Olympic Calstar A10Ex Operation And Maintenance Handbook

Solvent recovery machine


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: 866-774-4531. E
. 18935 59
WA. 98223
Calstar A10Ex


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Olympic Calstar A10Ex

  • Page 2 操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK A10Ex Parts Description 01 机架 Frame 02 机箱shell 03 防爆标志牌Ex. Tag 04 机器铭牌machine tag 05 横梁活销shotpin of tank cover 06 桶盖tank cover 07 桶盖横梁beam of tank cover 08 安全阀safety valve 09 桶盖锁紧手柄 locking structure 10 桶槽tank 11 桶护圈heat isolation rail...
  • Page 3 操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK 12 泄气阀venting valve 13 电控箱electrical box 14 放油密封螺母sealed screw of exhaust heat transfer oil 15 防爆加热器Ex. heater 16 提手handle 17 干净溶剂出口outlet of recovered solvent 18 蒸汽温度表steam temp. meter 19 安全锁止销shotpin...
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK 索引 (INDEX) 符號 (Symbology) Page 概說 (General Concept) Page 機器用途 (Application) Page 安全保護功能 (Securities) Page 停電之保護 (Protection against electric shutoff) Page 超溫之保護 (Emergency thermostat with resetting) Page 超壓之保護 (Security valve for overpressure) Page 定時關機功能...
  • Page 5 操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK 廢料 (Scrapping) 23.0 Page 附錄:各種溶劑之物理性 (Appendix: The Properties of Various Solvents) 24.0 Page 0.0 機器標牌上符號之意義 (SYMBOLOGY)
  • Page 6: 概說 (General Concept)

    操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK 代表不要用水去滅火﹒ (No Water apply to the fire) 代表嚴禁吸煙及任何煙火靠近此機器﹒ (No Smoking. Any Fire is prohibited) 代表此部品零件處於高溫狀態﹐請勿觸摸﹒ (Don’t Touch. High-Temperature Area) 代表使用此機器時﹐必須使用防護眼鏡﹒ (Using Glasses during the job) 代表使用此機器時﹐必須使用防毒面罩﹒ (Using Gas mask during the job) 代表使用此機器時﹐必須使用防護手套﹒ (Using Gloves during the job) 代表電路板有高壓電源﹐請勿觸摸以免觸電﹒...
  • Page 7 操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK A10Ex 系列防爆溶劑回收機 (以下簡稱回收機) 防爆性能按照 GB 3836.1-2010《爆炸性環 境 第1部分:設備 通用要求》及GB 3836.2-2010《爆炸性環境 第2部分:由隔爆外殼“d”保護 的設備》 的要求製成隔爆型結構﹔防爆標誌為Ex d IIB T2 Gb,適用石油,化工,輕紡,醫藥工 廠II A~II B級,T1~T2 組爆炸危險場所1區、2區作為環保設備使用。回收機作為中小型環保設 備用於各種可燃性溶劑輿不燃性溶劑回收再生。 該產品具有極高性能價格比,現場占地小,操作簡單方便,可以極大的提高使用溶劑安全性 輿便利性。具備超載保護,短路保護,超時保護,超壓保護,超溫保護,防爆保護等完善保護功 能。 回收機主要防爆部件有防爆軸流風機、防爆電加熱器、隔爆型電氣控制箱。 (A10Ex serious Anti-Explosion Solvent Recovery Manipulator (called Solvent Recovery Manipulator) are designed in accordance with the government regulation GB 3836.1-2010 <Explosive atmospheres- Part 1: Equipment-General requirements and GB3836.2-2010 <...
  • Page 8 操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK 區作為小型防爆電加熱器用.該產品熱效率高,壽命長。 (This system is used for the heating up heat transfer oil and made of high quality stainless steel heating parts anti-explosion construction with label “Ex d IIB T2 Gb”. Anti-Explosion design matches government requirement GB3836.1-2000, GB3836.2-2010.
  • Page 9 操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK基本參數 (Basic parameters) 額定電壓(Applied Voltage):AC110V 額定頻率(Applied Frequency):50/60Hz 額定功率(Applied Currency):2.2 kW 1.4.2 防爆軸流風機 (Anti-explosion axial flow fan) (水冷式無此結構Water-cooled absence of structure)型號及防爆標誌含義 (Model and explanation of the anti-explosion sign) V ### 防爆產品系列代碼 (ANTI-EXPLOSION product series code) 產品系列代碼...
  • Page 10: 機器用途 (Application)

