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Game Descriptions - MD SPORTS TP600Y23055 Assembly Instructions Manual




2 Players
Checkmate the opponent's king.
Players decide who gets the white chess pieces and make the first move by using a coin toss, rock-paper-scissors, or by
any other method. The board is positioned in such a way that the dark corner square is on the left of the players.
Rooks are placed on the left and right corner squares. Following that are the two knights and two bishops on the two
sides, and the queen and king are in the center. The white queen is positioned on the light square and the brown queen
on the dark square.
The pawns are placed in front of these chess pieces.
The pawns can only move forward. The pawn may advance by either one or two squares on its first move, but it is limited
to one-square moves from then on. While progressing forward, pawns may only capture on the diagonal to their
immediate front-left or front-right. The rook only moves horizontally or vertically and can move any number of squares.
The bishop only moves diagonally. The queen can move in any direction. The knights can change direction and "jump
over" any chess pieces; a knight moves in an "L" shape. The king may move in any direction, one square at a time.
A player must declare "check" when they threaten their opponent's king. The opponent must then protect their king by
moving the king to another square or moving another chess piece to block or capture the opposing attacker. If the
opponent is unable to make any of the above moves, the king is checkmated and the game ends in favor of the player.
Castling is a move of the king and one rook (formally called "castle") that may be made, if at all, only once in a game. It is
permitted if the king nor the rook has yet moved and if all the squares between them are vacant. The move is executed
by moving the king two squares towards the rook and then placing the rook on the square the kind passed over.
2 Players
Capture all your opponent's tokens
Decide who goes first by a coin toss, by the winner of the last game, or by any other method. The board is positioned in
such a way that the dark corner square is on the left of the players. There are 15 tokens per player. Using the brown and
white tokens, each player places four tokens on the first three rows of dark squares. Brown always starts first in checkers.
A token moves diagonally one square at a time, forward—not backward. If a token reaches the far side of the board, it
becomes a king (stack two tokens to indicate a king) and can now move diagonally in any direction. A token may also
"leap-frog" over an opponent's token if there is a vacant square beyond. The jumped token is removed from the board
(captured). You can jump over multiple times until you can't capture any more of your opponent's checkers.
Play continues until 1 player wins by capturing all of the opponent's tokens, or a draw is declared.
2 Players
Be the first player to get three tokens of the same color in a row.
Tic-Tac-Toe Game Board, 5 brown checkers tokens, 5 white checkers tokens.
Players determine who gets the brown by a coin toss or by any other method. The brown player begins the game by
placing a token in any of the nine squares on the game board. The game alternates between brown and white players
placing their tokens on the board.
The first player to line three tokens of the same color in a row either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally wins the game.
If all nine squares are covered and no player has won, the game is a tie and a new game can be played.
(Continued on the next page)

