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Testing - SAN/BAR 319A Quick Start Manual

Key service panel


Manual l ntercom (SB423A)
The SB319A Panel is wired so that Position
1 will also accommodate manual intercom
when required. No strapping is required on
the SB319A. Pins 3 and 18 required for
talk battery are prewired t o the fused AB,
AG input terminals on the rear panel.
Therefore, Position 1 may be used for a
manual intercom circuit by supplying talk
battery t o the terminals. Talk battery does
not normally distribute to any other posi-
tions with or without Option Plug installed.
I f talk battery is desired t o all positions,
strap AB1 t o MOH 1, AG1 t o MOH2 as
shown in Figure 3. Disconnect the music
source. The manual intercom card may
now be installed in any position. Connect
the talk battery supply as before. For more
information on the SB423A, refer t o
For special installations where it i s desked
t o have more than one manual intercom
card (SB423A, WE401, or equivalent) per
panel mixed with special feature line cards
that also use pins 3 and 18, remove the
Option Plug from the 319A and install a
cable for distribution t o a feature block as
described in section 5.1 0. The individual
pins 3 and 18 of all 15 positions will appear
a t the feature block as given in Table I I.
Connect the power supply talk battery
output t o the 319A terminals (AG, AB) a t
the rear of the panel. This will provide a
fused talk battery t o pins 3 and 18 of
position 1 which will also appear a t the
feature block. To provide a fused talk
battery t o other positions, simply strap a t
the feature block from pins 3 and 18 of
position 1 t o the other pins 3 and 18
Using the above procedure, any combina-
tion of manual intercom cards may be
mixed with special feature line cards such
as music-on-hold, (SB4200A) or off-
premise extension (SB4100A). For instal-
lations where pins 3 and 18 are used for
intercom talk battery only, and not for
any other features, the talk battery may be
distributed t o all 15 positions with the
Option Plug installed and two straps added
t o the rear panel as shown in figure 3.
5.8 STC Interface
Where STC-type interface is required, it
may be necessary t o interface Pin 3 or 18
(such as with the SB4000F which utilizes
Pin 3 for STC). Remove the Option Plug
and install a cable for distribution a s de-
scribed in Section 5.10. No panel modifi-
cation is required.
5.9 Multistation Line Card (SB4100A)
The SB319A Panel is wired so that the
SB4100A cards may be installed without
panel modification. The SB4100A utilizes
Pin 18 as a special signal lead (AER) that is
cross connected between SB4 100A's. To
interface Pin 18, remove Option Plug and
install a cable for distribution as described
in Section 5.10. Refer t o CD-4100-000 for
additional information on the SB4100A.
5.10 Option Plug (ED-0319-000)
The Option Plug for the SB319A Panel is
supplied with the unit and is installed in
the rear panel telephone connector J 19.
For normal installations, the Option Plug
will remain installed. The Option Plug pro-
vides a bus of Pins 3 and 18 for positions 2
through 15. This allows ease of music dis-
tribution for these positions, or for special
applications as described in above sections.
For special installations where it is neces-
sary t o interface Pin 3 or 18 of the individ-
ual lines, the Option Plug i s removed (e.g.
a mixture of SB4200A MOH cards and
SB4000F line cards using STC). l nstall a
standard A25B-type telephone cable and
distribute t o a 66-type connecting block.
Refer t o Table I I for pin assignments and
where leads appear at the feature block.
By cross connecting at this distribution
block, it is possible to achieve MOH, STC,
manual intercom, etc. with any combina-
tion of card positions in the same panel.
6.1 If trouble is encountered with the SB319A
Key Service Panel installation, check that
all installer connections or strapping op-
tions have been made properly. Also check
the power connections and fuses. Refer t o
the individual circuit descriptions for test-
ing of the cards. Other than fuses, the
SB319A contains no electrical components
that are normally considered subject to
failure. However, possible wire breakage
or poor wire terminations may be verified
using normal continuity checking proce-
dures with a standard multimeter (Simpson
236 or
6.2 The SB319A is warranted for a
two years from date of purchase.