    操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK基本參數 (Basic parameters) 額定電壓(Applied Voltage):AC110V 額定頻率(Applied Frequency):50/60Hz 額定功率(Applied Currency): JRQ20Ex:3.0 kW;JRQ30Ex:4.0 kW;JRQ60Ex:5.0 kW; JRQ200Ex:6.0 kW 1.4.4隔爆型電氣控制箱 (Anti-explosion electrical control box)型號及防爆標誌含義(Model and explanation of the anti-explosion sign) ## Ex 防爆型產品系列代碼 (ANTI- EXPLOSION product series code) 適用溶劑回收機之型號...
  • Page 11: 安全保護功能 (Securities)

    操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK 溶劑及相關之廢棄物時,請依照《說明書》之保護事項及注意事項的要求,同時請務必與原料供應 廠商確定所使用溶劑之相關技術資料. ● 一般情形,蒸餾回收可重複操作. ● 用戶使用設備前必須仔細閱讀本《說明書》﹔嚴禁帶電拆裝任何隔爆零部件! ● 隔爆零部件如有損壞需維修更換時,必須向原製造單位更換,嚴禁擅自配置更換。 ● 檢修後組裝時,緊固螺釘輿螺栓必須擰到位,固定緊。 ● 任何違反本《說明書》之操作必須視為不當及不合理操作. ● 製造廠商對於任何不當,錯誤及不合理之操作所產生後果不負責. (The Solvent Recovery Machine serves the purpose to recover the polluted solvents that through the distillation process can be reused. The use and the maintenance of the Solvent Recovery Machine must always be arranged only following the instructions in this handbook.
  • Page 12: 3.3 超壓之保護 (Security Valve For Overpressure

    操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK the Heat Transfer Oil temperature exceeds the emergency thermostat at the fixed setting, the unit actuates the following functions): ● 高溫保護紅燈會亮 (the emergency light switches will be on) ● 加熱器會停止加熱 (the distillation cycle will stop) ●...
  • Page 13 操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK 進行回收時﹐嚴禁傾倒機箱﹗回收後傾倒機箱前﹐應當旋緊泄氣閥以免 導致熱媒油的外泄. Do not overturn the tank before the cycle ends. Before pouring the collected tank, make sure to screw up the air release valves to avoid Heat Transfer Oil leakage. 不要移開或修改任何回收機之零件,尤其是保護網路!! Do not remove or modify any parts of the Solvent Recovery Machine. Especially, the protection network!! 請在完全瞭解溶劑及相關廢棄物之組成後再執行回收蒸餾,否則不要執行...
  • Page 14: 注意事項 (Notice)

    操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK 在操作及保養中﹐嚴禁吸煙或接近煙火﹗﹗﹗ During all the operations, including the maintenance, do not smoke and do not approach with fires!! 在使用及保養回收機時,尤其是在進料廢溶劑及清除殘渣時,請務必戴上 (During the use and the maintenance of the Solvent Recovery Machine. Especially in the filling phase of the exhausted solvents and in the discharge phase of the distillation residues, it is necessary to wear): ●...
  • Page 15: 化學風險:化學反應 (Chemical Risks: Chemical Reaction)

    操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK 請將廢液靜置澄清後再回收或減少進料容量回收﹒ (If the solvent tank is overfilled (exceeding the maximum level marked in its inside), Residue is too thick, or foaming will obstruct the condensing coil and causing steam leakages. Please appropriately reduce the input capacity or clean out the residue.) ●...
  • Page 16: 化學風險:刺激性﹑毒性 (Chemical Risks: Irritation, Poisoning)

    操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK during the storage; in particular formation of peroxides with some oxygenated compounds and some ketones.) 回收過程中, 溶劑之品質降級劣化. (Degradation of solvents during the solvent recovery ● treatment.) 在溫度影響下﹐造成硝酸鹽類物質劣化(如:硝酸甲烷). (Degradation of nitrate compounds ● under temperature effect (ex. nitromethane).) 由於缺乏安定劑產生腐蝕性物質(如:鹽酸).
  • Page 17: 打開桶蓋及殘渣清除 (Lid Opening And Residuals Discharge)

    操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK ● 為了避免操作過程中蒸汽洩漏,請將桶蓋上緊.如發現有蒸汽洩漏﹐應立即關機並按“21﹒ 0”進行檢查﹒ (Screw the lid knob tightly to avoid steam leakages during the working process. If you find any steam leakages, turn the unit off immediately and act according to the "Operation & Handbook 21.0".) ●...
  • Page 18: 開箱 (Unpacking)

    操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK 錯誤方式 正確方式 8.0 開箱 (UNPACKING) 開箱之步驟如下 (For unpacking the unit, follow the steps): ● 打開木箱之上蓋﹒ (Take the wood case lid away) ● 撬開木箱與棧板連接之處﹒ (Separate the wood case bottom from the side walls) ● 將木箱往上拿走﹒ (Take off upwards the wood case side walls) ●...
  • Page 19: 組裝(Setting At Work)

