LEITZ LEICA M5 Instructions Manual page 12

Table of Contents


without removing your eye from the
viewfinder. Important! Avoid any finger
pressure on release button (3) during
exposure measurements; this will cause
meter cell to move away from its cor-
rect central measuring position
will produce incorrect readings.
Two semi-circles at either end of the
meter readout bar serve as aperture in-
dicators. If the meter needle moves to-
ward the smaller semi-circle at left, a
smaller f!stop is being set. Needle mo-
vement toward the larger right-hand
semi-circles indicates a larger aper-
ture setting
The LEICA M 5 through-the-Iens light
meter provides the advantages of selec-
tive light measurement. This means that
disturbing influences, such as extremely
bright or dark areas, direct light sour-
ces, etc.
can readily be eliminated
from the reading area. Always try to
select a subject section representative
of the whole scene, and when in doubt
follow these general rules: Measure
where you focus. Avoid dark shadow
bright clouds, open lights or re-
flections from water, unless an inten-
tionally off-beat effect is desired. Be-
cause of its selectivity, the LEICA M 5
directly from the shooting position.
The brightness range of the LEICA M 5
light meter extends from
Asb (with
an f!1A lens) to 200,000 Asb. This means
that with full lens aperture, extremely
low light levels can be measured. If the
picture is then to be made at a smaller
aperture, a handy calculator dial (25)
has been built onto the back panel of
the camera. If, for example
the meter
indicates a
sec exposure at f!1A, the
calculator dial will show the equivalent
time for an f/5.6 exposure to be 8 sec.
The LEICA M 5 cell carrier arm, see
page 15.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents