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Summary of Contents for Acorn Computers Limited PLUS 1

  • Page 3 The Electron Plus 1 User Guide Part no 419100 Issue no 1 Date March 1984...
  • Page 4 Exposure Like most electronic equipment, the Electron Plus 1 should not be exposed to direct sunlight or moisture for long periods. © Copyright Acorn Computers Limited 1984 Neither the whole or any part of the information contained in, or the product described in, this manual may be adapted or reproduced in any material form except with the prior written approval of Acorn Computers Limited (Acorn Computers).
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Installing the Electron Plus 1 Using a printer Using games paddles or joysticks Using cartridges Using tape cassettes with the Plus 1 Disconnecting the Plus 1 3 The analogue interface Connecting to the 'analogue in' socket Choosing a games paddle...
  • Page 6 6 Dealing with problems Improving processing speed Problems which may not be faults Electron malfunctioning Peripherals malfunctioning Appendix A Summary of new and changed *FX commands and OSBYTE calls *FX3,X *FX5,X *FX6,X *FX16,X *FX17,X *FX21,X *FX140,X *FX163,128,X *FX225,X *FX226,X *FX227,X *FX229,X *FX230,X From assembly language only...
  • Page 7: Introduction

    1 Introduction The Acorn Electron Plus 1 adds the following capabilities to your Acorn Electron computer – Four 8-bit analogue to digital input channels, to allow the use of up to two joysticks or four games paddles, or measurement of up to four analogue voltages.
  • Page 8: Setting Up

    Take the Electron Plus 1 out of its packaging and check that the threaded ends of the two large screws are not protruding through the base of the Plus 1; if they are, press them down so that the threaded ends are flush with the base. Turn the Plus 1 upside down and locate the Electron' s expansion connector in the mouth of the edge connector socket on the Plus 1, and push them together firmly.
  • Page 9: Using A Printer

    Plus 1 as follows: —The printer socket is the wide rectangular socket at the rear of the Plus 1 to the right of the analogue input socket (viewed from the rear). Insert the printer cable plug in this socket so that the triangular mark on the socket housing lines up with the similar mark on the plug.
  • Page 10: Using Cartridges

    Using cartridges To use a cartridge produced by Acorn for the Plus 1, you must first plug it into either of the two shuttered slots in the top of the Plus 1. Insert the cartridge with its label towards you (ie facing the keyboard), pushing it into the slot so that the right-hand end makes contact first, then pressing it home until you hear it click into place.
  • Page 11 Setting up 5...
  • Page 12: The Analogue Interface

    'analogue to digital converter', or ADC. The analogue inputs are connected via the ' analogue in' socket which is the left-hand socket when viewed from the rear of the Plus 1. This socket also allows you to detect the position of two two-way switches, normally connected as the 'fire' buttons on joysticks or games paddles.
  • Page 13: Choosing A Games Paddle

    'fire button', providing the computer with a digital 'pressed/not pressed' signal. The games paddle should have an impedance of at least 10k ohms to match the analogue circuitry of the Plus 1 and be wired as described above (see `Connecting to the 'analogue in' socket').
  • Page 14: Choosing Other Analogue Peripherals

    The model ANH01 joysticks provided by Acorn are ideally suited for use with the Electron Plus 1. Choosing other analogue peripherals Devices other than joysticks and games paddles may be connected to the analogue interface, provided that they are electrically compatible with it and are wired as described above (see ' Connecting to the 'analogue in' socket').
  • Page 15: Using The Analogue Interface From Basic

    The analogue interface 9 Using the analogue interface from BASIC The four analogue voltages being read by the Electron are assigned 'channel numbers' in the ADVAL range 1 to 4: to read the voltage on a channel, use the BASIC function (minimum AD., abbreviation...
  • Page 16: Using The Analogue Interface From Assembly Language