    操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK 及M6之金屬膨脹型螺絲固定﹒ (For a safe working, the unit must be fastened to the floor by screw anchors. For this purpose, use the four holes on the unit feet. The screw anchors must be of expansion metallic type with metric M6 screws.) 10.0 組裝(SETTING AT WORK) 每次只要有關於電力方面之操作﹐縱然很簡單﹐還是需要專...
  • Page 20: 乾淨溶劑之管路連接(Pipe Connection For Recovered Solvent)

    操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK Locations (Except Mining)》.) 10.2 乾淨溶劑之管路連接 (Pipe connection for recovered solvent) 在機器回收桶內有一條塑膠管﹐將此塑膠管套在溶劑出水口上並鎖緊固定套環﹒ (Within the tank, there is a plastic pipe. Connect this plastic pipe to the steam emission spout and tightly secure it with the hose-clamp.) 在設定操作之前﹐請詳讀此手冊﹐並學習正確的術語及機器之控制功...
  • Page 21 操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK 11.1 溫度控制器之設定 (Thermostats setting) 溫度控制器安裝在控制箱裏面﹐要設定溫度時﹐請先鬆開控制箱上螺絲﹒(The knobs for thermostats setting are placed inside the controls box. Unscrew the knob before setting temperature.) 打開控制箱之前請關掉電源開關﹐溫度設定必須在無電力之情況下進 行. Before opening the control box cover, turn the switch off. The thermostats setting need to perform under switch off condition.
  • Page 22 操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK ● 將高溫保護溫度控制器設定比加熱溫度控制器設定溫度高10~20℃. (Setting High Temp Emergency Temp Control Device at 10- 20°C higher than the Heating Temp Control Temperature.) 11.2 時間控制器之設定 (Timer control device setting) 時間控制器即加熱時間控制器,時間控制器可設定回收機加熱時間﹒ 機器启动后,按照预设时间自动运行,由T1运行时间结束自动转入 T2时间运行,T2运行结束自动关机; T I M E R (Time controller that is the heating time controller, the time controller can set the recovery time of the recycling machine.
  • Page 23: 技術資料 (Technical Data)

    操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK 如果廢液殘渣中含有硝基油漆(即硝化纖維類物質)或銀粉類物 質﹐則加熱時間與加熱溫度設定﹐都應視殘渣情形適當減少加熱時 間與加熱溫度﹐以免殘渣過熱引起冒煙!! (If waste solvent contains nitro-painting (i.e. nitrify fiber type substances) or aluminum powder type substances, the heating time and the distillation thermostat temperature should be regarded with appropriate reduction, in order to avoid residues overheating and emission of smoke!!) 完成控制器之設定後,請鎖上螺絲上緊控制箱! 無論在何種情況下,請勿自行修改或更換控制箱及其電子元件!因為原先...
  • Page 24: 銘牌 (Data Plate)

    操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK 最大電流(Maximum absorption) 電源電壓(Power Voltage) 110/60HZ ACV/HZ 控制電壓(Control Voltage) 熱媒油間接加熱(HTM indirect heating oil) 加熱方式(Heating method) 長度(Length) ㎜ 寬度(Width) ㎜ 高度(Height) ㎜ 1050 重量(Weight) ℃ 操作溫度(Working temperature) 50 ~ 190 ℃ 理想工作室溫(Ideal room temperature) 5 ~ 30 噪音(Noise) 在未降低安全標準之前提下,為使機器性能更加完善﹐製造商保留對機器作適度修改之權利.
  • Page 25: 檢查程式 (Check Procedure)

    操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK 溶劑桶必須有兩個開口﹐一個是作被回收溶劑之入口﹐另一個是作 溶劑蒸汽之透氣口﹐而透氣管必須拉到室外﹐桶體接地工作必須在每次 蒸餾回收前完成. 在每次蒸餾回收前必須執行上述步驟﹐以避免溶劑蒸汽在密閉空間 裏積累及產生靜電. The tank of the recovered solvent must have two openings, the one for the recovered solvent inlet, and the other one as breathing of the solvent steams. The breather pipe must be taken outside. The grounding of the tank must be executed.
  • Page 26: 進料程式 (Filling Procedure)

