Riello RS 68/E BLU Installation, Use And Maintenance Instructions page 47

Forced draught gas burners
Table of Contents


The control box will automatically report the same values set at
the points " P0 " and " P1 " to points " P2 " to " P8 ".
The purpose is to reach the point " P9 " to adjust/fix
the maximum operating power.
Press the key " + " until point " P9 " has been reached.
Once " P9 " has been reached wait until the display visualises the
flashing indictor " P9 " proposing the same settings as point " P0 ".
Now it is possible to change this value to attain the desired max-
imum operating power.
If the gas pressure is too low, despite opening the gas servomotor
to the maximum 90°, it is necessary to use the stabiliser of the
gas valve.
After adjusting point " P9 keep the key " + " pressed for about 5 sec-
onds, the display shows " CALC " for a few seconds.
The control box will automatically calculate the points from " P8 "
to " P2 ", distributing them in a line. These are theoretical and must
be checked.
Check that the settings of point " P8 " are adequate.
If not, modify the point.
Proceed in sequence, with the button " - " , up to point " P1 ".
It is possible to modify point " P1 " to obtain a different minimum
modulation point to the ignition point (" P0 ").
Before moving on from one point to the next, wait
for the servomotors to reach the position visual-
ised on the display.
During the adjustment of each point, work on the air and gas ser-
vomotors, without modifying the position of the gas valve stabilis-
Halfway through the procedure (i.e. around point P4 or P5 ), you
are advised to measure the gas delivery and check that the out-
put is about 50% of the maximum output.
If this is not the case, work also on the gas valve stabiliser: in this
case however, it is necessary to revise the calibrations of all the
points previously set.
Once the calibration of point " P1 " is finished, confirm by simulta-
neously pressing keys " + " and " - " ( ESC ): the parameter " 546 " ap-
If you want to make the burner work on the entire modulation
curve, press the " + " and " - " ( ESC ) keys simultaneously: in this
way, parameter " 546 " will automatically be assigned the value of
100% and parameter " 545 " will have a value of 20%.
If you want to make the burner work on just a part of the modula-
tion curve, modify parameters " 546 " and " 545 " according to the
"Parameter modification procedure" at page 42.
Start-up, calibration and operation of the burner
h min s
Simultaneously press the keys " + " and " - " ( ESC ) twice, the dis-
play will show the position of the current load.
Factory settings
Point of the curve
At the end of the "Start-up procedure" it is nec-
essary to carry out a "Backup" , which is used to
memorise the parameters and the data in the con-
trol box inside the RDI21 display ...
This operation allows the parameters and the
points of the modulation curve to be restored in
case of problems.
It is advisable to perform a backup every time that
a parameter is changed!
For the procedure refer to the section "Backup"
at page 46.
min s
Tab. T


Table of Contents

Table of Contents