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Prolix music VERTIGO Quick Start Manual page 2


Your questions... answered
Why should I humidify my instrument?
The wood your guitar is made from is a living, breathing material. It slowly
absorbs moisture from the air when it is humid, and slowly releases it when
it is dry. This causes the wood to expand and contract, which effects the
action (playability), structural integrity and resonance of your guitar. This is
why you need to humidify.
How does humidity affect my instrument?
When it is humid, the body slowly swells as it absorbs moisture from the
air. Conversely, when it is dry, the body slowly shrinks as it loses moisture
to the air. The amount of moisture in the wood is known as Moisture
Content (MC).
What do humidifiers do?
Humidifiers work through the diffusion of water vapor with the air. Lower
vapor pressure in the air causes water to evaporate from the humidifier
and be absorbed by the air, balancing the vapor pressure throughout. This
is known as the process of equilibration. Similarly, wood gains or loses
moisture by equilibrating with the air around it, but at a much slower
rate. This is good because it means that you don't need to supplement the
humidity all the time - you should only humidify when your guitar needs it.
What is the ideal humidity?
Most manufacturers use tone wood that has been equilibrated to a 50%
Relative Humidity (RH) environment. Hence the ideal humidity is 50%
RH. However, it is the Moisture Content (MC) of the wood we are more
concerned about, not necessarily the humidity of the air. Luckily, wood is
slow to equilibrate, making it immune to daily fluctuations of high and low
humidity. As such, it is a myth that you must maintain an absolute 50% RH
continuously. Instead your aim should be to maintain a long term average
of 45-55% - nominally 50%.
Does temperature affect humidity?
Humidity is a relative thing, hence the term RH. It is relative to the capacity
of the air to absorb moisture in vapor form. As you heat air its capacity
increases, causing the relative humidity to drop. This is why, despite
having reasonable outdoor humidity, it can feel really dry once the air is
heated in your home.
What if I don't humidify?
If you don't humidify, you may be playing a game of Russian roulette
with your guitar. Changes in MC will affect the action of your guitar, the
resonance of the soundboard, and can even result in structural failures
such as failed glue joints, as well as cracks in the body.
If I live in a humid climate do I still need to humidify?
It really depends. Heating and air conditioning can significantly affect
indoor humidity, so you cannot always rely on outdoor humidity as your
guide. Ideally you should measure the humidity in the room your guitars
live in before making a decision.
Should I humidify all the time?
NO, NO and NO! Only humidify when your guitar needs it. If you humidify
all the time you risk adding too much moisture to the wood, which can be
just as bad as being too dry. Think of it in the same way as heating your
home. The furnace only runs when it needs to, not all the time.
How should I humidify?
It depends on how you use your guitar. If you keep your guitar out, play
often, and it was set up professionally, then we would recommend using
the action (playability) of your guitar as your guide of when to humidify
and when to stop. Be warned that if you keep your guitar entombed in a
case, you must use a fully functional hygrometer and monitor it daily to
prevent over humidification.
Why did we invent the Vertigo humidification system?
The Vertigo system was created for musicians who like to play and display
their guitars. The Vertigo pack contains the only humidifier with the
capacity, efficiency, and performance to supplement the Moisture Content
of your guitar while it is sitting on a stand. It's also the only humidifier that
doesn't get in the way when you play.
How does the Vertigo guitar humidifier work?
The Vertigo humidifier uses a super absorbent polymer core to hold water
in a solidified form. The polymer can hold upwards of 100 times its weight
in water, making it one of the most efficient absorbents on the planet.
That said, the polymer is more delicate than a sponge, which is why you
shouldn't squeeze, wring or otherwise abuse it.
How long does hydrating take?
All tap water contains a variety of solutes, which can vary in concentration
from one municipality to another. The higher the concentration, the
slower charge time. Consequently, charging can take any where from
30-90 minutes.
Should I use distilled water?
Only if you want to waste money. The Vertigo humidifier can use distilled
water, but it is not really necessary. Clean, cold tap water is fine.
How long will it last in my guitar?
That depends... There are many factors that affect how long the Vertigo
humidifier will last – how dry the guitar is, how dry the room is, whether
the guitar is in a case or not, and so on. Under normal conditions, we
anticipate 7-10 days. Please be aware that the humidifier is highly
efficient. As such, unlike other humidifiers, you will not need to humidify
all the time – only when your guitar needs it.
Can I use the Vertigo system with other instruments?
Yes, you can, but you really need to understand when to humidify and
when to stop. The Vertigo system is marketed for guitars, consequently the
instructions pertain solely to guitars.
Can the polymer disappear?
No... It will shrink back to its original size, so it might appear to.
Will the polymer damage my guitar?
No... The polymer will not damage your guitar. It is non-toxic, and holds
water in a solidified form, only releasing it as vapor.
Can I recharge the Vertigo humidifier
before it is fully discharged?
No... Overcharging will damage the polymer.
Can I squeeze the Vertigo humidifier?
No... Squeezing, wringing or applying excessive pressure can damage the
polymer core and may invalidate your warranty.
Should I read these instructions?
Um... of course... If you don't, then you only have yourself to blame if
things go wrong.
Why does the Vertigo humidifier carry a 3 year warranty?
We want you to have peace of mind that you are buying a quality product.
We stand by our product efficacy of the Vertigo humidifier, we wouldn't
offer a warranty at all.
Why register for my warranty?
If you bought the Vertigo humidifier system from elsewhere, registering
will activate your warranty.
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