAVA_HOME.
If you still need to set JAVA_HOME for some other reason, the alternatives-selected
SDK is in /usr/lib/jvm/java, so a export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java will
The entire JBoss Application Server suite runs under a new jboss system user. It
may be necessary to use the su -s /bin/bash jboss system command to run the
server, change configuration, deploy etc., due to file system permissions. Alternatively,
a developer can be listed in the jboss user group by the system administrator.
Yet another possibility is to create a personal copy of JBOSS_HOME (see

" Creating copies of JBOSS_HOME"

To create additional JBoss Application Server configurations besides the provided 'default',
'production', 'minimal' and 'all', you must create a new directory for your configuration as follows (note
the switches given to the cp command):
cp -pL -R server/default server/myownconfig
You can then change the configuration and request it to be used by specifying it in the -c flag to, as usual.
4.3. Creating copies of JBOSS_HOME
The analog of unzipping another copy of JBoss Application Server in a different directory is to make a
copy of the RPM-installed JBOSS_HOME, located at /var/lib/jbossas.
You probably want this copy to have your own userid and group, so use:
cp -L -R /var/lib/jbossas my_new_jboss_home_directory
If you want to retain the jboss user and group ownership, use instead:
cp -pL -R /var/lib/jbossas my_new_jboss_home_directory
Creating copies of JBOSS_HOME
Section 4.3,


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