    10 The analogue interface < FX17, To force a particular channel to be sampled and converted next, use channel>, as follows: 2010 *FX17,3 2015 REM force sampling and conversion for channel 3 2020 REPEAT : UNTIL ADVAL(0) DIV 256 = 3 : REM wait till finished channel 3 2030 reading = ADVAL(3):REM get reading from channel 3...
  • Page 17 The analogue interface 11 place the address of the code to handle it (and any other events you are going to enable) at location &220 and then enable the event using *FX14,3 or the equivalent assembly language (LDA#&E: LDX#3: JSR OSBYTE code ).
  • Page 18: Using A Printer

    Turn the printer and Electron off and connect the printer to the printer socket (the right-hand socket when viewed from the rear of the Plus 1), being careful to insert it the right way up (with the arrow head on the plug facing upwards). Turn the printer and Electron on and you are now...
  • Page 19: Setting Printer Characteristics

    Using a printer 13 Setting printer characteristics Whenever you switch the Electron on, it will return to its default printer characteristics, which may be changed as follows: Output for the printer is sent to it by software known as a printer driver, which handles tasks such as queueing text for printing and checking that the printer is ready for another character before sending it.
  • Page 20: Printing From Basic

    14 Using a printer printer port. You may switch between using this driver and another known as the 'printer sink', *FX5 with the command as below: *FX5,0 selects the 'printer sink', which causes output for the printer to be ignored — this is useful when printed output is not required or a printer is not connected.
  • Page 21: The Internal Printer Buffer

    Using a printer 15 The internal printer buffer Text sent to the printer is first stored in an area of computer memory known as the internal printer buffer, and only sent on to the printer when the printer can handle it, usually a line or a character at a time.
  • Page 22: Using Cartridges

    5 Using cartridges The Plus 1 has two sockets in its upper surface into which a variety of cartridges can be plugged. These cartridges can provide games, languages, utilities, application programs or other facilities. Contact your local dealer for a list of cartridges currently available.
  • Page 23: Languages: Paged Rom Cartridges

    Using cartridges 17 With two ROM file cartridges plugged in, to use the software in the cartridge further from the *CAT CHAIN !BOOT keyboard, list the files in the ROMs using and try ing the file listed after for that cartridge. Languages: paged ROM cartridges Language cartridges contain alternative programming languages (eg LISP) or other utilities which the Electron can use instead of the more familiar BASIC language.
  • Page 24: Dealing With Problems

    BREAK key. To use BASIC, remove the cartridge and then press BREAK. See chapter 5 for further details. Programs that cannot run with the Plus 1, but work without it – try the suggestions for improving processing speed, above.
  • Page 25: Electron Malfunctioning

    Dealing with problems 19 Electron malfunctioning Disconnect the Plus 1. If the computer still does not work, check the power, then take the Electron and the Plus 1 to your dealer, if the computer works, continue reading. Clean the edge connector fingers at the rear of the Electron using a nonabrasive rubber and a soft cloth, then try reconnecting the expansion interface with all the peripherals disconnected.
  • Page 26: Summary Of New And Changed *Fx Commands And Osbyte Calls

    Appendix A Summary of new and changed *FX commands and OSBYTE calls This Appendix provides a summary of the commands available to users of the Electron Electron User Guide, with an expansion unit fitted which either are not documented in the are documented incompletely.
  • Page 27: Fx21,X

    — flush sound output buffer number 0, 1, 2 or 3 *FX140,X Selects the cassette filing system, with any value of X. *FX163,128,X Enables or disables input/output through the Plus 1: *FX163,128,0 — enables printer and ADCs *FX163,128,1 — disables printer and ADCs...
  • Page 28: Fx227,X

    22 Appendix A *FX227,X Changes the effect of typing the remaining function keys (Q to Z plus ) as follows: *FX227,0 - ignores function keys in this range *FX227,1 - function keys in this range will generate the BASIC keywords marked on their keycaps *FX227,2-255 - function keys in this range will generate an ASCII code based on the...
  • Page 29 Notes...

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