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Summary of Contents for IHI NIIGATA MG(L)26HLX

  • Page 3 INTRODUCTION & SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Introduction This instruction manual gives an explanation of engine construction, handling and maintenance procedures to engine operators. Engine operators should conduct the inspection, start- up, running and stopping of engines in accordance with the proper procedures as directed in this manual only after reading this manual carefully to familiarize themselves with the contents.
  • Page 4 4. When ordering parts, please be sure to specify the following items. (1) Name of Purchaser (Plant or Vessel) (2) Engine Model, Engine Serial No. (3) Description of Part (4) Parts Catalog Collation No. (5) Quantity Where there are any doubtful points having arisen when ordering parts, when receiving parts and when mounting parts, be sure to contact us.
  • Page 5 Safety Precautions Most of the accidents arising in handling the engine are caused by the operator's negligence of basic safety rules and precautions or maintenance inspection, etc. as specified by the manufacturer. Prior to installation, assembly, running, maintenance service and inspection, persons engaged in these items of work should necessarily read through the instruction manual and all other exhibits carefully even for the prevention of danger and use the engine...
  • Page 6 Where possible danger of death or suffering from serious physical WARNING injuries, and occurrence of serious physical damage are presumable. Where possible danger of suffering from light or medium physical CAUTION injuries, and occurrence of physical damage are presumable. Even such matters which fall under CAUTION may possibly lead to serious results depending upon the circumstances.
  • Page 7 Basic Cautionary Instructions on Safety 1.3.1 General cautionary instructions Cautions to be used inside engine room and enclosure ・ Ventilate the interior of engine room of enclosure. ・ Take care against fire, especially observe no-smoking when handling fuel oil and lubricating oil, and keep away from open fire and sparking objects.
  • Page 8 Cautions in the course of running ・ Where any unusual noise, malodor, or vibration is detected, stop the engine depending upon the circumstances. Clear up the cause and make repairs and restoration before restarting on running. Cautions in handling outfits ・...
  • Page 9 ・ Since manual turning of the engine may lead to a danger of serious physical accidents, be sure to carry it out by selecting the proper method and place. Never carry out the following. ※ Turning by the use of radiator fan. ※...
  • Page 10 Others ・ Do not remodel the engine and plant equipment without our permission. ・ Should there be any indistinct points on safety and handling, please contact us. This document is property of NIIGATA POWER SYSTEMS CO., LTD. It must be neither reproduced nor communicated nor published without permission.
  • Page 11 1.3.2 Practical cautionary instructions Remarks Remarks Equipment and pipelines of fuel oil line, lubricating COMBUSTIBLE oil line, and gas fuel line for gas engine. WARNING (1) In cases of fuel leakage from equipment and pipe- 2-1-01~ lines of fuel oil line and gas fuel line for gas 2-9-01 engine, there is a danger of fire hazard.
  • Page 12 Remarks 2.Equipment and pipelines of exhaust gas line COMBUSTIBLE WARNING (1) In cases of hot exhaust gas leakage from equipment 2-1-01~ and pipelines of exhaust gas line, there is a 2-9-01 danger of fire hazard. 3-5-01~ Stop the engine running forthwith and take 3-5-19 Preventive measures against leakage.
  • Page 13 Remarks EXPLOSION WARNING (2) There are cases where scald is caused by the 2-4-01~ actuation of crankcase safety valve due to 2-9-01 abnormal pressure rise inside the crankcase. Do not gain access to the blow-off nozzle. 2.Cylinder safety valve WARNING 2-4-01~...
  • Page 14 Remarks EXPLOSION 4.Battery WARNING - (1) There is a danger of fire hazard due to emission of flammable gas from battery. Keep the surroundings of battery away from the fire. 5. Engine room for gas engine WARNING - (1) In cases of gas leakage from gas fuel pipeline, there is a danger of explosion inside the engine room and enclosure for gas engine.
  • Page 15 Remarks - EXPLOSION (2) In cases where the engine is brought to a stop by the actuation of gas detector, there is a danger of explosion caused by the actuation of gas detector. Close the gas partition valve and turn OFF AC power supply.
  • Page 16 Remarks 1. Motor ELECTRIFICATION WARNING (1) Each kind of motor entails the danger of - electrification. Before turning ON power supply, check if there are any abnormality in wire connections and peel-off of covering. 2. Electrical devices WARNING - (1) Electrical devices such as various switches, electrical governor, fuel scale level transmitter, etc.
  • Page 17 Remarks (2) Electrical devices built into remote control stand, - ELECTRIFICATION alarm panel, solenoid valve unit, etc. and etc. and separately-installed accessory devices entail the danger of electrification. Before turning ON power supply, check if there are any abnormality in wire connections and peel-off of covering.
  • Page 18 Remarks POISON 2. Cooling water additives CAUTION (1) The rust-preventive agent, inhibitor and 1-4-01~ anti-freeze for use with cooling water line are 1-4-05 poisonous to the human body. 2-4-01 Handle them carefully so that they will not come 2-6-03~ into eyes or come in contact with the body. 2-6-04 3-5-01~...
  • Page 19 Remarks 1.Foot plate SLIPPING CAUTION 2-1-01~ (1) The top surface of foot plate, that is slippery if 2-9-01 led with oil etc., entails the danger of tumbling and 4-1-01~ Wipe off thoroughly the oily matter left on the foot 5-4-08 plate and shoes.
  • Page 20 Remarks 2.Topside of engine FALLING CAUTION (1) The topside of engine intake manifold, air duct, 2-1-01~ etc. entails the danger of falling. 2-9-01 Do not step on their topside unless safety has 4-1-01~ been confirmed. 5-4-08 ENTANGLED 1.Flywheel WARNING (1) There is a danger of parts of the body being 2-1-01~...
  • Page 21 Remarks ENTANGLED 3.Turning device WARNING 2-1-01~ 2-9-01 (1) There is a danger of parts of the body being 3-2-01~ entangled into the rotating parts or gears of 3-5-19 turning device in the course of turning with 4-1-01~ the turning device. 4-11-01 Do not allow your hand, leg, etc.
  • Page 22 Remarks 4.When machining ENTANGLED CAUTION (1) There is a danger of hands or legs being 4-1-01~ entangled during the course of grinding, 4-11-01 turning, and drilling work. Do not put on gloves. PINCHED 1.Moving parts of engine WARNING 2-1-01~ (1) There is a danger of hands or legs being pinched 2-9-01 By the moving parts (valve actuator, fuel injection pump roller guide, governor link, stopping piston,...
  • Page 23 Remarks 2.Doors of enclosure and engine room PINCHED CAUTION - (1) There is a danger of your body being pinched by the doors of enclosure and engine room that are designed to be readily closed by the difference in atmosphere between the inside and outside.
  • Page 24 Remarks 1.Fuel injection valve test pump CUTTING/CUT OFF WARNING (1) There is a danger of injuries caused if high- pressure oil droplets come in direct contact with your skins when conducting the injection test of fuel injection pump. Never allow your body to gain access to the range covered by oil droplets.
  • Page 25 Remarks 2.Inspection or measurement work HOT/SCALD CAUTION (1) In the case of carrying out the following work, 2-1-01~ there is a danger of scald caused by high- 2-9-01 temperature parts or hot fluid. 5-2-01~ Put on protective gloves and use care in 5-4-08 handling so that hot fluid will not splash over the skin.
  • Page 26 Remarks 1.Control of cooling water, lubricating oil & fuel oil, and control of clamping work SAFETY/ WARNING WARNING (1) Any negligence of controlling cooling water, 2-1-01~ lubricating oil, and fuel oil, and controlling the 2-9-01 clamping in reassembly after overhaul inspection 3-2-01~...
  • Page 27 Remarks 3.Hydraulic tool and fuel injection valve test pump SAFETY/WARNING CAUTION (1) When using hydraulic tools or when conducting the 3-2-01~ fuel injection valve injection test, high- pressure 5-4-08 fluid will gush out , leading to the danger of injuries. Never allow your body to gain access to the range covered by oil droplets.
