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Sennheiser SZT 1011 Manual page 3


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The transponder SZT 1011 is a mains-powered light-impulse amplifier
designed to increase the effective range of the infrared transmitter
SKI1 011. It is used in those cases where the radiated power of the
SKI1 011 is not sufficient for illuminating larger rooms with infrared light.
The transponder works as an infrared receiving and transmitting station:
The infrared signal emitted by the SKI1 011 is picked up by an array of
receiving diodes, amplified and immediately transmitted further. The
SZT 1011 is able to illuminate rooms with a floar area of up to 80 -m2.For
larger rooms a correspondingly larger number oftransponders is required.
The transponder is fitted with a squelch to prevent transmission from
being disturbed by hissing noise. The On/Off indicatar is a red LED which
lights up whenever the transmitter is turned oll or the squelch has
switched. The transponder can be mounted either on walls or on floor
stands litted with a !s"-thread (see lig.).
Location and mounting
0' the transponder
The ideal conditions for optimal illumination of a given room are as folIows:
1. The maximum ceilin~ height must not exceed 3.5 m.
2. The ceiling itself must form a flat, level surface.
3. The walls may not be covered or hung with light-absorbing material or
The transponder should, if possible, be set up on the window side of the
room in order to prevent a large proportion of the light power from
escaping outside. The emission of the infrared light from the transponder
should not be obstructed by curtains or other objects.
Operation with 1 transponder
Operation with two transponders
Depending on whatever happens to be better, the transponder can be
mounted either on to a floar stand fitted with a %"-thread
or on a wall in
the vicinity of a mains socket.
After inserting the plug into the mains socket, the transponder is now
ready to function. The unit can only be switched off by removing the plug
from the mains. However, this is only necessary if the transponder is to
remain idle for a Ionger period oftime (e. g. during school holidays). When
plugged-in, the transponder is put into operation whenever the transmitter
is switched on. Switching the transmitter off, however, automatically puts
the transponder on "Stand-by".
In the "Stand-by"
condition, the transponder uses only approx. 3.5 VA.
Please note
The transponder can be powered from either 220 V or 110 V mains
circuits. On leaving the factory it is ready for 220 V-operation. For the
conversion to 110 V-operation it is necessary to remove the plug from the
mains and to change certain internal sold er bridges.
SZT 1011
> 2500 mW
(impulse light power)
, max. 80 m2
+ 20%
change ot internal solder bridge)
"Stand-By": approx, 3,5 VA.
Operation: max, approx, 10VA
.80 kHz:t 10 %
.'1 ~s:t 10%
Number ottransmitting diodes
Size ot room illuminated
Numberot receivingdiodes
Supply voltage
Max.pulse repetition trequency
Transmissionimpulse width
Dimensions in mm including
covers tor transmitting and receivingdiodes
140 x 100 x 53
approx. 1000 9
. black



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