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Delta Electronics Power Connection Interface VFD-PSD01 User Manual

Power connection interface for digital keypad


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Power Connection Interface for Digital Keypad
To complete the communication function of Delta Inverter with
digital communication device control model (PUXX) and for the
reason of voltage falling-down due to the wiring length, Delta
produces communication control device power convection
interface by itself.
The data of Inverter will transmitted to the Inverter terminal of
PSD01 via a simple telephone line (two wire: SG+/SG-; Max.
=1000 feet) from RS-485 communication port. The power source
of digital communication device PUXX can be supplied by a
simple AC to DC power converter (Max. wiring length= 16 feet)
connected to the 3pin(+5V/GND/+17V) terminal of VFD-PSD01.
The data and power will transmit form the PU terminal of PSD01
to PUXX via a 6 wires telephone line. The wiring diagram as
VFD-PSD01 User Manual
6 wire
telephone line
2 wire
telephone line