  • Page 28 Remarks 5.Prevention of mis-starting during maintenance SAFETY/WARNING inspection WARNING (1) There is a possible danger of physical accidents 2-1-01~ that may be caused when the engine is started by 5-4-08 mistake during the inspection and repair of the battery-started engine. Be sure to carry out the following items to prevent the erroneous start of the engine.
  • Page 29 Remarks 6.Fuel oil SAFETY/WARNING CAUTION (1) There is a danger of failure of the engine when gasoline or alcohol is used as a fuel or mixed into fuel oil. Be sure to use the specified fuel oil only. 1. Electrical governor & remote controller ELECTRO-MAGNE TIC WAVE CAUTION...
  • Page 30 Remarks 1.Work necessitating protection of eyes PROTECTION OF EYES CAUTION (1) Be sure to put on safety goggles in carrying out the 1-2-01~ following items of work being in danger of injury 5-4-08 to eyes. ・When handling fuel oil, lubricating oil, cool- ing water and inhibitor, and anti-freeze solution ・...
  • Page 31 Remarks 1. Inside the engine room and enclosure PROTECTION OF HEAD CAUTION (1) There is a danger of injury to the head inside 1-2-01~ the engine room and enclosure. 5-4-08 Be sure to put on a helmet for the protection of the head.
  • Page 32 Remarks 1.Inside the engine room and enclosure PROTECTION OF HANDS CAUTION (1) There is a danger of injury to your hands during 1-2-01~ the work inside the engine room and enclosure. 5-4-08 Be sure to put on gloves for the protection of your hands except for the case of special work.
  • Page 33 Remarks 1. Fire extinguisher FIRE EXTINGUISHER CAUTION - (1) In carrying out the work inside the engine room and enclosure, there is a danger of flammable liquid etc. being ignited by welding or electric sparks. Be sure to make a fire extinguisher ready for use during the course of work.
  • Page 37 CONVERSION TABLE Unit Conversion factor = Force 1 kgf 9.806 65 N = 0.101 972 kgf = Moment of force 1 kgf・m 9.806 65 N = 1 N・m 0.101 972 kgf・m = Pressure 1 kgf/cm 0.098 066 5 MPa = 1 MPa 10.197 2 kgf/cm =...
  • Page 39 S E C T I O N 1 - O U T L I N E CONTENTS SECTION 1 - OUTLINE 1.1 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 1.2 FUEL OIL SPECIFICATIONS 1.3 LUBRICATING OIL SPECIFICATIONS 1.4 ENGINE COOLANT This document is property of NIIGATA POWER SYSTEMS CO., LTD. It must be neither reproduced nor communicated nor published without permission.
  • Page 41 S E C T I O N 1 - O U T L I N E 1.1GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 1-1-01 1.1 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 1.1.1 Engine Specifications Item Unit Description Model 6MG(L)26HLX Type Vertical inline 4-cycle diesel engines Combustion System Direct Injection Cylinder arrangement In-line No.
  • Page 42 S E C T I O N 1 - O U T L I N E 1.1GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 1-1-02 1.1.2 Temperature Specifications CAUTION The values below can be used for reference values representative of normal operating conditions at rated speed and load. Lubricating oil (engine inlet) Normal operating range- 60 - 70℃...
  • Page 43 S E C T I O N 1 - O U T L I N E 1.1GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 1-1-03 1.1.3 Pressure Specifications – Mpa CAUTION The values below can be used for reference values representative of normal operating conditions at rated speed and load. Variable Engine Speed Constant Engine Speed Engine lubricating oil...
  • Page 44 S E C T I O N 1 - O U T L I N E 1.1 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 1-1-04 Starting air reservoir pressure Normal operating pressure 1.77~2.94 2.16~2.94 Alarm on- 1.47 1.77 Turbocharger lube oil inlet (For TPS) Normal operating pressure 0.20~0.45 0.20~0.45 Alarm on-...
  • Page 45 S E C T I O N 1 - O U T L I N E 1.2 FUEL OIL SPECIFICATIONS 1-2-01 1.2 FUEL OIL SPECIFICATIONS The Niigata engine is capable of using a wide range of fuel oils, ranging from light (No.2 Diesel) fuel to heavy (fuels with kinematic viscosities up to 700 mm²/s at 50 ℃).
  • Page 46 S E C T I O N 1 - O U T L I N E 1.2 FUEL OIL SPECIFICATIONS 1-2-02 1.2.1 Fuel Classification Since fuel classifications vary among different countries, Niigata has established the following general specifications. The customer should confirm his particular fuel oil specifications from the supplier, and should use only the grade specified by Niigata (or a higher grade).
  • Page 47 S E C T I O N 1 - O U T L I N E 1.2 FUEL OIL SPECIFICATIONS 1-2-03 1.2.2 Use of Heavy Fuel Oil (1) Purifying of Heavy Fuel Oil As mentioned above, engines that have been built to run primarily of heavy fuels will be configured with special components to insure satisfactory operation.
  • Page 48 S E C T I O N 1 - O U T L I N E 1.2 FUEL OIL SPECIFICATIONS 1-2-04 (3) Use of Light Fuel Oil ( No2 Diesel) Light fuel should always be used in the following situations: - for 'run-in' operation after engine overhaul - when starting and stopping the engine - when the load is less than 1/3 of the rated load...
  • Page 49 S E C T I O N 1 - O U T L I N E 1.3 LUBRICATING OIL SPECIFICATIONS 1-3-01 1.3 LUBRICATING OIL SPECIFICATIONS CAUTION : Never mix different brands of lubricating oil even if they are recommended brands. Proper selection and monitoring of the lubricating oil is essential for satisfactory engine performance and life.
  • Page 50 S E C T I O N 1 - O U T L I N E 1.3 LUBRICATING OIL SPECIFICATIONS 1-3-02 1.3.2 Chart of recommended lubricating oils WARNING: Lubricating oil suitable for use with residual fuel oil is not necessarily suitable for use with light fuel oil. Proper lubricating oil must be selected on the basis of the sulfur content of the fuel oil.
  • Page 51 S E C T I O N 1 - O U T L I N E 1.3 LUBRICATING OIL SPECIFICATIONS 1-3-03 1.3.4 Tolerances in Lubricating Oil Properties (1) Viscosity: Viscosity generally increases with operating time. although could instead decrease because of fuel dilution or addition of makeup oil. The acceptable limits of viscosity change are + 30% or - 20% from the value /S (at 50 ℃) of the oil when new.
  • Page 52 S E C T I O N 1 - O U T L I N E 1.3 LUBRICATING OIL SPECIFICATIONS 1-3-04 1.3.5 Analysis of Lubricating Oil A program of routine periodic laboratory analysis is essential to detect potential problems and prevent serious engine damage. Additionally, the laboratory analysis should be supplemented with frequent on-site checks of the oil condition to avoid problems that could occur during the time periods between lab tests (see "On-site Checks"...
  • Page 53 S E C T I O N 1 - O U T L I N E 1.4 ENGINE COOLANT 1-4-01 CAUTION Be sure to put on safety goggles in carrying out the following items of work being in danger of injury to eyes. ・...
  • Page 54 S E C T I O N 1 - O U T L I N E 1.4 ENGINE COOLANT 1-4-02 c) Silicate Silicate corrosion inhibitors are completely free of toxicity and waste water can be discharged without treating. d) Soluble oil CAUTION Corosion inhibitors of soluble oil type is not suitable for the engine.
  • Page 55 S E C T I O N 1 - O U T L I N E 1.4 ENGINE COOLANT 1-4-03 b) Concentration control If the solution prepared is too thick or thin as compared with the required concentration, it could accelerate corrosion. Be sure to conform to the concentration control standard of the corrosion inhibitor manufacture.
  • Page 57 S E C T I O N 1 - O U T L I N E 1.4 ENGINE COOLANT 1-4-05 1.4.2 Anti - freeze Use anti-freeze using ethylene glycol as the base for the engine. Borate of nitrite type and benzoate of nitrite type may be used as the water treatment agent together with anti-freeze of this type, but water treatment agent of chromate type nannot be used together with anti-freeze of this type.
  • Page 58 S E C T I O N 1 - O U T L I N E 1.4 ENGINE COOLANT 1-4-06 1.4.3 Method for treatment WARNING Keep away from the fire since anti-freeze entails the danger of ignition to scald. Treating agent should not be directly input into the cooling system of the engine. Be sure to prepare a tank for treatment and carry out treatment in this tank.
  • Page 59: Table Of Contents

