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Hydroponic growing system


Pump and Water Circulation
• The pump and water circulation system in your hydroponic system is essential for
maintaining optimal plant health and growth.
• The pump functions to continuously circulate nutrient-rich water to the plants' roots,
ensuring they receive a consistent supply of essential nutrients and oxygen.
• This circulation prevents water stagnation, nutrient imbalances, and the growth of
harmful microorganisms.
Growing Lights
Proper lighting is fundamental for indoor hydroponic gardening, as it serves as a substitute
for natural sunlight. Different stages of plant growth require varying light spectrums and
intensities. Select the button for the appropriate mode depending on what is being grown.
Seeding Light:
• During the germination and seedling stages, plants require a gentle light source to
encourage healthy root and stem development.
• Seeding lights typically emit a cool, blue spectrum, which promotes compact, sturdy
growth without inducing excessive stretching.
Vegetative Light:
• Once your plants have established themselves and entered the vegetative phase, they
need more intense light to support robust foliage growth.
• Vegetative lights emit a balanced spectrum of blue and red wavelengths, simulating
the conditions of a sunny spring day. This spectrum encourages lush leafy growth and
prepares plants for flowering.
Bloom Light:
• As your plants transition into the flowering stage, they require a different light spectrum
to stimulate prolific flower and fruit development.
• Bloom lights primarily emit red and orange wavelengths, mimicking the light conditions
of late summer and early autumn. This spectrum encourages budding, flowering, and
the production of dense, flavourful fruits or flowers.