    操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK 考慮溶劑一般都具有危險性﹐所以在存放及進料過程中都必須很小心.傾倒溶劑時應小心﹐避 免溶劑濺射﹐以免造成皮膚受傷及異味. 最高液位线 (Considering the generally dangerous nature of solvents, it is necessary to pay attention when moving the tanks and during the filling of the Solvent 溶剂出口管 Recovery Machine tank. It is useful to execute the pouring-off from the tank with care to avoid sprays that could be harmful by touch and/or smell.) 在進料前請確認(Before filling the tank make sure that) :...
  • Page 27: 回收桶清潔程式 (Tank Cleaning Procedure)

    操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK 出. 回收完畢後﹐機器會自動關機﹐運轉指示燈熄掉﹐而数字温控器會亮保持亮著. (The unit starts working automatically according to the temperature set on the distillation thermostat. The distilled product will start coming out. At the end of the cycle, the unit automatically shuts off. The working light switches off, and the Heating Temp Control remains on.) 無論何種理由,請勿觸摸回收桶﹐以免高溫燙傷! Never touch, for any reason, the upper side of the tank during the distillation cycle.)
  • Page 28: 定期保養 (Routine Maintenance)

    操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK 溫,可進行以下操作. (Check the Heat Transfer Oil temperature, which is similar to the residual temperature, on the thermometer. Make sure the temperature is close to room temperature, and can therefore continue on with the following procedures.) ●...
  • Page 29: 清潔 (Cleaning)

    操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK ● 帶上防護手套﹐防護眼鏡, 防毒面罩. (Wear working gloves, protective glasses, gas mask and fireproof instruments.) ● 確定回收桶是空的. (Make sure the tank is empty.) ● 切掉機器之電源開關. (Cut out the electrical feeding of the machine.) 每次有關於電力方面的操作﹐縱然很簡單﹐還是需要專門的技術電工來 執行. Every operation on the electrical plant, even if easy, requires the labor of skilled workers.
  • Page 30: 更換熱媒油 (Heat Transfer Oil Replacement)

    操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK If the Heat Transfer Oil is not replaced for a prolonged time, the quality of the Heat Transfer Oil will demote, causing scorches and forming carbon. At the same time, it produces acid substances, corrodes the tank and heating device, the viscosity increases while the mobility deteriorates, the heat conduction in the system drops, the working efficiency decreases, and can possibly inflict serious damage on the heating rods through overheating.
  • Page 31 操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK 當遇到下述情況免費保固會自動終止﹕如錯誤之使用方式導致機器損壞;客戶私自拆裝分解機 器導致機器損壞;未依照本《說明書》之指示實施操作﹒(During the warrantee period, the warrantee will be suspended if the problems happened by irregular operating against maintenance instructions, client replace parts by themselves.) 選擇性配備不在保固範圍內,保固不包括消耗性零件,如:開關﹑指示燈﹑墊圈﹑熱媒油等. (We don’t offer warrantee or replace the wearing parts, such as switches, remote control switches, warning lights, seals, etc.) 檢修回收機時,拆裝各防爆電氣部件,應注意保護隔爆面,不得有損傷和銹蝕,裝配時,隔...
  • Page 32 操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK 3) 熱媒油是否長久尚未更換﹒(Check if the Heat Transfer Oil has not been replaced for a long time.) 1) 設定加熱溫度控制器在160℃ .(Set the distillation thermostat at 160°C.) 2) 設定關機溫度控制器在 50℃﹒(Set the automatic-cut-off thermostat at about 50°C.) 3) 等到乾淨溶劑流出時,降低溫度控制器温度,直 到綠色指示燈及電風扇同時關掉.(When the recovered solvent starts to flow out, slowly lower the temperature set of thermostats until the green...
  • Page 33 操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK 路﹒( When the above two conditions occur, the condensing coil is partially plugged. Please arrange a distillation cycle with about 5 Liters of clean solvent to clean the condensing coil. It is possible to clean it by arranging a distillation cycle with about 5 Liters of clean solvent.) 1) 檢查蒸汽冷凝管路是否阻塞﹐絕大多數蒸汽洩...
  • Page 34 操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK (Having to cast off the unit and wishing to eliminate the residuals discharge, it will be necessary to consider it as special waste, separate it in homogeneous parts and dispose according to effective local laws.) 24.0 附錄...
  • Page 35 操作及保養說明書 Calstar A10Ex OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE HANDBOOK 二氯甲烷 Methylene chloride 39.750 1.3260 三氯甲烷 Methyl chloride 61.000 1.4890 環已烷 Cyclohexane 80.719 0.7790 溴丙烷 Propyl bromide 70.970 1.3597 四氯乙烷 Tetrachlorethane 146.300 1.6000 l.l.l.-三氯乙烷 Trichloroethane lll 74.000 1.3492 四氯乙烯 Perchloroethylene 121.200 1.6230 三氯乙烯 Trichloroethylene 87.190 1.4640...

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