  • Page 61: Starting And Warmup After A Normal Shutdown

    SECTION 2 - OPERATING INSTRUCTION 2.1 STARTING AND WARMUP AFTER A NORMAL SHUTDOWN 2-1-01 DANGER Where the engine is brought to a stop due to abnormal heat generation being detected inside the engine room, there is a danger of explosion if crankcase door is allowed to open forthwith.
  • Page 62 SECTION 2 - OPERATING INSTRUCTION 2.1 STARTING AND WARMUP AFTER A NORMAL SHUTDOWN 2-1-02 There is a danger of injuries being caused by contra rotation of crankshaft if turning is carried out without opening the indicator cock or explosion check plug. Be sure to open the indicator cock or explosion check plug when carrying out turning.
  • Page 63 SECTION 2 - OPERATING INSTRUCTION 2.1 STARTING AND WARMUP AFTER A NORMAL SHUTDOWN 2-1-03 2.1 STARTING AND WARMUP AFTER A NORMAL SHUTDOWN Starting should be precede by a through visual inspection of the engine and a check of the following items: a.
  • Page 64 SECTION 2 - OPERATING INSTRUCTION 2.1 STARTING AND WARMUP AFTER A NORMAL SHUTDOWN 2-1-04 temperatures of all exhaust ports to insure that all cylinders are firing normally. (These temperatures should rise 70-100 ℃ in about one minute. If an individual cylinder is significantly cooler than the others, the fuel injector of that cylinder should be checked for carbon buildup and plugging.
  • Page 65: Special Instructions For Heavy Fuel Operation

    SECTION 2 - OPERATING INSTRUCTION 2.2 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HEAVY FUEL OPERATION 2-2-01 2.2 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HEAVY FUEL OPERATION - The engine can be operated with LIGHT fuel (No 2 Diesel) under any load conditions without any special precautions. However, operation with HEAVY fuel (if the engine is equipped to do so) requires the following precautions: - The engine should always be started and warmed up with LIGHT fuel.
  • Page 67: Normal Shutdown Procedure

    SECTION 2 - OPERATING INSTRUCTION 2.3 NORMAL SHUTDOWN PROCEDURE 2-3-01 2.3 NORMAL SHUTDOWN PROCEDURE Engine speed and load should be reduced gradually. The engine should run at idle speed 2-3 minutes after the load has been disconnected before shutting down. If possible, avoid extended periods of idling at unloaded conditions to prevent turbocharger carboning and exhaust slobbering.
  • Page 69: Starting After Engineoverhaul Or Extended Shutdown

    SECTION 2 - OPERATING INSTRUCTION 2.4 STARTING AFTER ENGINEOVERHAUL OR EXTENDED SHUTDOWN 2-4-01 WARNING In cases of fuel leakage from equipment and pipelines of fuel oil line there is a danger of fire hazard. Conduct inspection at all times to avoid causing bolts looseness, gasket deterioration, and equipment and pipeline cracking.
  • Page 70 SECTION 2 - OPERATING INSTRUCTION 2.4 STARTING AFTER ENGINEOVERHAUL OR EXTENDED SHUTDOWN 2-4-02 Lubrication system WARNING In cases of lubricating oil leakage from equipment and pipelines of lubricating oil line, there is a danger of fire hazard. Conduct inspection at all times to avoid causing bolts looseness, gasket deterioration, and equipment and pipeline cracking.
  • Page 71 SECTION 2 - OPERATING INSTRUCTION 2.4 STARTING AFTER ENGINEOVERHAUL OR EXTENDED SHUTDOWN 2-4-03 If heavy fuel is used: ・ Repeat the same procedures as listed above for light fuel, checking also to make certain that the preheater, temperature switch, and filtering devices in the heavy fuel system are operating properly.
  • Page 72 SECTION 2 - OPERATING INSTRUCTION 2.4 STARTING AFTER ENGINEOVERHAUL OR EXTENDED SHUTDOWN 2-4-04 - Drain any water from the air reservoir, start the air compressor, and let ・ the pressure build up to 2.94 MPa. ・ Start the lubricating oil priming pump. ・...
  • Page 73: Run-In Procedure After Major Overhaul

    SECTION 2 - OPERATING INSTRUCTION 2.5 RUN - IN PROCEDURE AFTER MAJOR OVERHAUL 2-5-01 2.5 RUN-IN PROCEDURE AFTER MAJOR OVERHAUL Run-in procedures should be conducted after installing new pistons, rings, or cylinder liners. No run-in is required if only the main and/or rod bearings were replaced.
  • Page 74 SECTION 2 - OPERATING INSTRUCTION 2.5 RUN - IN PROCEDURE AFTER MAJOR OVERHAUL 2-5-02 After completion of the no-road running described above,gradually apply load per the following time-table: RUNNING TIME LOAD 30min 25 % FULL LOAD 30min 40 % FULL LOAD 30min 50 % FULL LOAD 30min...
  • Page 75: Inspection And Care Of Engine During Normal Operation

    SECTION 2 - OPERATING INSTRUCTION 2.6 INSPECTION AND CARE OF 2-6-01 ENGINE DURING NORMAL OPERATING 2.6 INSPECTION AND CARE OF ENGINE DURING NORMAL OPERATION CAUTION Since there are many hot parts in the engine during the course of running or right after stopping, there is a danger of scald caused by them.
  • Page 76 SECTION 2 - OPERATING INSTRUCTION 2.6 INSPECTION AND CARE OF 2-6-02 ENGINE DURING NORMAL OPERATING - If heavy fuel is used, the heating device at the tank outlet should be checked to make certain it is operating properly and that fuel entering the engine is at the desired temperature viscosity. (Refer to section 1.2).
  • Page 77 SECTION 2 - OPERATING INSTRUCTION 2.6 INSPECTION AND CARE OF 2-6-03 ENGINE DURING NORMAL OPERATING - Check the lube oil operating temperature after it has stabilized. Normal operating temperature ranges between 60-70℃. Excessive temperature can be caused by either a restricted cooler or faulty temperature control valve. A temperature arm should be set to activate at 75℃...
  • Page 78 SECTION 2 - OPERATING INSTRUCTION 2.6 INSPECTION AND CARE OF 2-6-04 ENGINE DURING NORMAL OPERATING A pressure gage is installed at the water pump outlet. Pressure at this point serves as an indication of the flow rate through the circuit. Normal pressure at rated speed should be 0.30~0.45 MPa.
  • Page 79 SECTION 2 - OPERATING INSTRUCTION 2.6 INSPECTION AND CARE OF 2-6-05 ENGINE DURING NORMAL OPERATING - Cylinder pressures - Combustion pressures should be checked every 500 hours as outlined in the Maintenance Section, or whenever erratic performance is encountered. Pressures should not vary from the shipping test values more that 0.49MPa in either the full-load or idle condition.
  • Page 81: Chart Of Normal Operating Pressures And Temperatures

    SECTION 2 - OPERATING INSTRUCTION 2.7 CHART OF NORMAL OPERATING 2-7-01 PRESSURES AND TEMPERATURES 2.7 CHART OF NORMAL OPERATING PRESSURES AND TEMPERATURES CAUTION The values below can be used for reference values representative of normal operating conditions at rated speed and load. variable engine speed constant engine speed Fuel System –...
  • Page 83: Preparation Of Engine For Extended Shutdown

    SECTION 2 - OPERATING INSTRUCTION 2.8 PREPARATION OF ENGINE EXTENDED 2-8-01 SHUTDOWN 2.8 PREPARATION OF ENGINE FOR EXTENDED SHUTDOWN If the engine is to be shut down for more that 2 weeks, certain precautions should be taken to prevent damage caused by rust and/or corrosion. 1.
  • Page 84 SECTION 2 - OPERATING INSTRUCTION 2.8 PREPARATION OF ENGINE EXTENDED 2-8-02 SHUTDOWN - Starting air systems - If the engine is to be disconnected from the starting air reservoir, make certain that the inlet and outlet ports are sealed to prevent dirt and moisture from entering the system.
  • Page 85: Care Of Low Load Operation

    SECTION 2 - OPERATING INSTRUCTION 2.9 CARE OF LOW LOAD OPERATION 2-9-01 2.9 CARE OF LOW LOAD OPERATION In supercharged engines for improvement of thermal efficiency, valve overlap, which means the timing both exhaust and intake valves are opening, is prepared. But in low load operation, the supercharger does not work fully for too few exhaust gas.
  • Page 89: General

    S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.1 G E N E R A L 3-1-01 3.1 GENERAL 3.1.1 Introduction This manual is intended to the operation and maintenance departments, containing the instructions necessary for maintaining the engines.
  • Page 90 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.1 G E N E R A L 3-1-02 3.1.2 Definition and technical term (1) Position of observer for defining the rotational direction and identifying the cylinders.
  • Page 91 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.1 G E N E R A L 3-1-03 b) Vee type engine The bank A is nearest on the left of the observer. Identification of the cylinder is combination of the bank and of the number as following.
  • Page 92 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.1 G E N E R A L 3-1-04 - Repair any fuel, oil, or coolant leak as soon as it is noticed. - Clean all parts carefully before they are reinstalled.
  • Page 93 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.1 G E N E R A L 3-1-05 - When using corrosion inhibitors in the cooling system, avoid contact with eyes or prolonged contact with the skin (the inhibitors contain alkali).
  • Page 95: Clearance And Wear Table

    S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.2 CLEARANCE AND WEAR TABLE 3-2-01 3.2 CLEARANCE AND WEAR TABLE 3.2.1 Clearance and wear table MO : Theoretical dimension on the drawings. LA :...
  • Page 96 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.2 CLEARANCE AND WEAR TABLE 3 - 2 - 0 2 The hereafter given values are in metric mm Description Sketch, Remarks -...
  • Page 97 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.2 CLEARANCE AND WEAR TABLE 3 - 2 - 0 3 Description Sketch/Remarks ・ Crankshaft undersize measurements 194.75 0 - -...
  • Page 98 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.2 CLEARANCE AND WEAR TABLE 3 - 2 - 0 4 Description Sketch/Remarks 7 Piston ・Clearance between 16 ±0.7 - -...
  • Page 99 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.2 CLEARANCE AND WEAR TABLE 3 - 2 - 0 5 Description Sketch, Remarks ・Ring Thickness +0.15 8.5-0.15 1st compression ring -...
  • Page 100 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.2 CLEARANCE AND WEAR TABLE 3 - 2 - 0 6 Description Sketch/Remarks 9 Connecting rod ・Maximum out-of- round of big end bore B + C -...
  • Page 101 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.2 CLEARANCE AND WEAR TABLE 3 - 2 - 0 7 Description Sketch/Remarks 11 Gear train backlash Crank gear-Gear*idle 1 0.30~0.46 Refer to Sketch Gear*idle 1-Cam gear...
  • Page 102 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.2 CLEARANCE AND WEAR TABLE 3 - 2 - 0 8 Description Sketch/Remarks 12 Starting air distributor ・Angular clearance - 0.03~0.06 13 Valve gear +0.03...
  • Page 103 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.2 CLEARANCE AND WEAR TABLE 3 - 2 - 0 9 Description Sketch/Remarks 14 Cylinder head ・Tappet clearance of - -...
  • Page 104 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.2 CLEARANCE AND WEAR TABLE 3 - 2 - 1 0 Description Sketch/Remarks 16 Lubricating oil pump +0.05 ・Bushing bore -...
  • Page 105: Table Of Torque Valves

