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In2Care Mosquito Station Installation


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In2Mix package
Fill the base of the In2Care®
Mosquito Station with 5 quarts
(4.7 liters) of clean tap water.
Slide the plastic pin at the ending of the gauze
over the pin as shown. The hook facing inward.
Try not to touch the gauze extensively to avoid
removal of the active powders.
Place the assembled floater inside the station
by gently placing it over the central tube flat
onto the water.
Prevent the gauze from getting wet as water
will degrade the powder.
Note: The In2Care Mosquito Station does not immediately kill adult mosquitoes. The contents of the station therefore
may not contain high numbers of dead mosquitoes. However, the station kills the mosquito larvae that emerge from the
eggs that are laid inside the station, prior to larvae transforming into adult mosquitoes. This means that small living
larvae may be encountered in the station. The exiting adult female mosquito itself is contaminated, so that she can
carry powder to other breeding sites (in the vicinity of the station). She will be killed by the powder after a few days.
Mosquito Station
Shake the In2Mix package thoroughly
and open it by tearing at the notches.
Gently take out the powder-coated piece
of gauze.
Wrap the gauze around the floater
and slide the other gauze hook on
the last pin as shown. Work your way
around moving the gauze down at
each pin.
Place the lid on the central tube, push it down
and turn it clockwise.
Time indicator cap
Empty the remaining contents (powder
and odor tablets) of the In2Mix package
into the water of the station. Avoiding the
gauze from getting wet.
Push the gauze down the pins until it
will go no further (where the bottom of
the pin hits the circular rib). The rib
will prevent the gauze from sliding too
Turn the time indicator to the
number of the current month as a
service reminder.



Summary of Contents for In2Care Mosquito Station

  • Page 1 Note: The In2Care Mosquito Station does not immediately kill adult mosquitoes. The contents of the station therefore may not contain high numbers of dead mosquitoes. However, the station kills the mosquito larvae that emerge from the eggs that are laid inside the station, prior to larvae transforming into adult mosquitoes.
  • Page 2 Place on a level surface Place in a shady spot Recommendations For an optimal efficacy of the In2Care Mosquito Station, ensure high station coverage (1 station per 400m²/10-15 per acre) in the selected treatment area and remove other mosquito breeding sites as much as possible.