    S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.3 TABLE TORQUE OF VALUES 3-3-01 3.3 TABLE OF TORQUE VALUES CAUTION There is a danger of your hands and legs being pinched by weighty parts or disassembling tool during overhaul inspection of the engine.
  • Page 106 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.3 TABLE TORQUE OF VALUES 3-3-02 a) Control by torque wrench Assure the condition of screw which is not damaged or rusted. Apply the lubricant described in section 3.3.3 (or equivalents),and then tighten using torque wrench properly.
  • Page 109: Table Of Component Weight

    S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.4 TABLE OF COMPONENT WEIGHT 3-4-01 3.4 TABLE OF COMPONENT WEIGHT Component weights are shown as following table. Weight of this table is mean value. If weight is varied by its specification, max. weight is shown. CAUTION When lift the heavy part, use sufficiently powerful device.
  • Page 111 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.5 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION SCHEDULE 3-5-01 3.5 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION SCHEDULE The content of this section shows generally, however, practical maintenance should be varied by application of engine, fuel oil, load, etc..
  • Page 112 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.5 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION SCHEDULE 3-5-02 When disassembling the spring section during the course of overhaul inspection, parts are caused to jump out due to disengagement of disassembly tools. Thus, there is a danger of injuries.
  • Page 113 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.5 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION SCHEDULE 3-5-03 3.5.2 Periodical inspection and overhaul - N, A1, A2, B, C inspection requires only few disassembling of parts, therefore, inspection can be carried out by operators and a term in normal stopping.
  • Page 114 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.5 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION SCHEDULE 3-5-04 - The rare operating means the emergent engine which operating hours are less than 100 in a year.
  • Page 115 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.5 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION SCHEDULE 3-5-05 ● Inspection N Interval : Daily Maintenance work reference N -01 Lubricating oil system - Oil level check on oil sump.
  • Page 116 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.5 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION SCHEDULE 3-5-06 ● Inspection A1 Interval : 100 hours Maintenance work reference A1-01 Lub. oil and cooling water analysis ・Lub.
  • Page 117: Maintenance And Inspection Schedules

    S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.5 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION SCHEDULE 3-5-07 ● Inspection A2 Interval : 500 hours Maintenance work reference A2-01 Note engine performance data at nominal output and compare with Shipping shipping test records test...
  • Page 118 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.5 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION SCHEDULE 3-5-08 ● Inspection C Interval : 2,500 hours Maintenance work reference C -01 Cylinder head (heavy fuel operation) - Check intake and exhaust valve/valve seat and recondition.
  • Page 119 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.5 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION SCHEDULE 3-5-09 ● Inspection D Interval : 5,000 hours Maintenance work reference D -01 Cylinder head (MDO operation) - Check intake and exhaust valve/valve seat, and recondition.
  • Page 120 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.5 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION SCHEDULE 3-5-10 Maintenance work reference D -13 Governor driving - Gear inspection. D -14 Inspection and cleaning of filters Manual of D -15 Flexible coupling (if equipped)
  • Page 121 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.5 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION SCHEDULE 3-5-11 Maintenance work reference E -05 Fuel injection union - Check seat and inner surface of drilled hole at extremity. - Replace O-rings.
  • Page 122 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.5 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION SCHEDULE 3-5-12 ● Inspection F Interval : 25,000 hours Maintenance work reference F -01 Crankshaft - Overhaul all main bearing cap. - Visual inspection of crank journal.
  • Page 123 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.5 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION SCHEDULE 3-5-13 Maintenance work reference F -08 Valve gear - Overhaul tappet and shaft. F -09 Fuel injection pump - Pump overhauling at specialized shop.
  • Page 124 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.5 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION SCHEDULE 3-5-14 3.5.3 Maintenance schedule Maintenance schedule is shown in the next tables. Symbols of the tables indicate as follows.
  • Page 125 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.5 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION SCHEDULE 3-5-15 Maintenance (hours) 1 2 3 5 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2...
  • Page 126 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.5 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION SCHEDULE 3-5-16 Maintenance (hours) 1 2 3 5 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2...
  • Page 127 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.5 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION SCHEDULE 3-5-17 Maintenance (hours) 1 2 3 5 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2...
  • Page 128 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.5 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION SCHEDULE 3-5-18 3.5.4 Maintenance schedule of the engine which running about 8000 hours every year Maintenance schedule of main parts are shown in the following tables. They are defined for using light fuel oil, therefore, establish the optimum maintenance schedule considering the condition of each plant.
  • Page 129 S E C T I O N 3 - M A I N T E N A N C E 3.5 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION SCHEDULE 3-5-19 year 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years running hour ×1000 Maintenance work ○...
  • Page 133 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.1CYLINDER HEAD AND VALVE MECHANISM 4-1-01 DANGER Check the lifting rope and lifting devices. Never stand right under the lifted heavy parts. Only qualified person will use the crane. WARNING Any negligence of controlling cooling water, lubricating oil, and fuel oil, and controlling the clamping in reassembly after overhaul inspection may lead to fault of the engine and result in physical accidents due to failure of parts.
  • Page 134: Section 4 - Disassembly And Reassembly

    SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.1CYLINDER HEAD AND VALVE MECHANISM 4-1-02 4.1 CYLINDER HEAD AND VALVE MECHANISM 4.1.1 Tappet adjustment: (see Maintenance and inspection Schedule in Section 3.5 for adjusting frequency) procedure: ・ Tappets should be adjusted with a cold engine. Remove the cylinder head cover. ・...
  • Page 135 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.1CYLINDER HEAD AND VALVE MECHANISM 4-1-03 4.1.2 Cylinder head removal CAUTION There is a danger of your hands and legs being pinched by weighty parts or disassembling tool during overhaul inspection of the engine. Take precautions in handling such parts and tools.
  • Page 136 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.1CYLINDER HEAD AND VALVE MECHANISM 4-1-04 Disassembly of the Cylinder Head Once the cylinder head stud nuts have been removed, the inlet and exhaust manifolds can be disconnected and the heads remover by using a suitable sling and eye-bolts.
  • Page 137: Cylinder Head And Valve Mechanism

    SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY CYLINDER HEAD AND VALVE MECHANISM 4-1-05 4.1.3 Valve Removal and Inspection CAUTION When disassembling the spring section during the course of overhaul inspection, parts are caused to jump out due to disengagement of disassembly tools. Thus, there is a danger of injuries.
  • Page 138 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY CYLINDER HEAD AND VALVE MECHANISM 4-1-06 4.1.4 Valve Seat Inserts - Inspection Inspect the valve seats for wear, pitting, cracking or incorrect seat angle. If suitable for reuse, the seat may be reface (instructions below). If damage is too extensive to repair, new inserts should be installed.
  • Page 139 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY CYLINDER HEAD AND VALVE MECHANISM 4-1-07 4.1.10 Valve Push Rods and Tappets CAUTION There is a danger of your hands being pinched by the gear and cam roller of the engine. Never insert your hands in the course of turning. A visual inspection of the camshaft and cam rollers can be made by removing the camshaft inspection covers.
  • Page 140 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY CYLINDER HEAD AND VALVE MECHANISM 4-1-08 4.1.11 Starting Air Valves The starting air valves (if equipped) are used only with the air-over-piston starting arrangement. The valves are mounted on the cylinder head and supplied with sequenced blasts of pressurized air that essentially "motor" the engine until combustion occurs.
  • Page 141: Piston And Connecting Rod

    SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.2 PISTON AND CONNECTING ROD 4-2-01 4.2 PISTON AND CONNECTING ROD The pistons are one-piece nodular iron pistons with three compression rings and two oil-control rings each. The connecting rod is a two-piece assembly with an angled serrated joint for the rod bearing cap.
  • Page 142 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.2 PISTON AND CONNECTING ROD 4-2-02 - Remove the upper bearing shell from the connecting rod. - Wrap the big end of the rod with shop towels or other cloth to prevent scratching the liner as the piston and rod assembly is removed. - Pull the piston and rod assembly from the bore.
  • Page 143 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.2 PISTON AND CONNECTING ROD 4-2-03 Connecting Rod - Clean the rod assembly and blow compressed air through the oil ports to insure they are open. Do not remove the piston pin bushing unless measurements (discussed later) indicate that it should be replaced.
  • Page 144 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.2 PISTON AND CONNECTING ROD 4-2-04 - When installing new piston rings (or reinstalling the original rings), install the rings from the bottom up - that is, the two oil rings first, then the two compression rings, then the top ring. Be careful not to overstretch the rings, as this could cause cracking.
  • Page 145 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.2 PISTON AND CONNECTING ROD 4-2-05 direction of engine rotation, as shown by the arrows. (The direction of rotation is viewed from the flywheel end of the engine.) - Install the lower half of the bearing shell in the rod cap, install the rod cap, coat the rod cap bolts with Molykote or similar lubricant, and loosely install the bolts.
  • Page 146 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.2 PISTON AND CONNECTING ROD 4-2-06 - If it is necessary to install new rod cap bolts, (either because of damage or scheduled maintenance), the new bolts should first be installed and torqued in the rod assembly without the bearings installed. Coat the threads with Molykote or similar lubricant, tighten to the specified value minus 10 degrees, loosen and repeat the procedure one more time.
  • Page 147: Cylinder Liner

    SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY CYLINDER LINER 4-3-01 4.3 CYLINDER LINERS 4.3.1 Description The cylinder liners are cast iron, replaceable, wet (water-cooled) liners. As shown below, a flange at the top of each liner rests on top of the engine block.
  • Page 148 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY CYLINDER LINER 4-3-02 Procedure: CAUTION Be sure to put on safety goggles in carrying out the following items of work being in danger of injury to eyes. - If the liners are not to be removed, they can be deglazed in place, either by hand or by a honing machine.
  • Page 149 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY CYLINDER LINER 4-3-03 4.3.5 Inspection of liner after removal from engine block Scale Deposits in coolant area - If scale formation on the OD of the liner exceeds 0.5 mm, it should be removed by wire brushing. In addition, when the engine is put back into service, a descaling agent should be added to the cooling system to remove scale from the rest of the system.
  • Page 150 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY CYLINDER LINER 4-3-04 - Coat "THREE BOND 1107" or equivalent on the bottom surface of the liner flange. - Reinstall the liners using the proper tools as shown below. - Make sure that the liner is firmly seated against the top surface of the block.
  • Page 151: Fuel Injection Valve And Fuel Injection Pump

    SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.4 FUEL INJECTION VALVES AND FUEL INJECTION PUMPS 4-4-01 4.4 FUEL INJECTION VALVE AND FUEL INJECTION PUMP 4.4.1 Injection valve WARNING There is a danger of injuries caused if high-pressure oil droplets come in direct contact with your skins when conducting the injection test of fuel injection pump.
  • Page 152 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.4 FUEL INJECTION VALVES AND FUEL INJECTION PUMPS 4-4-02 Checking injection valve performance - Insert the fuel injection valve into the sleeve (F) that was provided with the special tools. - Connect the calibration pump (C) to the injection valve with the test line (D) that was supplied with the special tools.
  • Page 153 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.4 FUEL INJECTION VALVES AND FUEL INJECTION PUMPS 4-4-03 WARNING There is a danger of injuries caused if high-pressure oil droplets come in direct contact with your skins when conducting the injection test of fuel injection pump. Never allow your body to gain access to the range covered by oil droplets.
  • Page 154 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.4 FUEL INJECTION VALVES AND FUEL INJECTION PUMPS 4-4-04 - Disassembly and Inspection - Fuel Injection Valve - Clamp the injection valve in a vice with the nozzle at the bottom. - Remove the locknut ⑧, the adjusting screw ④, spring ⑥, and spindle ⑦. - Turn the valve in the vice so the nozzle is at the top, unscrew nut ⑤...
  • Page 155 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.4 FUEL INJECTION VALVES AND FUEL INJECTION PUMPS 4-4-05 4.4.2 Fuel Injection Pump Each cylinder has an individual fuel injection pump that is directly driven by the engine camshaft. Each pump consists of the following main parts - Delivery valve assembly ①, ⑩, ⑪...
  • Page 156 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.4 FUEL INJECTION VALVES AND FUEL INJECTION PUMPS 4-4-06 Inspections on the engine - Remove the camshaft inspection covers. - Visually check the fuel pump camshaft rollers ⑦ for pitting or other damage. If damage is apparent, the pump should be removed and sent to an approved shop to install new rollers and to conduct a complete inspection.
  • Page 157 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.4 FUEL INJECTION VALVES AND FUEL INJECTION PUMPS 4-4-07 - Remove the roller pin ⑯, and roller ⑦. - Measure the inner diameter of the roller, the outer diameter of the pin, and the inner and outer diameters of the roller bushing ⑰. Refer to the maximum wear limits shown in Section 3.2 and replace any parts that exceed the clearance limits.
  • Page 158 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.4 FUEL INJECTION VALVES AND FUEL INJECTION PUMPS 4-4-08 - When reinstalling the injection pump assembly onto the engine, first install the special locating screw that is provided with the engine as shown in Figure.
  • Page 159 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.5 GOVERNOR DRIVE AND FUEL CONTROL LINCAGE 4-5-01 4.5 GOVERNOR DRIVE AND FUEL CONTROL LINKAGE The governor controls the engine speed and amount of fuel injected into each cylinder by controlling the displacement of the fuel injection pump racks. It is driven by the engine camshaft through three input gears, as shown by following figures.
  • Page 160 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.5 GOVERNOR DRIVE AND FUEL CONTROL LINCAGE 4-5-02 4.5.2 Inspection of Drive Gears - Remove the governor from the bearing case ⑥ and remove the inspection cover ⑦. Inspect the tooth contact surface of each of the drive gears for unusual wear or pitting.
  • Page 161 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.5 GOVERNOR DRIVE AND FUEL CONTROL LINCAGE 4-5-03 - After the pump has been mounted, connect the rack to the layshaft lever①. - Move the governor control lever to the 'STOP' position. - Loosen nut ② and screw ③. - Set the injection pump rack to the '0' (zero) position, and tighten nut ②.
  • Page 162 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.5 GOVERNOR DRIVE AND FUEL CONTROL LINCAGE 4-5-04 This document is property of NIIGATA POWER SYSTEMS CO., LTD. It must be neither reproduced nor communicated nor published without permission.
  • Page 163: Crankcase Assembly

    SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.6 CRANKCASE ASSEMBLY 4-6-01 4.6 CRANKCASE ASSEMBLY The engine block is a solid, one-piece cast-iron box-girder design with mounting rails extending along the entire length of the engine. Lightweight access covers permit inspection of the various internal components without major disassembly. Periodic inspection of the block assembly, camshaft bearings, and main bearings is called for at 24000 hour intervals (Refer to Section 3.5) and should also be conducted at any other time that problems are suspected.
  • Page 164 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.6 CRANKCASE ASSEMBLY 4-6-02 4.6.2 Camshaft bearings The camshaft bearings are pressed in and should not be removed from the block unless inspection shows excess wear of other damage. special tools are required to replace the bearings and should be obtained through the Niigata office if required.
  • Page 165 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.6 CRANKCASE ASSEMBLY 4-6-03 - Hand tighten nut (A5) with bar A4, then back off the nut about 1/4 turn to keep it from binding during disassembly. - Connect the jacks to the hydraulic pump. - Remove the side bolts ②...
  • Page 166 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.6 CRANKCASE ASSEMBLY 4-6-04 - Pump up the hydraulic pressure (refer to tightening table), then loosen the main bearing stud nuts one turn using bar A4. CAUTION When using hydraulic tools or when conducting the fuel injection valve injection test, high- pressure fluid will gush out , leading to the danger of injuries.
  • Page 167 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.6 CRANKCASE ASSEMBLY 4-6-05 Continue rotating the crankshaft in the direction indicated by the sketch until the upper bearing shell is loose.(The upper bearing shell has a tang on one end to lock it in place - it can only be removed by turning in the direction indicated - otherwise the shell will be damaged.
  • Page 168 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.6 CRANKCASE ASSEMBLY 4-6-06 - Carefully rotate the crankshaft in the direction indicated by the sketch until the upper shell is in its correct position. Release the hydraulic pressure on the bottle jack, lower the bearing cap, and remove the dummy bearing cap.
  • Page 169 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.6 CRANKCASE ASSEMBLY 4-6-07 Rear Main Bearing and thrust Bearing - Before disassembly, measure the crankshaft end-play to determine if a new thrust bearing is required. - To measure the end-play, pry the crankshaft forward (toward the timing gear end of the engine) with a bar placed between a surface on the block and an unmachined surface on the crankshaft balance weight.
  • Page 171: Crankshaft

    SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.7 CRANKSHAFT 4-7-01 4.7 CRANKSHAFT The crankshaft is a one-piece, continuous grain flow forged steel crank with induction hardened journals. Balance weights are located and secured by bolts and dowels. Crankshaft removal is required only if remachining of the main or rod bearing journals is indicated by clearance or wear measurements, as outlined in Section 3.2.
  • Page 172 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.7 CRANKSHAFT 4-7-02 - Set the dial indicator to the 'zero' position. - Rotate the crankshaft slowly to the 'B' position, record the reading on the dial indicator (be sure to note and record whether is a plus or minus reading), then continue to points 'C', 'D', and 'E'.
  • Page 173 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.7 CRANKSHAFT 4-7-03 - Once the deflection values have been calculated for all cylinders, they should be compared to the maximum wear limits shown in Section 3.2. If the values are exceeded, or if there is significant difference in the deflection values from one cylinder to another, it generally indicates a problem with the engine foundation.
  • Page 175: Camshaft And Timing Gear Train

    SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.8 CAMSHAFT AND TIMING GEAR TRAIN 4-8-01 4.8 CAMSHAFT AND TIMING GEAR TRAIN 4.8.1 Camshaft The camshaft is an integral two-piece design that can be separated for easy removal, if required. It is driven through the timing gear train at the front of the engine and turns at 1/2 engine speed.
  • Page 176 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.8 CAMSHAFT AND TIMING GEAR TRAIN 4-8-02 This document is property of NIIGATA POWER SYSTEMS CO., LTD. It must be neither reproduced nor communicated nor published without permission.
  • Page 177 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.8 CAMSHAFT AND TIMING GEAR TRAIN 4-8-03 - After the camshaft is removed, clean it carefully with a suitable detergent and dried with compressed air. - Measure the camshaft bearing journals and the bearings according to the instructions given in Section 3.2.
  • Page 178 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.8 CAMSHAFT AND TIMING GEAR TRAIN 4-8-04 Camshaft drive inspection To obtain access to the camshaft drive, remove the cam gear housing (with governor and governor drive). - Inspect the condition of the teeth on the cam gear and the mating drive gear (Idler gear # 1) carefully for signs of pitting near the pitch line or other unusual wear.
  • Page 179 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.8 CAMSHAFT AND TIMING GEAR TRAIN 4-8-05 Reassembly - Before installing the roller bearings back onto the shaft, coat the bearing outer diameter and the inner diameter of the gear bore with Locktite 601 or equivalent.
  • Page 180 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.8 CAMSHAFT AND TIMING GEAR TRAIN 4-8-06 Adjusting Timing of Timing Gear Train WARNING There is a danger of your hands being pinched by the gear and cam roller of the engine. Never insert your hands in the course of turning. CAUTION The reference cylinder to be used when adjusting timing will always be the cylinder that is located to the timing gear.
  • Page 181 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.9 STARTING AIR DISTRIBUTOR 4-9-01 4.9 STARTING AIR DISTRIBUTOR With the air-over-piston starting arrangement, the engine is started by supplying compressed air to the tops of the pistons in a timed sequence, thereby forcing the crankshaft to rotate. The timing of the air blasts to each cylinder is provided by the starting air distributor.
  • Page 182 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.9 STARTING AIR DISTRIBUTOR 4-9-02 Inspection The distributor can be inspected without removing it from the engine. - Close the main air supply valve. Remove the air supply line to the distributor, and remove the cover ⑥. - Remove the rotor by using two M6 bolts in the puller holes that are provided.
  • Page 183: Cooling And Lubricating Oil Pump

    SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.10 COOLING AND LUBRICATING OIL PUMP 4-10-01 4.10 COOLING AND LUBRICATING OIL PUMPS Generally both the cooling water pump and lubricating are engine driven. (Operations are available, however,for separate pumps for both circuits in those instances, refer to the appropriate service manuals provided with the pumps).
  • Page 184 SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.10 COOLING AND LUBRICATING OIL PUMP 4-10-02 4.10.2 Lubricating Oil pump The gear-type lube oil pump is driven by the timing gear train through a main idler gear and an oil pump idler gear,as shown in Figure no 3.2.11.The gear shafts run in sleeve-type bushings.
  • Page 185: Torsional Vibration Damper

    SECTION 4 - DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 4.11 TORSIONAL VIBRATION DAMPER 4-11-01 4.11 TORSIONAL VIBRATION DAMPER 4.11.1 Hulsen damper (1) Description If necessary, torsional vibration damper is equipped, in order to reduce the stress generated by torsional vibration. Generally, hulsen damper is provided, which is constructed with circular leaf springs and keys.
  • Page 189 S E C T I O N 5 - M A I N T E N A N C E 5.1 BEFORE DETECTING THE CAUSE OF TROUBLE 5-1-01 WARNING There is a danger of parts of the body being entangled into the rotating parts or gears of turning device in the course of turning with the turning device.
  • Page 190 S E C T I O N 5 - M A I N T E N A N C E 5.1 BEFORE DETECTING THE CAUSE OF TROUBLE 5-1-02 In the case of carrying out the following work, there is a danger of scald caused by high-temperature parts or hot fluid.
  • Page 191 S E C T I O N 5 - M A I N T E N A N C E 5.1 BEFORE DETECTING THE CAUSE OF TROUBLE 5-1-03 5.1 BEFORE DETECTING THE CAUSE OF TROUBLE If any abnormality is observed in operating conditions, particularly when abnormal situation arises during starting attempt or immediately after the engine has started, check for erroneous operation or any other error with reference made to the description in this section.
  • Page 193 S E C T I O N 5 - M A I N T E N A N C E 5.2 TROUBLE BEFORE STARTING 5-2-01 5.2 TROUBLES BEFORE STARTING → Trouble phenomenon and probable cause Remedy DANGER 5.2.1 Crankshaft fails to turn Turning of crankshaft is Check for presence of tools, dust, obstructed by foreign matters.
  • Page 194 S E C T I O N 5 - M A I N T E N A N C E 5.2 TROUBLE BEFORE STARTING 5-2-02 → Trouble phenomenon and probable cause Remedy Water leakage in air cooler. Check air cooler and its piping for abnormality.
  • Page 195 S E C T I O N 5 - M A I N T E N A N C E 5.3 TROUBLES AT THE TIME OF STARTING 5-3-01 5.3 TROUBLES AT THE TIME OF STARTING → Trouble phenomenon and probable cause Remedy 5.3.1 Crankshaft fails to turn...
  • Page 196 S E C T I O N 5 - M A I N T E N A N C E 5.3 TROUBLES AT THE TIME OF STARTING 5-3-02 → Trouble phenomenon and probable cause Remedy 5.3.3 Fuel feed is irregular Air vent of fuel oil system Carry out air vent.
  • Page 197 S E C T I O N 5 - M A I N T E N A N C E 5.4 ABNORMAL SITUATION 5-4-01 5.4 ABNORMAL SITUATION When a serious abnormal situation arises, do not hesitate to reduce the engine speed or stop the engine as a rule. Find out the cause for the abnormality and take corrective measure before restating the engine.
  • Page 198 S E C T I O N 5 - M A I N T E N A N C E 5.4 ABNORMAL SITUATION 5-4-02 → Trouble phenomenon and probable cause Remedy Abnormal noise due to failure to Immediately stop the engine. mechanical parts.
  • Page 199 S E C T I O N 5 - M A I N T E N A N C E 5.4 ABNORMAL SITUATION 5-4-03 → Trouble phenomenon and probable cause Remedy Emission of mist pipe. Immediately stop the engine. - As there is a possibility of occurrence of explosion, do not immediately open inspection doors after the engine has stopped.
  • Page 200 S E C T I O N 5 - M A I N T E N A N C E 5.4 ABNORMAL SITUATION 5-4-04 → Trouble phenomenon and probable cause Remedy 5.4.3 Sudden engine stall Fuel is short. Check the fuel oil level in the fuel oil system and fuel service tank.
  • Page 201 S E C T I O N 5 - M A I N T E N A N C E 5.4 ABNORMAL SITUATION 5-4-05 → Trouble phenomenon and probable cause Remedy 5.4.4 Change in running conditions Revolution has dropped. Incomplete fuel feed. - Check the filter for plugging.
  • Page 202 S E C T I O N 5 - M A I N T E N A N C E 5.4 ABNORMAL SITUATION 5-4-06 → Trouble phenomenon and probable cause Remedy 5.4.5 Abnormality in exhaust gas temperature Reduced exhaust gas temperature a) Faulty temperature sensor a) Check the pyrometer and its...
  • Page 203 S E C T I O N 5 - M A I N T E N A N C E 5.4 ABNORMAL SITUATION 5-4-07 → Trouble phenomenon and probable cause Remedy 5.4.6 Abnormality in lub. oil system Reduction of pressure of lub. oil entering the engine a) Oil leakage from pressure gauge a) Check pressure gauge and its joint.
  • Page 204 S E C T I O N 5 - M A I N T E N A N C E 5.4 ABNORMAL SITUATION 5-4-08 → Trouble phenomenon and probable cause Remedy 5.4.7 Abnormality in cooling water system Temperature rise of high temperature cooling water a) Faulty cooling water thermostat a) Replace faulty sensing element.

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